SaC_KiNg09's Blog

With all the attention the NFL has been getting as of late, negative I may add, and rightly so, the Adrian Peterson case as it pertains to child abuse really piqued my interest. I don't know the statistics, but if I had to guess, I would say a great many Americans were/still also disciplined by 'whoopins'(What my Dad would say). There is a line though, and I do believe that line was crossed by the great Adrian Peterson.
When it comes to that form of discipline, for one, you can not 'whoop' a child like that, that would cause some form of injury. Especially to a four year old. My parents may have used things to hit me that I wouldn't dare using on my kid, but I was never in a situation where blood was drawn or I couldn't wear shorts without marks being shown.
As you can tell from my post, I, like Adrian Peterson, do believe in disciplining my children with a belt. As time goes on, things do change. What I am curious about, I would like to know how some on here view discipline, and do you discipline your child, and how is that discipline handed out.
# 2
SaC_KiNg09 @ Sep 17
Cabish, I agree to some extent. But do you believe that Adrian Peterson took it a little too far? This is a four year old kid we are talking about.
# 3
DBMcGee3 @ Sep 17
I was born and raised in the south, and I'm no stranger to a switch or a "whoopin", but to hit a 4 year old child 30 to 40 times, leaving wounds of that variety, takes a person with mental or emotional problems. The most troubling thing to me was the text message from Peterson to the kid's mom, where he legitimately sounded pumped up about what he was doing.
I think the biggest reason for debate is the fact that many of us grew up with physical discipline, so lots of people consider the criticism of Peterson to also be criticism of their parents, grandparents, or even themselves. I believe there is a big difference between the type of physical discipline most people have experienced and the kind of abuse Adrian Peterson has inflicted on his kid(s). Just my take, no offense intended to anyone.
I think the biggest reason for debate is the fact that many of us grew up with physical discipline, so lots of people consider the criticism of Peterson to also be criticism of their parents, grandparents, or even themselves. I believe there is a big difference between the type of physical discipline most people have experienced and the kind of abuse Adrian Peterson has inflicted on his kid(s). Just my take, no offense intended to anyone.
# 4
BoltThrower74 @ Sep 17
Disciplining is one thing. Using a foreign object to beat (that's what it is, folks) is flat out wrong. And this is coming from a guy, raised in Tennessee by a military father who would "whoop me good." Nevermind the fact AP's kid is FOUR, fer cryin out loud. And let's not get started on Reggie Bush saying he disciplines his 1-year old daughter, good grief. Look, I'm all about disciplining your kid if they step WAY out of line but beating is ridiculous. I got beatings disguised as whoopins that sure, I grew up to be a well-reasoned and adjusted individual, but just because I didn't grow up with problems doesn't mean "whoopins" are the right way to raise a kid. After all, there's a reason my ol' man and I haven't spoken in years. So spankings? Quick and to the point? Ok. But beatings? Not at all cool, especially to a kid that likely sees you as a hero.
# 5
SaC_KiNg09 @ Sep 17
This is why this topic is so interesting. We all have had different t forms of upbringings as it pertains to discipline, but some believe what Peterson did isn't abuse while others believe he went a bit too far. I for one believe that you can't take it that far, especially with a four year old.
Maybe it is time to look at this form of discipline and probably change the way its being done. I am one who has whooped my child, but after seeing this, I'm not so sure if this is the right way to go about it.
Maybe it is time to look at this form of discipline and probably change the way its being done. I am one who has whooped my child, but after seeing this, I'm not so sure if this is the right way to go about it.
# 6
Cabish @ Sep 17
I don't think physically destroying a child at four is right ,but who am I to tell him that,that's the child's father not me
# 7
Cabish @ Sep 17
Maybe I feel wrong yeah,but I'm saying the system is so messed up, your kids run sht because they can cal cops and cry abuse,when ur the one that have to sell your piss and blood to take care of them
# 8
zrtelford @ Sep 17
First off, you may not like kids of today, but facts are facts. Violent crime is the lowest its been in 30 years among teenagers. FACT. secondly where do you draw the line? Whippings ok as long as it doesn't draw blood or break a bone. But isn't that a possibitly at ALL times when using this type of punishment. Answer yes. What possibly could a 4 year old have done to desrve this? This punishment I could maybe, maybe see if this boy was 13 and he had swore at his mother, or stole something. But come on. Its not 1975 anymore. we know better. we don't smoke in hospitals anymore, we don't peform labotamies, we tell mothers not to smoke and drink while pregnant...we EVOLVE. I have spanked my kids with my hand on their hands a few times. thing is...I haven't had to get that far, because I parent them. IMO spanking is a cop at we use when we are enraged. Why stop at children. I mean why not whip people at work if they screw up...oh no? would that be demeaning and cruel? But its ok to do it to a child. Maybe rethink things a bit.
# 9
zrtelford @ Sep 17
So using your logic we have no right to question someones parenting if the child is being harmed? So as a parent you could do whatever? Rape your child? Sell them for sex? Punch them in the face if they mouth off, knocking out teeth if they mouth off? Extremes yes, but the Peterson is an extreme to me. he had cuts on his groin, and legs. so I have to make it more extreme so you see my point. Yes its his child. but its our job as society to protect the child if he is being harmed. we cannot simply turn our cheek.
# 10
Lisac @ Sep 17
I myself was hit with a wooden spoon, belt, coat hanger (Jr. High) my Mom was almost arrested and the last time I was hit was when I was a freshman in HS when my father punched me in my face and I responded by telling him enough is enough and if it happens again I was going to knock his *** out. And it ended. Now I'm a 40yr old Dad of a 13yr old son who I swore I'd never lay a hand on and never had. From day one if he has gotten in trouble all I've had to do is raise my voice and he'd be done. If done right I feel we don't need to lay a finger to discipline our children in the right manor. What's wrong these days is there's not enough love, family tine, and one on one interaction with our children for many of reasons that are out of our control. It's just the way our society is now a days. So as I think A.P is wrong for what he did I also believe as a parent if we find a way other than abuse at a young age we can discipline our children w/out violence!
# 11
greatness33 @ Sep 17
To me 4 years old is old enough for a whooping, growing up in the south, I myself know some bad 4 year old's, and the parents don't want to discipline them for whatever reason. I'm all for whoopings lol, I use to get them, a lot, and I can admit, I was really bad as kid, and it only helped shape me, I learned what I could and couldn't do, and yeah mistakes are made, because no one is perfect, but it seems to me that since it's getting so much news, people are calling for AP's head when it's only his first offense, which i think is ridiculous, but what other way can people discipline their children, in a culture aspect
# 12
cincy14fan @ Sep 18
I don't think the issue really is about child abuse in this case. To bring up criminal charges is that there was a beating where basically scarring or lasting damage was done to a child. This isn't a kid crying wolf cause he got a timeout, or a couple of spanks for throwing a temper tantrum.
The last generation knows all too well (the baby boomers) since this was a common thing when they grew up. Again, their parents came from the great depression and knew what life was like when it was tough.
I know how my dad was raised and what his punishment were. I was luckily enough never to get hit by a belt, switch, and or any other object from my father. Even if you ask they they will say it is wrong, just that is what times were like.
Just like times now where we are strict if you even touch a child people cry abuse. If it was like that I think the argument could go either way, but I think everyone knows he went a little too far. Even AP admits in a text that he went a little overboard.
I think the real debate would be is he a good dad? Is he a loving father even if he disciplines his children? Again it is his family so he should have the right to punish his kids if they get out of hand, but now with this trial it will basically see if he is fit to be with his kids. If not, he will get a one year order of not allowing to see his kids since he is the biological dad. That is what this trial is going to come down too if he is fit to be a father and around his kids.
The last generation knows all too well (the baby boomers) since this was a common thing when they grew up. Again, their parents came from the great depression and knew what life was like when it was tough.
I know how my dad was raised and what his punishment were. I was luckily enough never to get hit by a belt, switch, and or any other object from my father. Even if you ask they they will say it is wrong, just that is what times were like.
Just like times now where we are strict if you even touch a child people cry abuse. If it was like that I think the argument could go either way, but I think everyone knows he went a little too far. Even AP admits in a text that he went a little overboard.
I think the real debate would be is he a good dad? Is he a loving father even if he disciplines his children? Again it is his family so he should have the right to punish his kids if they get out of hand, but now with this trial it will basically see if he is fit to be with his kids. If not, he will get a one year order of not allowing to see his kids since he is the biological dad. That is what this trial is going to come down too if he is fit to be a father and around his kids.
# 13
truzoe @ Sep 18
That's why kids these days are mentally/physically weak. Kids these days are entitled and think the world owe them something. That's why they can't finish what they start and commit suicide. I see parents at wallmart that can't controll their kids and make them look like fools. I'm just a 25 and was whooped nicely when I messed up. The kid is light so any type of whooping would leave marks. I'm not sure how bad he whooped the kid so I can't comment on that futher. I have 2 kids at home nd they get nice whoopings when the if you don't put some type of fear factors in their head they will run you over don't matter how old they are. Time outs only goes so far.
# 14
Cabish @ Sep 18
I do t have a definate opinion on this,I'm a parent and I don't even want to see no video,honestly..I think you are right about the age being young and the punishment being extreme,but like I said who are you to tell another man about his kid( if he isn't destroying them physically and mentally) are u gonna take his kind from and take care of that child, wrong is wrong and right is right ....if a man beats scars my child I will kill him...if a man beat and scar his child I will be disgusted but that his flesh and blood not mine, this is a touchy subject .but also this day and age are having parents afraid to discipline their own child in fear of the system,and the kid runs things sometimes even hitting the parent..
# 15
SaC_KiNg09 @ Sep 18
The real question then becomes, should the NFL be suspending someone who is disciplining his child? Once again, I do believe that he went a little too far. But do I believe that he beat him in order to inflict that much damage, no.
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That's the problem with America,that is why there are so any unruly teenagers and young people committing crimes and taking drugs ,and murdering ,beat their n ases