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WWE 2K14 Early Preview Event Stuck
Posted on May 13, 2013 at 01:00 PM.
On May 22nd and 23rd, I'll be flying to 2K Sports to see an early build of WWE 2K14. I'll have an opportunity to try out many of the modes, ask questions and get a general feel of what we should be expecting as the WWE series moves on to 2K Sports from THQ.

This is where you come in, I'll be there early enough where your voice could actually be heard by the WWE Games team, and questions/concerns/ideas/suggestions you have could be answered and/or used. What I need you to do is in the comment section below, post what you'd like me to ask or look for. Obviously, if you ask me roster questions or stuff covered under the NDA I have signed, that I can't answer those until the time is right. So don't waste time posting "Is John Cena in the game?", as you know I can't tell you yes or no. Also don't use this space for non-constructive comments, those don't help anyone and only clog the space when I'm presenting this to the developers.

So here's your chance, it's a new start for the franchise over at 2K Sports, let your voice be heard and have an input on the future of this series.
# 1 wallofhate @ May 13
Is this current gen or next gen both?
# 2 SilentYetViolent @ May 13
1)Will the presentation be more in line with THQ iterations of WWE or similar to NBA 2K?

2)Will there be a separate career mode or will that be an option inside of Universe Mode?
3)Will 2K Beats make an appearance in this game?
4)Will Superstar Threads return? If so, will we be able to switch out which outfits we want as the default option for the wrestlers?

I have a few more questions but I'd like to hear what other OS members want to know.
# 3 cowboys22bulls23 @ May 13
Question 1-Will there be a MONDAY NIGHT WAR MODE this year or ever? It was best time in wrestling if anyone can do this its 2KSPORTS! Question 2- Will all entrance be same even when you hold a title? Please get rid of this different entrances when you got a title let the entrance be same with or without title and exactly as the wrestlers entrance should be. Question 3- Will you be able to edit superstar threads to your liking and will you ever be able to use your own video in entrances?
# 4 SHAKYR @ May 13
1. Will we get to make old school factions that show up to disrupt matches?
2. Will weight detection play more of a role in matches?
3. Will we get more old school modes, old school characters(in-general) and matches?
# 5 ccoaxum @ May 13
graphics upgrade and gameplay upgrade?
# 6 UMhester04 @ May 13
1. Two-counts back in the game?

2. Mention the idea of introducing tendencies

3. Just keep on them about having the game be bug-free

4. Tell us how awesome The Shield's entrance is in the game if you see them.
# 7 UMhester04 @ May 13

-sorry, didn't see that we can't ask about rosters until after the post, so instead of that, can you just see if they fixed the mat-slam sounds. In WWE 13 they were inconsistent (sometimes worked and sometimes it was silent and awkward) and the sound itself was just Bass - it didn't sound anything like it does in real life where it is more of a "crash".
# 8 Gramps91 @ May 13
All I want to know is if the 1 count glitch if fixed, how the A.I is, and if there is some sort of career mode and how that is. Thanks!
# 9 nate1986 @ May 13
1. How many people on the roster
2. Will this be current gen, next gen systems or both
3. Will there be statisical updates similar to nba 2k
# 10 SmashMan @ May 13
Can't think of much that would be able to be commented on right now, but I'd like to know that they're utilizing 2K's expertise in presentation (graphics, ambient audio, commentary) and a career mode.

I'll second UMhester on tendencies. They are badly needed to differentiate wrestlers.

I don't imagine any real difference this year, but for the future - no reason not to apply what 2K has already done in their other sports games.
# 11 LBzrule @ May 13
Are matches fast paced and exciting like real wrestling matches or are they slow? Does it feel like a drama unfolding or does it feel like two guys just thrown in there fighting?

Is it still easy to kick out of multiple finishers? Is a finisher actually devastating or are people still kicking out after getting the 20th finisher delivered on their character?

Will there finally be blood in online matches?

Weight detection much better this year?

Is there limb damage?

Do weapons finally do variable damage? For instance getting put through a table should do more damage than getting hit with a garbage can top?
# 12 PVarck31 @ May 13
Will there be an upgrade in animations?

I would really like to see a create a PPV or Create an event.

Not a fan of the submission system. Anything new there?

And obviously, does it feel more like a wrestling game?
# 13 poloelite @ May 13
1. Will there be an online Universe mode that we can play with friends similar to NCAA Dynasty??

2. Will Universe offer selectable story options? Meaning can we decide who to play in a particular story and let it play out?

3. Is Create an Arena and Create a Belt going to be expanded?

4. Can custom entrances be used for Champions?

5. Will the number of titles per show in Universe be expanded?

6. Can we edit entrance attire for superstars?
# 14 poloelite @ May 13
If so for the online Universe:

1. Will we be able to use created guys and belts for it?
# 15 Bryzine21 @ May 13
Will story made be included this year?

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