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Will the lockout be a negative for NBA Games? Stuck
Posted on November 15, 2011 at 12:50 AM.

It seems as if NBA 2K12 had a good October (at least compared to it's peers). Of course, there's so much more to this story than just that -- as video game sales have been having issues for the past year and even with a strong lineup of games, October saw little growth over last year.

Given the lack of hard data publicly available in NPD reports these days, hard game sales numbers are hard to come by. But, in this comparison we'll try our best with some data from the historically unreliable (but yet best we have to offer) VGChartz. Compare the two links of 360 sales figures of the game:

NBA 2K12
NBA 2K11

There's something that sticks out at you. Whereas 2K11's sales saw a secondary weekly spike last year, and generally stayed strong through the entire 10 week curve; 2K12's story is different. The game sold huge in the first week, and the sales have trended below last year's, significantly so the past several weeks.

Right now, it seems clear NBA 2K12 will not be outselling it's predecessor, perhaps taking a sales cut of up to half. That's going to leave a mark no matter how you slice it.

Now fast forward to next season when we are expecting two NBA games to hit store shelves. The question becomes three fold: How many people can EA entice to buy their game, will there be enough to bring EA back the next year, and finally will there be enough buyers available in the first place?

The answer lies in all sorts of things, but the lack of a 2011-2012 season would kill the NBA's popularity like it has other sports. The NHL is still trying to recover from a similar situation. Baseball took several years to recover from the 1994 strike.

Now Basketball seems heading down that same dark road. And with the NBA being one of the only sports with same-league competition these days -- I can't help but think that might be something which is numbered. With sales appearing to be heavily slumping for 2K12, and with more competition coming from EA next year which will at least take some customers away from the 2K series, the basketball gaming landscape is heading for an interesting period to say the least.

Do you think the lockout is a chief contributor to 2K12's slumping sales? Should 2K (or 2K fans) be worried about the future? Sound off!
# 16 scottyp180 @ Nov 15
For me personally the gameplay changes are enough for me to enjoy the game. I rarely play online so those issues do not bother me. The lack of roster updates and rookies definitely diminish the value of the game but there are enough modes and players in the game to keep me satisfied until either A the season starts or B 2k13/Elite(?) 13 are released, which ever of the 2 occurs first.

There are a lot of factors contributing to the low sales (absence of NBA season, the number of stellar videogames that have been released within that past 2/3 months, and the game not being a HUGE improvement of last years game). I think 2ks biggest enemy is going to be its own success. It is getting to the point where there is only so much more 2k can improve while using the same engine. I am not saying 2k needs to pull an EA and completely overhaul the series but within the next couple years 2k is going to do something to avoid falling into the madden cycle.
# 17 hoop xyience @ Nov 15
YES!!! Without roster updates and player tendency tweaks online is a mess...Zack Randolph getting putback dunks like Dwight Howard. The lockout is hindering the games full potential.
# 18 ManiacMatt1782 @ Nov 15
Word of mouth has hurt it too with news about disappearing modes and what not, people that would have picked it up a little later still haven't
# 19 DustinT @ Nov 15
Nice write up as usual, Chris.

2K12 is great, but my favorite part of every game is always the rookies. Grooming them into the next stud is where I find my peace.
# 20 Gramps91 @ Nov 15
I'm with iampulse
I love NBA but would love a college b-ball title even more
# 21 statum71 @ Nov 15
I'm diehard so I personally am not going anywhere....BUT

Yes! It absolutely is affecting it. And I can understand why. It's very frustrating to have this cool game and I can't get the real rookies with the commentary to go along with 'em.

The game itself is better. But with the rosters being the same it does feel like last year all over again.
# 22 Culture Rot @ Nov 16
what a shame, we finally get a truely quality franchise that makes a quality game, and it gets screwed over because of a damn lockout
# 23 outlawz1979 @ Nov 16
I won't buy the game because of the lockout. I'm in a major city Chicagoland I love the Bulls. That being said these players want to make it where there is only 5 good teams. I say do a cap keeps these small markets with parity like the NFL and NHL its better that way. I feel bad for the small markets out there players leave want out, and they can't compete.. I don't miss the nba my Bulls are good!!
# 24 stlstudios189 @ Nov 16
the lockout is following one of the best seasons in a long time and the players are pretty much screwing themselves. "we should get more than half the $$ because we the talent" I am sorry but, I don't know a singe business in the real world where the EMPLOYEES make more than the owners since the owners put the investment in and the risk. Think about it the total revenue is 100 million dollars the players want 51 or more so the owners get 49 before they spend $$ on the rest of the staff, travel, lodging, stadiums etc... no wonder they cant make $$ I don't think the players relize how stupid they look in this lockout. If I owned a team that was losing $$ I would not care if there was a season either.
# 25 Mos1ted @ Nov 16
I remember the last NBA lockout and how badly it affected the sales of NBA Live '99. Guess what game premiered a year later, taking away market share from the NBA Live franchise?
# 26 canucksss @ Nov 16
greed...greed...greed... hopefully they come into terms. NBA is now so stale because you already know who's going to the playoffs except probably the 7-8th position.
# 27 tril @ Nov 16
its a number of factors.
1. its the lockout.
-lack of off season NBA stories besides the lockout.
-last year we had all the player movement, big name free agents relocating, pretty much provided a year round buzz. so the interest in the NBA was pretty much at an all time high. This is factor that should not be overlooked.
2. poor marketing. outside of Operation sports, all of the games features are pretty much an unknown to the general public.
3. 3 to 4 heavily marketed games being released around the same time frame. Battlefield, COD/MW just to name a few.
4. Lack luster sports titles from other developers.
5. a poor economy. that 16% unemployment rate/long term unemployment plays a big factor.
6. the games complexity and cost.
7. the availability off all types of content on all kinds of devices also has to be factored into the equation.

the gaming landscape is also changing
# 28 Slava Medvadenko @ Nov 16
Sales being down because of the lockout is expected. Another contributing factor is that this game is unforgiving for noobs even on Pro. I occasionally played some friends on 2k11 who don't own it and only play it at my house. They got by playing that just fine. When they played 2k12 they didn't even finish a game before they said 'Screw this'. They tried playing a few days later and were commenting on how bad the controls were before quitting. I do like that its a challenge this year but I could see beginners and casuals not getting into it.
# 29 jwilphl @ Nov 17
An NBA game does not appeal to me nearly as much as a college hoops game. I've long clamored for someone (ideally 2k) to bring back a college hoops title, but it seems that all the hope in the world won't bring it back. NCAA 2010 just doesn't cut it anymore.
# 30 bumpyface @ Nov 17
To comment on Slava's post, the controls not only suck for noob, but also for experienced players. I don't think a basketball game should have complex controls in the 1st place. For the most part basketball is a fast-paced game with minimum complexity. The lock-out just adds to this.

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