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RidinDwnKingsley's Chalkboard
nyyankees99 is offline
# 13
nyyankees99 @ Apr 24, 2020
hey my friend. are you posting a 25 man roster with your updates? to do the other work for me confuses the crap out of me. lol. stay safe
blackhawksfan4ever19 is offline
# 12
blackhawksfan4ever19 @ Jun 21, 2019
Ridin: can you tell me where You can get minor league pitchers pitches?

Where can I find what pitches a minor leaguer throws? I tried Brooks Baseball and the internet search and can't find anything about his pitches.

I'm trying to make a CAP of Matt Brill (AA - Arizona Diamondbacks)
CujoMatty is offline
# 11
CujoMatty @ Apr 21, 2019
Hey man, I started an OOTP 20 game as the Blue Jays and in the default roster they still have Kevin Pillar on the team. I figured maybe the roster was from before the trade but the weird thing is they also have Derek Law and Alen Hanson who they traded Pillar for. You probably know all this but I thought i'd tell you in case you didn't.
sammysosa is offline
# 10
sammysosa @ Apr 16, 2019
What up Riding,Just wanted to tell you that I truly appreciate all the hard work you have put into these rosters over the years.. Thaaaaaank YOU!! And I know this might seem crazy but can you please check your old PS3 for some of your old rosters for MLB the Show 08 and 09.. I would to get those from ya..
SilvioDante007 is offline
# 9
SilvioDante007 @ Mar 21, 2018
Hey Ridin -- gotta believe with a name like RidinDwnKingsley you're a Springsteen fan -- me too. First show I ever went to was at the old Capital Centre in Landover, Md in Aug '78 ... been to 101 more since all over the country. As a Springsteen fan, I also have to figure you got a big collection of boots and official live downloads. However, if you don't, hit me up -- I'd be more than happy to freely share what I have with you as a way of saying "Thanks" for all you and the crew does to make the MLB The Show rosters the best -- All the best, Silvio
mrm4481 is offline
# 8
mrm4481 @ Apr 30, 2017
I don't ever post in the forums, but always read them. I was gonna post this in the forum, but noticed it was closed so I just want you to know that I appreciate all the work you guys do on the rosters every year. I use these for seasons on end in my franchise and it's one reason I play seasons on end because everything about these rosters is so accurate. To me it's always worth the wait no matter how long it takes. Thanks in advance.
crdietz09 is offline
# 7
crdietz09 @ Apr 8, 2017
Hey Ridin is there anyway of getting the OSFM rosters aside from using the roster vault? I am in an area with very little to no internet connection and would love to play with these awesome rosters again this year.
# 6
DANIELSEGUIN @ Jan 24, 2016
I understand that you are responsible for organizing the OSFM rosters every season. I have been using these rosters for the last three years, and I find them very useful. For this year, I believe I would be able to make large contributions to these rosters. If you could send me an email, that would be great.

danielseguin23@gmail .com

Thank you for your consideration,
Daniel Seguin
daddies3angels is offline
# 5
daddies3angels @ Apr 2, 2013
i know you prolly getting slammed but just curious if we could get update on OSFM rosters. If they will be out tonight? If so what time around? Thanks for all the hard work
jtc324 is offline
# 4
jtc324 @ Sep 23, 2011
Are you still doing those end of year MLB show rosters?
volsman is offline
# 3
volsman @ Sep 3, 2011
I would love in. I helped you with MLB rosters two years ago. [email protected]. Psn coltsfan1978
murpheyt22 is offline
# 2
murpheyt22 @ Mar 18, 2011
are your edits for the rangers in the roster vault? thanks for all the hard work.
literacola is offline
# 1
literacola @ Nov 22, 2010
Hello. Do you still have your first created roster (based off the 8/19/09 roster update)? I am looking to start a new franchise with Vick and Favre. All of the files that I have found have been corrupted or had dead links. Thanks for your help.
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