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Can people please stop asking for a new engine? Stuck
Posted on November 28, 2008 at 03:08 PM.
I figured what good is a blog without a controversial here goes, the 'new engine' debate.

I've seen comments in this fashion posted probably thousands of times in the Madden forums:

"Madden is never going to be any good until they scrap their current engine and make a new one".

First, what is an engine?
I've asked this of the community before...what they think the engine is. Here are some responses:
- More animations
- Ragdoll physics
- CPU playcalling AI
- Everything from the AI to the crowd audio

So I think it's pretty obvious that there's some confusion seems that 'engine' has been used as a nice jargon buzzword. To clarify, in the eyes of myself and the team, there is no one 'engine' for Madden. We've got 4 main 'engines' that are running in-game (i.e. not in Franchise mode):

- Animation Engine - It's called ANT (ANimation Toolkit), and it's shared technology among nearly all of the EA Sports games. ANT provides two things: 1.) a 'tool' which allows us to prepare our raw animations for the game (i.e. tagging when a player is down or what injury impact a tackle has on which body part), and 2.) in-game technology to actually execute all these animations. Anything custom to our game (and NCAA) is built as a plug-in to it's actually not part of the low level animation engine. This includes things like IK Foot Pinning, Multi-Character Alignment (for tackles, blocks, etc), Catching, etc
- Physics Engine - Though obviously we don't have a rag-doll solution, we do have physics in our game to handle collision (or else players would just pass through each other and the ball would pass through the ground). This engine is proprietary and custom to Madden only. Havok Physics (by Havok) would be another example of a physics engine.
- Rendering Engine - We have a proprietary rendering engine called RNA that is also used in many other EA games. This handles the 'drawing' of everything in our game to the screen. Another rendering engine example would be 'Gemini', which is the rendering section of Unreal Engine 3.
- AI / Assignment Engine - Another proprietary system, since this is obviously specific to football. The game runs on a multitude of different assignments that a player is in with hundreds & thousands of parameters; things like "deep zone" or "ballcarrier pursuit" or "move to catch" or "get fumble". Some of this is driven directly by the design of the plays (i.e. a run route assignment), and much of the other stuff is dynamic AI (i.e. pursuit).

What else is there?
- There are so many other systems in place that live on top of the core animation engine. Triggering moves as a ballcarrier, matching up a gang tackle, releasing the ball on a pass, etc...those are all independent 'systems' that sit on top. The last layer is actually the animations themselves. You may have seen posts from me before on that, but if you don't have the correct coverage with animations, then even the re-write of the system won't show off as well.
- For each of the assignments, we spend a ton of time each year tweaking, tuning, and even re-writing them each year. This is where much of our time is spent right at the end of the year, as much of the early parts of the year are spent in changing core systems (which can easily 'break' the assignments).

We continue to improve on these each year...last year we added a brand new system for multi-character interaction and a brand new system for running the ball. Sure, some of the same animations may exist from the previous years, but the core system could be 100% brand new.

Anyways, I hope that's a good explanation of how things work. So from this point forward, can everyone please stop asking for a 'new engine'? It just doesn't really help since it's so vague. Instead, how about specific fixes that you want? Do you want better catch animations? Ok, then post it. Do you want better CPU playcalling? Ok, then post it. Do you want us to swap out our physics engine with Euphoria's? Ok, then post it.

Just know...there is no such thing as a magic bullet "new engine"!
# 31 Cryolemon @ Jan 10
Great post Ian. I think some people would argue that the word engine could be taken to mean the way that all 4 of the things you mention work together, or the 4 of them as a whole.
# 32 Synkopated @ Jan 24
Obviously I can't speak for the community, but I can say that people don't like animations, it limits the options and makes gamers feel less immersed that they actually are.

There is too much "sucking" in animations. Suction blocks, suction tackles, suction hitsticks, etc.
# 33 DTown @ Feb 3
Ian what are the chance of Euphoria comming to Madden?
Would you be excited to work with it?
How big of a difference would it make?
# 34 TheTodd84 @ Feb 19
I really think that the Physics engine needs to be swapped with NaturalMotion's Euphoria. Here is how I look at it, and I could be wrong. But, to me, with a Physics engine such as Euphoria that uses the CPU processor's math capabilities in order to do physics calculations, it would eliminate a lot problems with the game. Yes, the AI needs to be stepped up, but the issues with blocking and tackling would be gone because the physics engine would be doing things correctly. It would also add "weight" to the players, which would make the game more realistic. Also, adding this weight to the players based upon correct physics calculations due to the programmed heights, weights and attributes would eliminate "cheesing" and robo-qb. Also, It would seem that it would make EA's life a lot easier to swap it out because it is a tech demo that is already almost completed. So EA could focus on other things such as AI, and programming attributes and getting the sidelines alive and presentation, things that go by the wayside when physics and animations are constantly being tuned. That is no knock on the EA tech people, it would just seem to make sense for EA to swap it out, although I don't know if they would want to pay royalties to NM for their physics engine.
# 35 TheTodd84 @ Feb 19
This would also get rid of suction blocking and pre-programmed animations because the animations in Euphoria are based on the physics, leaving an almost limitless amount of animations that are possible based on a set range of motion of the character created. Because let's be honest, this is supposed to be "next-gen" and pre-programmed animations are very, well, old. Just like Obama says, we need drastic change and we need it soon. Especially to the madden series.
# 36 seriousluboy83 @ Feb 22
ay for the physics engine can ya'll switch to Euphoria (by NaturalMotion) cause there are still issues wit balls goin thru players hands especially in crutial situations....not a biggie but still worth the look at since this is and I quote "Madden NFL 10 (What You See On Sundays....You'll See In Madden)"
# 37 jWILL253 @ Apr 14
Talk about teaching me a lesson. You are king... :applause:
# 38 Valdarez @ Apr 27
In the business world you don't hear the word 'engine' used all that often. Instead you'll hear API, services, stack, module, component, and the like. From the fans feedback, you need a new animation engine to provide more fluidity to the players movements, and a new Physics engine to provide better physics / momentum. Now, whether you need a new engine, only you can say, but these are the areas that still need work / attention.
# 39 DC @ Jul 29
Good post
# 40 Hova57 @ Feb 17
ok i've done some research on this. this is what i have come up with : maya has new updates that has allowed better movement which i am assuming where you go pro tack and procedural awareness. also with the PhysX middleware with Agiea you know have the ability to perform better physics with your ragdoll animations. also in that middle ware you know have the ability to have jersey pulling , hair flow and etc. my question based on what you have the ability to do with with recent updates how fast can they be implemented and can they fix somethings you weren't able to do last year?

couple things i can't figure out is how the Emotion figures in to all this and exactly what are you using for AI. one thing about Euphoria alot people miss is that is AI really is only for the randomness of the tackles based on physics, but the Morpheme actually controlls player movement. is there something similar you guys are using to that. i know that in a nutshell Maya does alot of character movement,ragdoll, and some physics.
Also with the PhysiX middle ware in my mind you would have better controll over how the ball moves, spins and placement as far as passing goes.

Thanks for reading
# 41 Hova57 @ Feb 18
ok so the Emotion FX is what ur using to get the player faces and mout movement and facial expression in the game, also using it for depth of field also.along with RNA it pulls together . i'm thinking u use maybe python for ai i think i'm wrong on that , but maybe. do you use autodesk max also or just maya.

all these recent updates kinda suck because you get trapped where what you are currently using verses what you just got. i think that's whey there was such abig jump in graphic and such with 08 and 09 and even with 10.

i really got into wondering how all this came about because of discussion about BB in that thread. I knew that there had to be more than just Euphoria to make a game. there is alot of stuff. and it sucks because as your going along sometype of update to what your using will come out and you probably won't be able to use it right away and it will have to wait til next year.

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