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watson17 is offline
# 5
watson17 @ Apr 15, 2015
Originally Posted by Brian3113
No problem, The app is the easiest for sure. You can use an email address if you prefer, as long as you use the app. If you send me you email, I will get you in the league chat and send you a PSN friend request and an invite to the league
I have just downloaded groupme and signed up.
My email is [email protected]

Im currently reading through the rules on SGO and will then sign up over there.

Should be good to go on groupme now
watson17 is offline
# 4
watson17 @ Apr 15, 2015
Originally Posted by Brian3113

I think i left you all the things I needed from you on the last message.

1. Your cell number to add you to our GroupMe league chat
2. Your first name
3. Register for the SGO forum here:
4. Make sure to read the Rulebook here:****lebook.2002/

I think that was it for the most part.
Hi there,

1- Im actually from Australia. Im not sure if this will effect the league or the app that you use? (im happy to download it and use it). If its ok then ill pass on my number.


3- If all ok ill sign up there asap

4- Happy to read the rules and go through them and follow.

Let me know
SportsFan2000 is offline
# 3
SportsFan2000 @ Mar 6, 2015
Originally Posted by Brian3113
Hey Kyle, It's Brian from the Juuuust A Bit Outside league. Just a couple questions for you:

Are you in another league or are you planning to be?:
Looks like you joined OS just recently, what is you experience level in The Show and sports games in general?

Age 21, i'm not in another league yet. Im a huge baseball fan really big into the show. Im really big into sports games. I use to own a Playstation 2, so when i did i played the show alot. Its been years since hat though. But i just bought my ps4 a couple days ago. I also have the show pre ordered.
hancock is offline
# 2
hancock @ Mar 1, 2015
Sent you a fb friend request, I'm Robert. After you accept it, I'll contact you with info about the league.
hancock is offline
# 1
hancock @ Mar 1, 2015
I got you message. Do you have FB, or do you get email notifications from this forum? You sound like a great candidate for our league, and the Mariners are available. Post to my chalkboard if interested.

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