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EA's use of ESPN (my opinion) 
Posted on August 3, 2009 at 03:49 PM.
I know im not the first to mention this topic...but have you noticed that EA has owned the ESPN license for quite a while now? look at every cover since 2007 and you'll see the games title and on the bottom right it says "featuring ESPN" when you see this..especially if you are a NBA/NFL fanatic, you would expect top notch ESPN style stat overlays and ESPN quailty presentation (see NFL 2K5, MLB 2K4, NBA 2K5) but you dont see any of that. everything is bland and sometimes boring. the EA games are ok to an extent with satisfying gameplay but that's only a part of what makes a good game a great game. the presentation counts too, fellas. if you really care about the EA folks telling you about the ESPN radio on your 360 or PS3, you might as well just watch sports center on tv all the time. see..this is why people say that Madden is better than 2K. that is not true. as you all know EA has exclusive rights to football games, which took 2K out of the competition. imagine if we had ESPN NFL 2K6, 2K7, and so you really think Madden would stand a chance against 2K if we had those titles released...i cant' even say so myself because no one really knows, how great 2k6 and on could have been. 2K5 has gotten SO much praise that EA knew themselves they had to do something to make sure people talk about and play THEIR game. but im not saying that EA may not have something better...but pay attention to every videogame writer who analyzes these things, and look @ how many times EA has been @ fault for catching up to 2K (and im talkin about presentation)...if EA is the better company they say they are then they would have used full advantage of the ESPN license. people are saying Madden is good. but more people will tell you that 2K5 is still better...think about it EA...
# 1 shadox @ Aug 3
Hey there (again).

Concering the ESPN licence...I think it was a move to weaken the opponent.
I agree, that EA has not yet understood (or were simply unwilling) to use such things right, for whatever reason.

My opinion is, that EA just realized that they should focus a bit more on quality...that would be a reason why they have changed the dev teams for the sports games (NHL 3 years ago, Fifa 2 years ago, Madden 1-2 years ago and Fifa 1 year ago). So we might see some proper usage of their power (=> money,licences etc.) within the next years.

But in the developing is about one thing: $$$
# 2 ReggaeBoy88 @ Aug 3
they did make some really good games..but it just made me really upset as a fan who liked that ESPN license wasnt put to good use..but you do bring up a good point..its all about money..but they should be putting the money to good use!! lol
# 3 shadox @ Aug 3
Hehe,just like all companys should
# 4 stlstudios189 @ Aug 3
I don't care if they use it but if you are going to spend the $$ on it why not. The stat overlay menus could look cleaner etc....
# 5 ReggaeBoy88 @ Aug 3
HELL YEA!!! @ stlstudios189...2k9 stay overlays were trash i can't front..they showed the same thing over and over, nothing deep was iight on that part. but for 2k9 they shoulda done much better...the halftime got weak since 2k8 too..and i noticed that the top 3 plays didnt really feel like top 3 plays like how 2k8 if u see da replays on a hot play in the game it doesnt say top play nominiee like it did in 2k8...(wow im very picky but its so damn true!!)
# 6 gluck24 @ Aug 3
NFL 2k5 was is probably the best presented sports game ive ever seen with the weekly show that showed actual highlights from games.. sad EA bought out the football and espn liscence the only way they'll stop basketball now is to buyout take 2i pray they dont cause nba 2k is the only realist basketball game out there... again u had some good points.. keep posting
# 7 ReggaeBoy88 @ Aug 3
if EA buys out the basketball franchise then that is not good. not good for the fans and the sake of competition. it would show that EA is weak and cant come up with anything fresh. ive analyzed a good amount of things that has been weak on EA's side...2k not entirely but they could use some improvements
# 8 ReggaeBoy88 @ Aug 3
2K is growing with new innovations that make the game more powerful in its own right. EA is like a kid who has trouble with a math problem..they keep trying and trying yet they are slowly getting it. but it isnt so hard. the animations for live are bad and the gameplay is can they not capitalize on that? and as for 2K..the customization we used to adore arent what it used to be...
# 9 HiTEqMETHOD @ Aug 3
While I lean more toward 2K, I'm in no way a fanboy. I don't care if EA has the license as long as they use it right. Which they haven't been doing. So I can only hope in the next few years either EA starts implementing actual ESPN presentation elements or these exclusive licenses become a thing of the past. Remember, Competition leads to innovation!!!
# 10 da.kid.frank @ Aug 3
Competition does lead to innovation but EA has no competition.Thats why its taken this long to make a semi-realistic game.also EA is just using NFL network(i think) so why have espn?
# 11 Sherman91587 @ Aug 3
To bring up things on a term of presentation only because I know this game is horrible in the gameplay but Sony's NBA has sick presentation. The TNT look is awesome and makes me feel like I am watchin a real game on TV. To bad the gameplay is horrible.

If SCE SD could get this down like they have baseball down then that might be reason enough to buy a PS3 haha
# 12 ReggaeBoy88 @ Aug 4
TNT? are you kidding me? do they have charles barkley talkin his his nonsense? i dont think so! lol..and hey @da.kid.frank. you have a great point there..the guy on the halftime show for madden is from NFL see what i mean when EA cannot use their senses? theyre like a rich person who has trouble spending money..smh
# 13 da.kid.frank @ Aug 4
exactly.there would be no point of having espn other than to take out the competition. i would rather have NFL Network over ESPN.i network all about football with former players in a all football game.the makes more sense
# 14 bigsmallwood @ Aug 4
I can only dream about EA using the ESPN License the way 2K did, it would be great!!!!
# 15 HiTEqMETHOD @ Aug 4
I'm all for that if EA can swagger jack any of 2k's presentation elements then that's fine with me. Sure I would rather have 2k make an NFL game but since that's not going to happen in the next couple of years if EA can copy 2k5's pres. by next year or at least a fraction of it then I'll be in NFL heaven (well maybe not completely until they take rocket catch out but close to it).

And I don't think it's a matter of pride anymore, Ian Cummings blatantly came out and said the Madden team is trying to copy 2k5's presentation as much as possible in the coming years. In the end we'll just see who does it better. It would be huge though if after a few releases under Cummings Madden still doesn't get to where 2k5 was presentation wise, that would be sad. I'm giving them a pass for the last few years though because of how Ian has been approaching the franchise as of late.

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