RaychelSnr's Blog

Despite Vocal Disapproval of EA Football, Most Plan to Buy 
Posted on June 20, 2012 at 11:34 AM.

It seems like a sport for many to hate on the EA Football franchises. And yes, with exclusivity locked up for both, I'm sure the reasons are solid (if not fundamentally flawed).
However, what is always surprising is despite the overwhelmingly strong voices of those who want to discount Madden and NCAA, most still plan to buy.
In our recent poll, most of you (80.5%) are planning on buying either Madden, NCAA, or both. Only 19.5% of respondents aren't planning on buying either game.
When you take into account the usual people who wouldn't buy a football game because it's, well football, you probably end up with an even smaller amount of people who would typically buy a football game but aren't going to.
To me, this is a big seal of approval for both games and their direction this year. I know similar polls in the past have had much higher amounts of people (30% or more) who said they weren't buying.
Is it the Infinity engine? The dynasty improvements in NCAA? Or is this simply the time people are most excited about the incoming football games and the results are skewed?
Interesting stats nonetheless.
However, what is always surprising is despite the overwhelmingly strong voices of those who want to discount Madden and NCAA, most still plan to buy.
In our recent poll, most of you (80.5%) are planning on buying either Madden, NCAA, or both. Only 19.5% of respondents aren't planning on buying either game.
When you take into account the usual people who wouldn't buy a football game because it's, well football, you probably end up with an even smaller amount of people who would typically buy a football game but aren't going to.
To me, this is a big seal of approval for both games and their direction this year. I know similar polls in the past have had much higher amounts of people (30% or more) who said they weren't buying.
Is it the Infinity engine? The dynasty improvements in NCAA? Or is this simply the time people are most excited about the incoming football games and the results are skewed?
Interesting stats nonetheless.
# 1
Jakeboutte @ Jun 20
I think it has a lot to do with it being so close to football season and my Christmas time, why people are jumping on board. I have been excited about 13 since well March. At least! Ea puts out a decent game each year. Yes there are problems and it's not perfect, but I still buy both each year and enjoy playing both for the whole year. This last year was the first time I didn't play all year long.now you might say it has to do with the bugs of NCAA or the horrible gameplay of Madden, but in reality it's because of e 2 kids at home, the wife, going to school, and working 60 hours a week. That's why I didn't play both games for a whole year. I got a little busy. This year I do plan on playing the whole year and I have another baby on the way.........
# 3
MattyEdgeworth @ Jun 20
For me personally I haven't got an NFL game in a while, last one was 09 so pretty much anything will be an improvment to me.
The reason I am so excited is because, at least at this stage without having played the game, EA seem to be really making an effort to make a sim football game moving forward. With the little tweaks like pass trajectories and then with physics on top of it, I think Madden will be great this year Not perfect but a good step nonetheless.
The reason I am so excited is because, at least at this stage without having played the game, EA seem to be really making an effort to make a sim football game moving forward. With the little tweaks like pass trajectories and then with physics on top of it, I think Madden will be great this year Not perfect but a good step nonetheless.
# 4
Jadakiss88 @ Jun 20
I usually opt to buy one or the other and for the last two years it's been NCAA and I usually wait for Madden's price to drop before I buy that. However, I made a plan this year (hopefully I stick to it LOL) I plan to buy both and skip maybe the next two but definetely the next. I LOVE FOOTBALL whether I am playing in real life, watching it, talking about it, or playing the video game. But, I am getting older and it's getting harder and harder to keep up with these yearly releases so if I buy both I can play dynasty in both and just draft players from NCAA into Madden to keep the game fresh.
# 6
ajaxab @ Jun 20
I pre-ordered '13 and then cancelled my order after playing the demo. I love college football a lot more than pro football, but as MelR stated above, '13 is not a $65 game for me. It's not a $45 game for me either. Besides, I'm having too much fun playing non-EA games right now with F1 2011 and Rocksmith occupying my time.
# 7
bigsmallwood @ Jun 20
Most people complain but go on to buy both games because they want the latest in the series and also because there are no alternatives at this point(sadly).
# 8
Feldman011teen @ Jun 20
Your pole on a sports gaming site. I plan on buying. I think both will be great. I'm not a fan of the exclusivity. But whenever someone else gets the license, I will jump on it.
# 9
AiDub @ Jun 20
I agree with platinumplayajc. I hate when people say "It's my $60, I should be able to play the game however I want" or "EA owes it to me to be able to do whatever I want." Ummm no, they don't. They produced a game that, in their minds, is the best they could do under their time and resource limitations and they think it's worth $60. If you don't, then that's your opinion but don't say that they "Owe" you anything especially if you buy the game after knowing what you're going to get. It's a game. It will never be tailored to each individual separately. Get over it and be happy you even get the opportunity to enjoy such a luxury of entertainment... Having said that, I can't wait for BOTH games to come out. I enjoyed both from this past year and will no doubt love 13.
# 10
elementz09 @ Jun 20
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what's the reason we're going to buy NCAA and/or Madden 13. There is no competition! I can remember when Madden, Joe Montana Sports Talk Football, NFL Gameday all competed at the same time for a chance to be the game to play in my house. So when we are left with only 1 option per genre of football to choose from, are we not going to play? We get excited as football fans and gamers to know that the season is right around the corner and we want to relive that experience in gaming so of course the majority is going to buy the game. Duh!
# 11
UMiami @ Jun 20
NCAA 2013 should be selling for 29.99. Anything more than that is an insult to its consumers. There are very minor tweaks like passing angles, broken DB AI and very little else.
$59.99?? No chance and you're an idiot if you have 2012 and support EA's 59.99 patch.
$59.99?? No chance and you're an idiot if you have 2012 and support EA's 59.99 patch.
# 12
jersez @ Jun 20
Football is the biggest sport in America, people need their "fix". When 2k11 was on the market by itself, it sold 5 million copies. So it's not just Football gamers, there isn't any customer loyalty lol. What ever is available and looks nice we will buy.
# 13
Gstate_510 @ Jun 20
@Umiami so if i buy ncaa 13 then im a idiot? you dont speak for everybody on here. people have the right spend their money on whatever they like
# 14
AiDub @ Jun 20
You forgot the much needed, and IMO best part of 13, revamp of recruiting and scouting. For folks who play Dynasty, this is huge. If it makes the game experience inside a mode that you can spend many many hours in better, then it's totally worth $60.
You calling everyone who is willing to drop $60 on this game an idiot based on your unfair evaluation of the game makes you look like... well an idiot.
You forgot the much needed, and IMO best part of 13, revamp of recruiting and scouting. For folks who play Dynasty, this is huge. If it makes the game experience inside a mode that you can spend many many hours in better, then it's totally worth $60.
You calling everyone who is willing to drop $60 on this game an idiot based on your unfair evaluation of the game makes you look like... well an idiot.
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