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# 1
JustSteve @ Aug 5, 2019
Originally Posted by PitGreene75
Hi, are there in depth tutorials on how to get the most from SOTS? Specifically, how best to assign cheers/jeers to players and teams. Question, do cheers from my player override cheers assigned to my team playing a home game? I want jeers for my pitchers to be about pitching but also want team jeers for my team. Does this make sense? By the way, great tip on combining cheers into one file with three sections of different cheers. Thanks
I don't know about in depth tutorials. It would be cool if some experienced users would put one together. To answer your question, yes, player cheers/jeers override team cheers/jeers. In other words, if there is a player cheer it will play instead of team cheers. However, they only play so often per player so once the player cheer/jeer plays, then the team cheer/jeer might play. I hope that helps.

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