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SaC_KiNg09's Blog
Crossing the line on CHILD ABUSE 
Posted on September 17, 2014 at 12:45 PM.
Just had an interesting discussion at work today regarding how we were disciplined as children. Like Adrian Peterson, I myself, was disciplined with a belt, ruler, extension cord, you name it. But do I feel I was abused as a kid? No way.

With all the attention the NFL has been getting as of late, negative I may add, and rightly so, the Adrian Peterson case as it pertains to child abuse really piqued my interest. I don't know the statistics, but if I had to guess, I would say a great many Americans were/still also disciplined by 'whoopins'(What my Dad would say). There is a line though, and I do believe that line was crossed by the great Adrian Peterson.

When it comes to that form of discipline, for one, you can not 'whoop' a child like that, that would cause some form of injury. Especially to a four year old. My parents may have used things to hit me that I wouldn't dare using on my kid, but I was never in a situation where blood was drawn or I couldn't wear shorts without marks being shown.

As you can tell from my post, I, like Adrian Peterson, do believe in disciplining my children with a belt. As time goes on, things do change. What I am curious about, I would like to know how some on here view discipline, and do you discipline your child, and how is that discipline handed out.
# 16 cincy14fan @ Sep 19
Cabish I am confused by your last post. You talk about who has the right to tell another man about his kid (if he isn't destroying them physically and mentally) are you going to take his from from him. In this case AP did destroy his kid physically from the evidence of the markings on the kid.

Which is why it is a criminal case. If it wasn't the case and some random person saw AP give his son a spanking I would agree with you saying there is no justice of anything. Again too each his own, but when it does some come down to physically and mentally there has to be some rules.
# 17 cincy14fan @ Sep 20
I just saw the pictures too where it was like 3 months after and its still bad. I am sorry, but a four year old no matter how terrible he is doesn't deserve that type of a beating.

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