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M17 AP Based Split Level / Sliders V 6.0 
Posted on November 8, 2016 at 04:00 PM.
M17 AP Based Split Level / ALL Default Sliders V 6.0 / No Online Tuners / Post Patch Version

Level: AM (Intro Sequence) / AM (Main Menu) / AP (CFM)

All Values MM / CFM (one value for both)


Offside: 50
False Start: 50
Offensive Holding: 45 / 50
Defensive Holding: 50
Face Mask: 55 / 50
Illegal Block In The Back: 50 / 50
Roughing Passer: 50 / 51
Defensive Pass Interference: 50
ALL Others: ON

Injuries: 50 / 50
Fatigue: 50 / 70
Player Speed Parity Scale: 50

Auto Subs (MM / CFM):
All Subs: 60 / 80

M17: Game Options

Auto Strafe: Off
Heat Seeker Assist: Off
Defense Assist: Off Ball Hawk: Off
Coin Toss: Receive / With Wind
Quarter Length: 15 Minutes
Play Call Style: Slim
Camera Toggle: Off
Skill Level: AM / AM / AP
Coaching Tips: Off
Game Speed: Normal
Play Clock: On
Accelerated Clock: On Special Moves: Manual
Minimum Play Clock Time: 20 seconds
Camera Settings: Standard
Progression: Every Four Weeks

Thanks to Trojan Man for helping pull this back into focus after every patch sends us all back to the drawing board.

Also, JoshC / tdawg (I highly recommend his XP sliders) / SJH have all offered invaluable expertise and insight into our "collective" processes, which is MUCH appreciated.

As always:

I advise that you use as low a AWR QB as possible...that rating determines how the CPU calibrates its defense against you, so for the sake of pure challenge...less is more...I prefer the 60 - 70 AWR range for my QBs , and never go above 75...

Personally, I've always used rookie QBs or a mediocre player that will be replaced by a drafted rookie after Season One...


After the recent December patch, Team Default playbooks are actually working quite effectively for the CPU...but generics and esp. customs work EVEN BETTER, with regard to overall challenge from the CPU opponent...

If you plug the set in "as is" and follow those guidelines, the CPU can be a formidable opponent...even on AP...

Well, esp. if you use teams like CLE / CHI / SF / etc...

# 16 ForUntoOblivionSoar∞ @ Nov 19
Thanks for figuring this stuff out. I'll test it ASAP.
# 17 StefJoeHalt @ Nov 19
As has been stated before..I think best when u have no "HUM/CPU sliders" saved..also custom playbooks for CPU another big thing..
# 18 TheWood56 @ Nov 19
Been playing NBA 2K17 mostly, but keen to go back to Madden and try these out.

Question; if I wanted to try tackling at 45 for example (I much prefer the animations and more broken tackles), would you suggest any other changes (penalty or otherwise)?

# 19 KingV2k3 @ Nov 19
Unfortunately, if you lower TAK to 45, the pass rush becomes nerfed...

That slider also has pursuit tied to it...

If the pass rush is nerfed, the QB comp percentages go haywire...

This is the first year that the gameplay sliders create more problems than they solve, which is why this is the first year I've stayed away from them...

You MAY be able to make up that 5 point differential by jacking up the facemask'll get the pursuit back, but make a bigger mess in the process...

Unfortunately, I'm sure that's not the answer you're looking for...but is is what it is...

We can only tune the game, not rewrite the code...
# 20 TheWood56 @ Nov 20
I kind of thought as much. Was hoping there might be some sort of workaround. I'll give these a try and see how they go. Thanks.
# 21 krash13 @ Dec 29
Hello there King. I've been playing madden since 2008, discovered OS around 2010 when I started getting really hooked on the game. I have yet to find someone who takes a more methodical approach to the game than you do. I appreciate that and would like to say thanks for all your shared research. For your M17 settings you have the tuner off. I'm pretty sure this is a stupid question but, did you test the post patch default sliders with the tuner?
# 22 KingV2k3 @ Dec 29
Hey krash13:

Thanks for the compliment!

Actually, the previous tuners get folded into the most recent patchs...

I was reticent to DL it, because this late in the cycle, they're usually tailored to online play and can often send things "into reverse" for those of us who play CFM versus the CPU...

This latest patch however, actually enhanced CPU playcalling and slightly tuned gameplay closer to it's earlier (pre October patch) state, so I went with it...

For me, the set posted in the blog actually plays a bit better than it did previously, so I found that no additional adjustment is worth the this point, anyway...

That being said, I don't advocate online tuners, as they are intended for things like H2H / MUT...

When they get folded into the subsequent patch, they simply become redundant...which can lead to instability...and on their own, are usually counterproductive to CFM / USER v CPU...

Bottom line:

As of today, the set is still holding up "as is"...

I hope this helps!
# 23 krash13 @ Dec 30
Exactly the answer I was looking for. I never play online. I don't have enough friends to do a 32 team online franchise, and that's the only appeal to the online facets of the game for me. Never even tried MUT. H2H has to much cheating for me and that goes for all games not just madden. I'm happy with the defensive performance on both sides right now and the CPU is playing some damn realistic offense. I'm still struggling with my run game but it's not the sliders. It's because I'm playing "normal" speed as opposed to "slow" like I always have in years past. I've been zooming in on run plays lately and that has really helped. The CPU punt game is still lousy in almost every game and that's my only real complaint right now. It's such a small part of the game though that compared to the problems of years past it feels like Madden is finally where it should be. The CPU QB's are unpredictable and throw bombs, check downs, and will throw it away when appropriate. A little less rolling out and throwing on the run or scrambling for a first down because they have a clear lane than I'd like but still an improvement. Thanks again for doing all the work and keeping the rest of us out of slider hell.
# 24 KingV2k3 @ Dec 30
No prob, krash...glad you're enjoying the game, despite the few obvious, persistent flaws (punting, etc.)...

As far as the run game goes:

1) Make sure you're set to "Manual" for Special Moves or the AI will overuse them...often to your detriment...

2) Either match your HB Scheme / Player Setting to your HBs Player Style OR the style you'd like to see more represented...

For instance "Power Back" will break more tackles and tend to be more "downhill" and One Cut is more shifty, as BCV decides which hole to jump step into...

3) This year, that Special Moves interface is a little over implemented...I had to adjust my running style to be slightly less involved in steering the back behind the LOS...they often make better reads and back cuts than the USER may...their logic is much improved over past

To paraphase 38 Special: "Hold On Loosely"...

4) Lay off the turbo (R2), unless / until you're on the second will override steering the ball carrier and some report that the blocking suffers as soon as you trigger it...


"Less is More" in USER participation in the run game...

# 25 kennypowers88 @ Jan 18
Hey there King!

So I've gotten back into Madden a bit with the playoffs going, and have been sticking with the set as posted. The one thing that really worked for me was Josh's suggestion of quiting a game, entering the game screen, and then going to the MM before playing. I must have had some weird code floating around.

I must say, the passing game is pretty damn good. But I'm still having too much success running the ball. If I could move the run block slider a bit, the game would be perfect. Holes just open up a bit too easily and stay open a bit too long. I've used weak lines and weak running backs and had the same problem. If I ever have a lead, the games pretty much over.

So I wanted to float a few ideas by you before I spent months trying to test in my limited time..
- Dropping MM holding to 40.
- Tweaking MM and/or CFM fatigue.
- Maybe trying 55 thresh, as I started at 60 last time
- Reducing false start to 45 in the MM
- Dropping Auto sub values

I know that all of these will effect the other teams run game as well, so I was thinking of trying the 0 MM fatigue and possibly Josh's new IBITB slider finding once I got to that point.

Any thoughts on any of this would be fantastic, or even any new ideas.

As always, thanks a bunch. You're really a Madden hero.
# 26 KingV2k3 @ Jan 18
Hey kp:

Here's my take on your suggested options:

1) Dropping MM holding to 40 will create a mess in the pass blocking...both the HUM and CPU will get sacked constantly, as that slider affects PBK as well...

2) Fatigue is unbalanced...on AP it gives and artificial boost to the HUM in the last few minutes of each half, making it pretty easy to score on some dodgy "big plays"...on AM that advantage / consequence favors the CPU...bottom line: anything other than default fatigue is a big can of worms, that leads to big plays late in each half...

3) Not sure if 55 Thresh would work for you...I never touch that, because it creates as many problems as it solves...

4) Reducing FS will also get both QBs killed...see holding (above)...

5) Auto Subs affect fatigue, which are tied to block shed...if you lower fatigue you have to change both the holding and mask slider to compensate...and you end up where you started...


I've tried ALL of these options (except thresh, which was confirmed by others to not enhance this set) and they just create tradeoffs that end up cycling things back to where they started...

Here's what might work:

In your HC Scheme menu, set your HB / FB and all OL to "Balanced", while setting the CPU HC's DT(s) / MLB(s) and perhaps one DE and LB to "Run Stop"...the SS also has a run defense based option, if the above doesn't do enough...

The effect of player styles are subtle, but they have a cumulative effect...

I hope this helps!
# 27 kennypowers88 @ Jan 18
Extremely helpful. I had a strong feeling you had tried all of these routes, which is why I make sure to ask you before making any tweaks to fit my play style. I trust your eyes over my own.

I'll give the scheme tweaks a try. That seems like it could only help. I hope the pass game doest open itself back up though.

As for the other options:

- I could potentially handle a boost in CPU big plays. The cpu is so vanilla at times that a little "cheese" would probably feel realistic haha. My win percentage with bad teams is still pretty high, so I've accepted the fact that I might need to put up with some BS. With your set being a hybrid between All Pro and All Madden, would raising or lowering fatigue have the intended consequences?

- For any tweak that would amplify pass rush, might there be some other tweak to slightly nerf it? I obviously don't want to make dozens of tweaks and have a whole new set, but I seem to remember a few experiments that led to a weaker pass rush (DPI, perhaps heat seaker).

- To make sure I understand what you're saying about auto subs, what would happen if I reduced only the OL values, even ever so slightly? I was considering doing this, but only for the user coach.
# 28 KingV2k3 @ Jan 18
1) If you want "the cheese" for the CPU, you simply have to set all three levels to All Madden...once again ANYTHING (fatigue / injury / auto subs) will not only alter fatigue, but "set off the dominoes" in all phases of blocking (RBK / PBK)...

With AP in CFM, the fatigue related cheese will only make it even easier for the HUM to move the ball...the opposite of what you're looking for...

2) The most efficient way to nerf the pass rush slightly would be to go with RTP@ 50 / 50...the consequence is the CPU QB tends to turn into a statue back there and takes coverage sacks, as a result...

DPI is mostly separation and pursuit in pass coverage, so that won't do it and BH / HS mostly favor the HUM D on AP...

3) ANY auto sub adjustment to ANY position affects "universal fatigue", which then makes the "house" fall...with relation to block shed / pursuit versus blocking duration...

Bottom line:

The current adjustments are tied to both HUM and CPU RBK and PBK, which are ALL affected by the modifiers for fatigue...

Any effort to "separate" them has been a waterloo...the only way to affect one side of the ball to one aspect of blocking is to use sliders, which don't work "as intended" this year...

Ergo, the combo posted is the only one that creates the best overall balance...despite it's flaws...

I also recommend the most recent patch, if you haven't downloaded it...they returned a bit of the defence that was kuked by the big patch in October...

All that being said: you might find something I missed, so have at it!
# 29 KingV2k3 @ Jan 18
Also, auto subs for BOTH the HUM and CPU slave off the profile settings in the MM...

So, anything altered will be altered for BOTH sides...
# 30 kennypowers88 @ Jan 20
So I'm still experimenting with different scheme settings, but wanted to clarify something regarding All Madden. You're saying that I could switch the CFM difficulty to All Madden and not ruin the set (fatigue/block shed/etc)?

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