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TreyzAllDayz is offline
# 1
TreyzAllDayz @ Apr 15, 2021
Originally Posted by JaybirdMM
Hey man I hope this is not a bother to you I just have a quick question. I see you said you used to do MVP baseball rosters. Did you do all the work on an actual console? I am trying to work on 07 right now and I have all the files extracted and everything on my pc but can't figure out how to edit the roster itself. Thanks for any help with this!
I actually do all my edits right on the ps2 and save it to a memory card! Then I transfer the saved file with a memory card converter I found online to my ps3 and save the .psv file on a USB/flash drive. Let me know if you complete the MVP07 update, sounds awesome! Thanks, take care.

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