TreFacTor's Blog
{} EA forum Moderators paid to limit negative feedback {}
Posted on October 23, 2009 at 10:21 PM.
The second infraction he read to me was not regarding the game at all, and was instead directed to one of the new moderators and was not inflamatory, or biligerant. He said your second infraction was for this post to a moderator created thread.
"If you had the opportunity to be at the Ea Studio, and put some aspect into madden what would it be? And why would you want that in the game? For me, I would put in a feature where we can watch other ppls online ranked games, i think that would be awesome to watch other ppl. how about you?"
"My Response"
a new game engine.... something physics based.
New AI that doesn't rely on cheating to provide a challenge
Player ratings that MATTER
Coaching (The computer now does not recognize tendencies, and doesn't adjust to the player)
start em sit em recommendations from the sunday football team on espn
Monday Night football presentation from espn
Better collision detection
Manual touchdown celebrations
Replays that run from walking to the line of scrimmage until the play ends.
Roster updates for online franchise
Random weather offline, online, franchise, play now
progressive lighting
Are mods the only members allowed to make useless posts? Another mod should come through and lock this post."
Yes the bold line is what the moderatore reported as a TOS violation. When I initally called customer suport, the rep blew me off, and said he would contact me within 24 hours. The 24 hours passed and I felt that nothing ws going to be done so I called and immediately asked for a manager regarding "connection issues" I then told the manager my situation and he put me on hold to look up the issue. After getting to the bottom of my 3 day slap on the wrist, I was shocked that a forum moderator could infact have my ONLINE account banned for a post I made on the forum.
An even more shoking surprise was that they only have to attach what they feel is in violation. It is never reviewed or taken into consideration that they themselves need to be policed! EVEN MORE SHOCKING was finding out that the moderators lie about working for EA. The manager let it slip when I pressed the issue that the remarks were in the grey area to say the least, and that no one had final say over the moderators opinion.
I asked so the moderators can take any negative remark regrading EA or their games or their employees as a TOS violation, and delete any negative information regarding bugs, or glitches... his response was "That's what they get paid to do". To make sure I heard him correctly, I repeated "ohh so they do get paid to limit the amount of negative exposure regarding the game"... he reitterated "yes that's what they get paid to do".
He then proceeded to tell me to wait out the suspension, and to watch what I post in the future. Now I have 3 other live gold memberships, and don't have any other EA games that I play so this really is no big deal, but I do frequent the EA forums to offer help, suggestions and complain and since I have never played an online game this year I was certain that my ban came from my comments regarding this years flawed game, now I know watch what you say on the EA forums if you plan to play online. The moderators have free reign, and you are at their mercy should you hurt their precious feelings!
# 16
SHAKYR @ Oct 25
I'm one of EA's Moderators(Fight Night and MMA) we Moderators don't get paid. It's strictly volunteer. We help enforce the rules. Most people spam the forums over and over with complaints already posted. I'm one of EA's biggest critics.
# 17
TreFacTor @ Oct 25
I just blogged what the customer service manager told me. He may have lied, but either way it was recorded. So i'm sure you should have no trouble who it was. I called at 10am friday morning so whomever was manning the station at that time is the culprit.
It's a bit odd that a volunteer group would be above reprieve in regards to such situations.
I just blogged what the customer service manager told me. He may have lied, but either way it was recorded. So i'm sure you should have no trouble who it was. I called at 10am friday morning so whomever was manning the station at that time is the culprit.
It's a bit odd that a volunteer group would be above reprieve in regards to such situations.
# 18
TreFacTor @ Oct 25
Damn no edit... I meant to say that you should have no trouble finding out who the manager was who made the statement.
# 19
rockchisler @ Oct 25
Tre U need to learn constructive criticism, it seems that you are being smartypants about it, Thats all
# 20
ANDROMADA 1 @ Oct 25
You must have really touched a nerve.I've never heard of anybody getting banned from a server before. All I can tell you is "private" messages work really really well and you can be more liberal with you point(IMO).You seem like a reasonable person and I would have to agree with some of your points about Madden 05/10 i still have both and play them any rate just write them a letter it may help.
# 21
TreFacTor @ Oct 25
I did just that, and was told that the Admin of the site considered me one of the biggest "TROLLS" on the forum. i have come to the realization that fighting the good fight on the forums is not the place to start, I have added my name to the complainants list of the 2 ongoing class action lawsuits against EA instead.
Contacting the moderators of the site did little more than incite them, basically they had a good laugh at my expense. lesson learned I guess. The internet is not america, it isn't free, and you have to watch what you say because some companies have long reaching arms with huge ties!
I did just that, and was told that the Admin of the site considered me one of the biggest "TROLLS" on the forum. i have come to the realization that fighting the good fight on the forums is not the place to start, I have added my name to the complainants list of the 2 ongoing class action lawsuits against EA instead.
Contacting the moderators of the site did little more than incite them, basically they had a good laugh at my expense. lesson learned I guess. The internet is not america, it isn't free, and you have to watch what you say because some companies have long reaching arms with huge ties!
# 22
SHAKYR @ Oct 25
You can't sue a Multi-billion dollar company that has ruiles on it's forums that you may have violated. If you keep posting the same complaint over and over in different topics you are violating the TOS.
# 25
Dtown313 @ Oct 25
lmao u seriously need 2 get a life if u spent less time crying, whining and bitching about the game and trying to find flaws u just mite like it. lol its funny how ppl take video games so seriously, i mean i like video games as much as the next guy but i dnt take em seriously just sumthing fun to play with friends or when im bored. Also were u serious about the cd witj no tracks and pants with no zipper and the cable thing LMAO!!! i hope u weren't serious cuz u sounded extra remedial. All in all u need to chill out bro mayb u should start smokin weed then u wouldnt b so uptight and angry about your video games lmao
# 26
TreFacTor @ Oct 25
I'm not suing them, I'm a complainant who has added their name to support the original plaintiff which is suing EA to have them relinquish their exclusive right to the NFL license.
I'm not suing them, I'm a complainant who has added their name to support the original plaintiff which is suing EA to have them relinquish their exclusive right to the NFL license.
# 27
TreFacTor @ Oct 25
You seem to think this is about the forum, your wrong... That forum isn't important to me. I invest nothing but time going there to help or like everyone else is saying cry, but I bought the game like everyone else, and while some may be happy as pigs in slime with the final product, I am not.
You seem to think this is about the forum, your wrong... That forum isn't important to me. I invest nothing but time going there to help or like everyone else is saying cry, but I bought the game like everyone else, and while some may be happy as pigs in slime with the final product, I am not.
# 28
TreFacTor @ Oct 26
# 30 aBiNeR
you are correct, knowing that I have purchased every rendition of this franchise, I am very aware of it's history, and while I haven't been disappointed with each release, I am with this one. This is the first year I can honestly say that I feel cheated out of my money because of all of the information that was released prior to the game shipping.
Many people say that if you don't like it, don't buy it, but as I have previously stated I haven't been disappointed with every release of the game, just this years. I purchase an NFL game every year and it wasn't until EA gained exclusive rights that I had no alternative. There used to be 2K, Fever, even Sony had their own. If I want an NFL game, my choices are EA until 2012, and since I paid my money like those who adore the game, and sing it's high praises. Just as they have the right to post their accolades I have the right to post my disdain!
# 30 aBiNeR
you are correct, knowing that I have purchased every rendition of this franchise, I am very aware of it's history, and while I haven't been disappointed with each release, I am with this one. This is the first year I can honestly say that I feel cheated out of my money because of all of the information that was released prior to the game shipping.
Many people say that if you don't like it, don't buy it, but as I have previously stated I haven't been disappointed with every release of the game, just this years. I purchase an NFL game every year and it wasn't until EA gained exclusive rights that I had no alternative. There used to be 2K, Fever, even Sony had their own. If I want an NFL game, my choices are EA until 2012, and since I paid my money like those who adore the game, and sing it's high praises. Just as they have the right to post their accolades I have the right to post my disdain!
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