Monday, June 29, 2009

In fact I should have a return column up sometime in the next couple of days taking a look at the 2010 crop of games and asking some questions.
Until there, some random thoughts to fill the remaining hour I have at work before going home and taking part in a little 1 vs. 100 action on Xbox ... Read More
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Back in the days of the Nintendo Entertainment System, my brothers and I spent hours in our living room contemplating the ultimate mix of players while playing the NES classic Ice Hockey.
It was the first time we sat down in front of the television and had to make choices that impacted how good our players were in the game.
Sure, the skinny dude could fly, but if you looked at him wrong he collapsed ... Read More
Friday, November 14, 2008

Or can you?
If you have web space some place you can download your video off of EA Sports World and still use the EA Sports video player to embed the video.
Here is the code for embeding a video from EA Sports World ... Link.
Step one is to copy and ... Read More
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