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Sunday, November 25, 2012
Posted on November 25, 2012 at 02:39 AM.
Left Back - Luke Humphreys

West Ham's transformation has had a lot to do with the development of the young English fullback. At the young age of 22, he has taken over the back end of the West Ham side, and has also been a big factor in the improvement of the English National Team. Early on this season, he was named the captain of the Hammers and has help lead the team to the top of the table.

Signed as a 16 year old from a youth squad, the youngster almost immediately became a starter in a transforming backfield. As the years went on, his development seemed to surpass that of his peers and it didn't go unnoticed as he started nearly every game for West Ham in the past 4 seasons. He's developed into a great tactician from the back and is looked upon to work the ball up the field quickly so the speedy forwards can get a fast break chance.

Manager Barrons has said publicly that Humphreys is the soul of the team, his leadership is looked upon by his teammates, even the older ones, as something they would love to give off themselves. On a team who's strength comes from midfield and attacking, he has solidified a back four that struggled to mesh in Barrons' first few seasons, but has really found a nice chemistry this year.

Only 5'11", he isn't expected to win too many headers when they come his way, but due to the work he puts in to each and every practice and game, he is able to somehow win them at crucial moments to defend the West Ham goal. The fans of England are also thrilled to have him come in so quick to replace former superstar Ashley Cole. He made his England debut at age 17, and recently competed for them at the World Cup. Although it was a disappointing tournament for England, his stock raised tremendously as his form seemed to peak in their biggest games.

West Ham appear poised to stay in contention for the EPL title this season, and to do that they'll need to have a great back four. That goal is much easier achieved with Luke Humphreys back there shouting commands and playing his heart out each game. At such a young age, he recently re-signed his contract with the team and looks to be a key player in the years to come for one of the nicest young teams in not only England, but the world.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Posted on November 24, 2012 at 05:05 AM.
With the transfer window come and gone, West Ham began it's title hunt with a win over Blackburn

EPL Results to date:

08/18/18 : 3 - 1 win @ Blackburn
08/18/18 : 4 - 1 win vs. Chelsea
09/01/18 : 3 - 0 win @ Southampton
09/15/18 : 2 - 0 win vs. Everton
09/22/18 : 1 - 1 draw @ Arsenal
09/30/18 : 2 - 2 draw vs. Stoke City
10/06/18 : 0 - 2 loss @ Manchester United

Capital One Cup Results:

09/26/18 : 0 - 1 loss vs. Stoke City


While it was a great start for Dylan Barrons' West Ham, they seem to have lost their form from rotating two main squads. A big issue in the past few games has been conceding late goals. With Ciaran Clark and Daniele Rugani not showing their greatest form, and Damon Massey and Haris Radetinac still perfecting their craft at right back, lots of defending has been left up to left back Luke Humphreys and the CDM combonation of Will Akinde and Koikili Adan Garrido. This formula worked for a bit, but now with Koikili injured for 2 months with a broken elbow, it will be important for Pavle Lazovic, a converted CDM and youngsters Paul Cadamarteri and Jonathan Speas to show some good form while the back four is sorted. Word is young Jake Scott will be getting a few more appearances after some impressive performances so far this season.

At midfield, Fransisco Prats Bastidas continues to show off his terrific ability and has 2 goals and 2 assists in his 8 matches this season. Jordan Webster and Craig Morris have outshone their opposing duo of Federico Vazquez and Alexander Konrad. Lazovic, Alexander Jaakkola and Danny Griffiths have not lived up to expectations yet, and have only played a few games each. The biggest revelation so far though, has been 20 year old central midfielder Christian Heimeroth. While not exactly dominating play, he has produced flashes of brilliance in his first chance at EPL experience. The youngster from Germany looks to be a mainstay on the team this year, and will likely get lots of first team action as long as his form stays consistent.

The striking core of West Ham has had a bit of controversy to start the season, but the kind that makes a manager smile. Andrea Martinetti has come prepared, like expected, and has 4 goals in 4 games, but one of his supposed back-ups, Bagasan Carrington has also scored 4 goals in 4 games playing with the Aerial attack wingers of Vazquez and Konrad. Not to be lost in the shuffle is Maic Kacaniklic, who has been unable to start so far due to the other two strikers, but has impressed in relief despite not scoring yet. With a $40,000,000 price tag, expect him to take the field soon.

Two other strikers have made impressive appearances. Adam Evans played a game in the EPL and his playmaking ability really showed itself in it, and Josh Kitson, their 22 year old sensation from their youth program, has a goal and assist in his only EPL game of the season. He did not impress as much in the Capital One Cup, but expect him to get more EPL starts as well. Finally comes Esteban Lanzini, the center forward who has led the team in scoring for two seasons. The 25 year old Argentinian returned from an offseason injury and has made 2 relief appearances but was disappointing in both. He'll definitely be getting some starts in soon, but rumours are already starting, saying that West Ham may cut him loose in order to help their back four out.

In summary, the team has been pretty good, especially compared to last season. Currently 2nd in EPL standings, they are just where they need to be after playing tough teams like Chelsea, Arsenal and Manchester United early on. They'll need to regain some form though, to keep pace with a rejuvenated Liverpool squad who look to bring back the glory days. In West Ham, the bubbles are flowing this season!


W - D - L
4 - 2 - 1

Capital One Cup:

Eliminated in Round 3

FA Cup:

Friday, November 23, 2012
Posted on November 23, 2012 at 11:28 PM.
This is my ongoing West Ham United Dynasty Blog. I've managed the team since the start of my career mode and haven't used any investor aids thus far.

So far, I've managed 280 matches as West Ham, compiling 114 wins, 71 draws and 95 losses. My teams have had 417 Goals For and 392 Goals Against.

My best season came in 2016/17 when I managed to finish 3rd in the league table and got to the Capital One Cup semi finals, FA Cup Round 4 and Euro League Round 16.

Last season I lost my top attacking midfield player and keeper and only managed a 9th place finish, only retaining my job by some mistake.

As so happens, I'm back for another season, and we aim to take the top spot with an improved defensive game and a plethora of striking talent leading the charge forward.

My team has a ton of depth at this point, and since I'm running a modified 4-5-1 formation to increase defensive responsibility. While I don't have a set in stone Starting XI due to preferences against certain teams, I will do my best to introduce my lead group of players and explain their role with the club.

Starting XI:

GK - Alberto Frison (87) Italy, 30 years old : Alberto came over last January after the loss of Joe Hart and the failed experiment of Marc-Andre Ter Stegen. While he still has problems, he has provided some stability and has continued to grow with the team.

RB - Damon Massey (77) England, 25 years old :
Damon was brought over last summer in the transfer window and honed his skills for a year. While he did make Silva Umbelino expendable, I have added another RB just incase his form dips

CB - Ciaran Clark (85) Republic of Ireland, 28 years old :
Clark was brought in at the start of the second season to bolster what was then an aging backfield with youngsters not quite ready to star. Doesn't start as much lately but still is very effective when playing.

CB - Daniele Rugani (84) Italy, 24 years old : Rugani was one of my first transfers, being a solid young CB from Juventus. He's grown into a great player for me and is my most reliable central defender in big situations.

LB - Luke Humphreys (86) England, 22 years old : The pride and joy of my youth squad, Humphreys is the sole reason I couldn't give up on this team. The English international is definitely the cornerstone of my defensive movement.

RDM - Will Akinde (81) England, 23 years old :
Another very good young English player, the 6'6" defensive mid has shown some offensive upside, but is most notable defensively, obviously. Very aggressive, and very fast for a big man.

LDM - Koikili Adan Garrido (81) Spain, 23 years old : Another good defensive mid, was brought in recently from Bayern to bring a speedy element to my back mid group. Solid passer as well helps to clear out zone quickly.

RAM - Federico Vazquez (87) Argentina, 23 years old : My speedy right midfielder, he isn't the greatest passer or shooter in the world, but has good ball control and dribbling and amazing speed, making him a threat to create chances down the wing. As his cross develops, he becomes increasingly dangerous.

CAM - Fransisco Prats Bastidas (C) (86) Spain, 22 years old : Every good team has their offensive catalyst, and Fransisco is that guy for me. Fast, balanced, great ball control, fantastic dribbling and off the chart long passing and short passing make him a huge threat. Also has a good defensive game.

LAM - Alexander Konrad (87) Germany, 25 years old : Another speedy wide midfield player, at only 5'4" he does get dominated by good fullbacks at times, but is my best crosser and has great passing ability. Solid player to have playing opposite of Vazquez

ST - Andrea Martinetti (89) Italy, 24 years old : An absolutely stunning striker, has amazing Physical attributes, and unbelievable skill attributes. Is everything I need in a striker, but sometimes has problems scoring for some reason, even with 90 finishing. Absolute steal considering what I originally paid for him.

Key Subs:

CF - Esteban Lanzini (85) Argentina, 25 years old : Another amazing forward, Lazini has led the team in goals each of the past two seasons, despite injury problems last year which likely resulted in our fall down the table. Lanzini is great, but proving to get injured a lot, which has me worried.

CM - Alexander Jaakkola (83) Finland, 25 years old :
While I do like using Jaakkola, his low work rate makes him kind of miserable off the ball. Even though he's a CM I also prefer using him as a winger when I play a tight formation. Might be on the way out, but for now he'll keep filling in nicely.

CM - Pavle Lazovic (83) Serbia, 24 years old : Lazovic is one of my most physical midfielders. I've actually used him more as a wide back or CDM than an offensive guy, but he does have a great passer rating. A work horse, I'm never upset to have him in the team.

ST - Maic Kacaniklic (83) Sweden, 22 years old : This years biggest signing, Maic, or young-Zlatan, has great speed and football skills. A bit smaller than my other strikers, he allows me to have different options on the pitch. Great finishing ability makes him a fantastic pick-up.

ST - Bagasan Carrington (82) England, 23 years old :
Carrington is a great player, and is also my tallest striker. Not the most skillful, he uses his size to his advantage and is my target player when I use my aerial assault squad that includes Vazquez and Konrad. Has great speed for a taller man at 6'2".

CAM - Jordan Webster (82) England, 23 years old :
A player I've been using and developing for quite a few years, Webster is a hardnosed player and seems to be at his best in big games. I don't use him as much as I would like due to the talent class, but he's been apart of many big moments for me.

CB - Hordur Magnusson (81) Iceland, 25 years old : The second central back I bought from Juventus, Magnusson is a fairly regular part of my line-up, and will also get some time at CDM this season. Win's a lot of headers for me, so is good to have in when going against a good crossing team.

CAM - Craig Morris (81) Wales, 24 years old :
Young-Scholes is a great workhorse for me. He loves to run right up and through opposing defenses or passing off to the waiting striker. Great playmaker, another guy I want to play more than in the past.

CM - Danny Griffiths (81) England, 23 years old : A skilled player, but not a big time impact guy. He can set up his teammates to make runs but doesn't do too many himself. A nice player to have when trying to hold onto a lead as he rarely makes a mistake on or off the ball.

CB - Christofer Haas (80) Germany, 24 years old : This man is a giant for my team and 6'9". I bought him last January and haven't used him a whole lot, but he'll see more time this year, especially when I use my aerial team, he'll be great in corners.

ST - Adam Evans (78) England, 21 years old : A small striker, Adam Evans is a very complete player from the youth squad who hasn't had great opportunity yet, as he hasn't been able to go off on loan. Will get time in cup games this year and maybe some lower level league games when I'm securely in a points spot.

CAM - Heath Kennedy (78) United States, 22 years old : A player I bought from free agency a year ago, gets sporadic time on the pitch, usually during cup games. Trying to loan him out.

CDM - Paul Cadamarteri (77) England, 22 years old : Lucky enough to be a defensive mid, will likely get a decent amount of stars. Has been honing his skills on loan for 5 years since being signed from the youth squad.

CB - Milos Stevanovic (77) Serbia, 19 years old : My biggest free agent signing this season, in more ways than one. At 6'6", he'll likely develop into a nice defender for me, but will take my time with him, hopefully loan him out.

ST - Josh Kitson (77) England, 22 years old :
A marvelous young striker, Kitson helped to save my job last season with a hat trick against Everton to close the season. Will get quite a few chances of first team football this year, he is an absolute beast for me, from the youth squad.

CDM - Jonathan Speas (77) United States, 22 years old : Another defensive midfield player who will get a good amount of starts this year, at 6'5" is a pretty imposing figure, especially when next to Will Akinde defending the midfield.

RB - Haris Radetinac (77) Serbia, 23 years old :
Another fullback, he is much taller than Humphreys and Massey. Has the potential to develop quite a bit for me, should see some quality first time minutes this year.

CB - Steve Lansbury (76) England, 22 years old : A centreal defender who should be a fullback, Lansbury will hopefully be loaned or sold in the January window, as I have other guys I'd rather use.

CB - Jake Scott (75) England, 22 years old :
Jake Scott is one of these guys. He would probably enjoy a loan, but until then will get some good first team action this year. One of the most exciting defensive prospects in England right now.

CM - Christian Heimeroth (75) Germany, 20 years old : Another player I'd like to loan, but can't for some reason. Was very impressive in his debut, may actually wind up playing 10-20 games for me this year as mostly a sub.

CAM - Jonathan Hopper (75) England, 18 years old : My midfield army continues to grow with young guys like Hopper joining the ranks. Could use a loan, but his skill gives him a good chance to start some cup games.

LW - Stephan Vieira da Costa (74) Germany, 18 years old : A nice prospect, I'm going to use him as a LM. could definitely use a loan or two to grow, but has skills to play now if needed.

ST - Jason Bishop (73) England, 22 years old :
A quick striker, probably going to be sold in January. Didn't grow as expected since getting him.

GK - Emile Southern (69) England, 19 years old : The young keeper will probably start all my Capital One Cup Games and FA Cup Games before the Round of 16, as well as late season games. Hope he's my goalie of the future.

LW - Harry Wright (67) England, 18 years old : Fresh off the youth squad, a quick loan wasn't found, and he'll maybe get some cup starts. Probably going to be sold quickly though, doesn't play a position I use.

Loaned Players:

CM - John Thalassitis (78) England, 22 years old : A tall midfield player, just needs a bit of seasoning away from the club and should become a regular next year after a loan at Getafe

RM - Miles Paterson (73) England, 22 years old : A nice prospect for the future, Miles is on loan at Newcastle and looks to get in about 10-15 games there.

CAM - Korede Southern (76) England, 22 years old :
My first youth squad player, he is spending the year playing for Manchester United. Not sure how much he'll play, but I hope he grows!

CB - Ben Kane (73) England, 21 years old : Another good young player, he's a 5'9" central defender, which is worrisome. Might use him as a fullback in the future. On loan in Liverpool.

ST - Shaun McGlashan (74) England, 19 years old :
A player I hope becomes a star one day, this is his 2nd year of being out on loan, and after a +5 year last year, I hope it repeats at Celtic.

LM - Bradley Chapman (73) England, 22 years old : My future left side wing mid, a loan at Sheffield Wed should give him a ton of playing time and hopefully grow him to a starting role next season or so.
Posted on November 23, 2012 at 07:28 PM.
Well, in a season I am lucky to have, West Ham looks to make a charge for a title!

Starting the 2018-19 season with $12,500,000 budget, supposed to win everything I'm in.

Sold Players:

CB - James Golbourne (82) - England, 23 - $18,500,000 - Sold to Newcastle United
RB - Rodrigo Silva Umbelino (82) - Brazil, 24 - $25,500,000 - Sold to Athletico Madrid
CB - Steve Dyer (76) - England, 22 - $9,000,000 - Sold to Newcastle United
ST - Leandro Basanta (80) - Argentina, 22 - $17,500,000 - Sold to Sevilla FC
LM - Ola John (82) - Netherlands, 26 - $17,500,000 - Sold to Real Madrid

Players Sent Away on Loan:

CM - John Thalassitis (77) - England, 22 - Loaned to Getafe CF
RM - Miles Paterson (73) - England, 22 - Loaned to Newcastle United
CAM - Korede Southern (75) - England, 22 - Loaned to Manchester United
CB - Ben Kane (72) - England, 21 - Loaned to Liverpool FC
ST - Shaun McGashan (74) - England, 19 - Loaned to Celtic FC
LM - Bradley Chapman (73) - England, 22 - Loaned to Sheffield FC

Players Bought:

CB - Milos Stevanovic (76) - Serbia, 19 - Free Agent
CDM - Jonathan Speas (76) - United States, 22 - Seattle Sounders, $10,500,000
ST - Maic Kacaniklic (83) - Sweden, 22 - Paris Saint Germain, $40,000,000
RB - Haris Radetinac (77) - Serbia, 23 - Udinese, $10,000,000
CDM - Koikili Adan Garrido (81) - Spain, 22 - FC Bayern Munich, $24,500,000
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Posted on November 11, 2012 at 04:38 AM.
Toronto Blue Jays 2017 Opening Roster Depth Chart - 2017
  • Catcher
  • Yasmani Grandal
  • Ryan Lavarnway
  • First Base
  • Anthony Rizzo
  • Justin Morneau
  • Yan Gomes
  • Elton McCoy
  • Second Base
  • Kerry Temple
  • Elmo Mortero (3B)
  • Third Base
  • Brett Lawrie
  • Elmo Mortero
  • Josh Harrison
  • Shortstop
  • Robby Shearn
  • Angel Sanchez
  • Rick Moin
  • Left Field
  • Dexter Fowler
  • Gustavo De Los Santos
  • Center Field
  • Brett Jackson
  • Roger Almanzar
  • Right Field
  • Jose Bautista
  • Michael Ratcliff
  • Karl Goss
  • Starting Pitcher
  • Christian Friedrich
  • Matt Harvey
  • Wei Yin Chen
  • Drew Smyly
  • Eric Hurley
  • Tyler Thornberg
  • Relief Pitcher
  • Mike Adams
  • Tanner Scheppers
  • Nate Jones
  • Bryan Shaw
  • Sean Doolittle
  • Sam Dyson
  • Closer
  • Joel Zumaya
  • Daniel Hayek
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Posted on October 2, 2012 at 07:00 PM.
Now in the 2016-17 season, prospects developed, I've decided it's time to go for the Stanley Cup.

Key Drafted/Signed non-NHL Players for the Future:

Currently my team is loaded with young talent, but none as promising as my goaltender, Brandon Hope, 22. Taken 1st overall in the 2014 NHL Entry Draft, Hope is a 5 star potential goalie. Now in his 3rd NHL season, Hope has grown to an 86 overall and has performed very well on what was a very bad team to this point.

Back-up goaltender Johan Gustafsson, 24, proved he was worthy of the back-up position last season with a .918% in 26 games last season. Signed as a FA, he has developed very well and provides a very good option if Hope struggles.

Centerman Chad David, 22, from born to Canadian parents living in Poland. The 2nd pick in the 2014 NHL Entry Draft, he has also played two seasons, amassing an impressive 72 goals in 148 games. At 87 overall now, he looks to continue to grow offensively and with speed. He is expected to be the core of the teams offence for years.

Viacheslav Garkusha, 22, is a small RW picked 28th overall in the 2013 draft. A pure playmaker, he has 178 points, with 158 of those being assists, in 200 NHL games. With only 3.5 potential, he has slowly worked himself to be considered a 2nd line player, but his passing ability has made him the top playmaker on the team.

Tyson Torres, 21, was selected 40th overall in the 2015 draft by the Ducks, but was brought in as a depth player to start, and will likely develop into a 2nd or 3rd line scorer. At 6'3", 206 lbs, if he only develops into a 3rd liner, he may be useful in a defensive role as well, since he has low 80 defensive ratings already.

Defenceman Marian Harant, 21, is a big offensive Slovak who was signed as a UFA. Only 2.5 star potential, so won't grow much, but has the attributes to be a good 3rd pairing d-man for the PP. Not much is expected from him though.

Michel De Serres, 19, was the first overall selection in 2016. At 6'5", 218 lbs, the French Canadian looks to be a very impactful two-way forward of the future, and will get NHL time this season to help his growth. He is expected to be one of our top players moving forward.

Winger Jussi Keranen, 21, was the 4th overall pick in 2014, but the Devils didn't seem to want him so I traded a depth forward for the 4 star Fin. Expected to grow into a good two-way threat, the sizeable forward will also play in the NHL this season in hopes to speed up his progression into a top 9 forward.

Defensive prospect Sean Pearce, 19, was taken 2nd overall in 2015, but hasn't grown as quickly as I wanted. He'll be a good defensive shut down man in the future, but it may take a few seasons for him to develop, with only 4 stars and no NHL roster spot for him this year.

Offensive prospect Evan Frattin, 19, was the 4th pick in 2015, and like Pearce, will take some extra time to grow. A sizable sniper, he should turn into the 2nd line scorer every team wants, and with 24 goals and 52 points in his first AHL season, he's shown he has the ability to be a star, now he just needs to show the speed to play in the NHL.

Real NHLers Signed/Traded for:

C - Patrick Kane (Free Agency)
D - Ryan McDonagh (Free Agency)
D - Kevin Bieksa (Free Agency)
D - Dennis Seidenberg (Trade)
LW - Evander Kane (Trade)
LW - Cory Conacher (Trade)
RW - Victor Stalberg (Free Agency)
LW - Mason Raymond (Free Agency)
C - Torrey Mitchell (Free Agency)
D - Kevin Klein (Free Agency)
D - Dalton Thrower (Trade)
LW - Oscar Osala (Free Agency)
LW - Tommy Kristiansen (Free Agency)
RW - Tomas Kubalik (Trade)
D - David Schlemko (Free Agency)
C - Justin Hodgman (Free Agency)
C - Kyle Wellwood (Trade)
RW - Aaron Palushaj (Free Agency)
D - Nicholas Petrecki (Free Agency)


Colorado Avalanche Depth Chart - 2016-17
LWPatrick Kane (87)Evander Kane (83)Gabriel Landeskog (82)Jussi Keranen (71)
CChad David (87)Matt Duchene (86)Ryan O'Reilly (82)Torrey Mitchell (78)
RWSlava Garkusha (83)Cory Conacher (83)Tyson Torres (78)Michel De Serres (74)
D #1Ryan McDonaugh (87)Dennis Seidenberg (84)Kevin Bieksa (84)
D #2Duncan Siemens (83)Dalton Thrower (71)Kevin Klein (78)
GBrandon Hope (86)Johan Gustafsson (80)

Saturday, September 1, 2012
Posted on September 1, 2012 at 03:44 AM.
Well, since the teams have been finalized and I got my top pick, the LA Kings, I've decided to open a dynasty thread based on my team. As some guys may have seen, for NHL 12 I did some seasonal team updates with statistics, growth, trades, draft, etc...I plan to do something similar for NHL 13.

Anyways, for now, I realize many teams have a need for a goalie still. I have Jonathon Bernier available.

Obviously we don't know complete team rosters (AHL, Euro and Junior players) but if anyone wants to give an early offer, I'd be willing to consider deals on NHL quality players. I'd be looking for defencemen as a priority but will listen to any and all offers as long as they are respectable. I'll also table offers for other players, but am unlikely to move off anyone if it doesn't make sense for my team.

If you just want to chat, we can chat in here as well and discuss what our plans are for our teams going forward.

Los Angeles Kings Intro:

As new GM of the Stanley Cup Champion Los Angeles Kings, I have perhaps the greatest pressure on me of all the OS Connected GM's. While I acknowledge there are better teams, according to the games rating system, my feeling is that I can compete for the cup again, as long as I make a few moves that will improve my team a bit. The addition of potential top 9 forward, Tanner Pearson, gives me even more options up front. I plan to address my defensive core, but it is already strong with the likes of Mitchell, Greene, Voynov, Martinez, Scuderi, and of course the young stud, Drew Doughty.

As I sit behind my chair wondering where the team can go from here, I know I have a few options at my disposal, but also face some tough competition from rival GM's who also know what they are doing. As long as my team can stay healthy, and whatever moves I make work out, I feel the Kings will be in contention once again in the first season of the new OS Connected league.

Pre-season Expectations:
Regular Season:
Top 5 in the Western Conference,
Top 5 defensively,
Top 15 Offensively.
Make it to Western Finals
Contend for Cup

Trade Block:
RW - Justin Williams
D - Thomas Hickey
C - Colin Fraser

Enjoy all! hope we have a lively community and some good communication between new GMs.

First Trade:

Projected Starting Line-ups for the 2012-13 LA Kings:

Dustin Brown (84) - Anze Kopitar (86) - Justin Williams (83)
Nikolai Kulemin (82) - Mike Richards (87) - Jeff Carter (86)
Matthew Lombardi (82) - Jared Stoll (81) - Brad Richardson (76)
Kyle Clifford (74) - Colin Fraser (75) - Trevor Lewis (73)

Rob Scuderi (81) - Drew Doughty (87)

John-Michael Liles (82) - John Carlson (84)
Willie Mitchell (81) - Thomas Hickey (75)

Johnathan Quick (90)

Ben Scrivens (71)

September 23, 2012 Update (1st Advance):

Well, since the last update, the Kings have made some more changes and have also begun the regular season. The season opened with a 4-2 Home opening victory over the New York Rangers, followed by a 3-1 win over the Edmonton Oilers. Carolina proved to be a tough test and with Kopitar and Gagne injured, the Kings suffered their first loss, 1-0. Nashville then scored some opportune goals and beat the Kings 4-1. Edmonton then avenged their first loss by winning a close 4-3 win over the Kings. Finally, the Kings rolled into Calgary with the return of Anze Kopitar and won 5-1 to get back to a 3-3-0 record.

Trades and Transactions:

Los Angeles Kings trade D Thomas Hickey to Washington for LW Jason Chimera.

Los Angeles Kings trade RW Dustin Brown, C Brad Richardson and a 2014 1st Round Pick for RW Michael Grabner and RW Brad Boyes.

Projected Line-Ups:

Jeff Carter - Mike Richards - Justin Williams
Nikolai Kulemin - Anze Kopitar - Michael Grabner
Matthew Lombardi - Jarret Stoll - Brad Boyes
Jason Chimera - Colin Frasor - Kyle Clifford

Rob Scuderi - Drew Doughty
Willie Mitchell - John Carlson
John-Michael Liles - David Drewiske

Johnathan Quick
Ben Scrivens

-Dwight King
-Spencer Mahachek
-Trevor Lewis
-Matt Frattin
-Andrew Campbell
-Jacob Muzzin
-Scott Parse
-Marc-Andre Cliche
-Linden Vey
Monday, July 30, 2012
Posted on July 30, 2012 at 12:34 AM.
Well, after a very tough season, we finally won a World Series! as well as our Division for the first time!

Scotty Felder won his first Cy Young Award while going 18-4 with a 2.76 ERA

Johnny Hurley won the World Series MVP trophy after batting .529 in the final with 2 HR and 5 RBI!

2019 Oakland Athletics - Playoffs Stats - Hitting
Johnny Hurley601624517186611.400.455.867
Jovany Major526183021041330.346.393.519
Johnny Nunez56111950373720.339.373.589
Rolando Vizcaino661020512831140.303.343.500
Andres Perez545143021221801.259.298.426
Houston Jensen565143051351311.250.311.571
Chris Pettit56713302701210.232.232.393
Fred Branch621114500451272.226.284.306
Conor Gillaspie56811101241000.196.262.268
2019 Oakland Athletics - Playoffs Stats - Pitching
Luis Ramirez70006007.0610171.001.29
Art Dellaero60000037.0851151.296.43
Trystan Magnuson60000039.14313110.752.89
Liam Hendriks443103027.12712211161.393.95
Scotty Felder442202023.2241226131.274.56
Jhan Marinez40000022.2110421.883.38
Erik Hamren40000014.1710131.852.08
Frederic James332002020.1197310171.433.10
Joaquin Fransisco22110008.018934112.7510.18
Brandon Beachy222002014.010414161.002.57
Eduardo Sanchez10101003.1220301.505.40

Our budget was increased by a modest 7%, but next season I plan to play more games, and will update a few on here, if I get some comments.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Posted on July 28, 2012 at 10:27 PM.

Well, I bought this game, MLB The Show 2011, back at Christmas as NHL 12 and Madden 12 were getting stale. I started a Franchise as the Oakland Athletics with some downloaded rosters (forget who from), to make it a challenge. Little did I realize, by losing in the ALDS, you only gain like 1% budget increase, 5% for ALCS, etc...Anyways, with a cash strapped team I blew through seasons trying to acquire prospects and secondary players from other teams, and eventually I made a solid contender.

I've made the play-offs each year since 2014 and have made the ALDS 3 times, and World Series once, although I've never won the World Series, yet. Each year I have to offload players like Madison Bumgarner, Chris Sale, Clay Buckholz, Daniel Bard, Jason Heyward, Colby Rasmus, Luis Exposito, Kurt Suzuki, etc...But each year, I find a relatively cheap replacement and my "core" players manage to keep my in contention.

Johnny Hurley, 1B, is my perrenial all-star, and is rated as one of the top 5 players in all the majors. I've had to send him to arbitration a few times, but last year locked him up to a 6 year deal. Last season he batted .303% and had 41 HR's with 111 RBI's to lead my team to winning the Wild Card.

Liam Hendriks is my "ace". After trading for him from Arizona in 2014, he has gone on to become one of the best, most consistent starters in the majors. Last season he was 20-4 with a 3.43 ERA and won his 2nd straight Cy Young Award.

Scotty Felder is a player I got from the Rule 5 draft in 2013. He usually gets about 15 wins per season, and has only 1 losing season, which was last year when he went 11-12 with a 4.56 ERA. His rating though, has now grown ahead of Hendriks, so I'm hoping to see the Felder who went 14-5 with a 2.86 ERA in 2016.

As for the rest of the team, Rolando Vizcaino, Conor Gillaspie, Chris Pettit, and Fred Branch are all former prospects I got before the 2014 season began and have spent 5+ seasons with me. Johnny Nunez, Houston Jensen and Andres Perez all developed more recently, and Ayala and Case were acquired when I needed to offload Jemile Weeks for salary reasons.

Pitching-wise, Brandon Beachy has been developing with me since the 2013 season as well, and Frederic James, Thomas Gregory and Brandon Nemeth were all acquired over recent seasons to bring stability to the 3-5 starting pitcher slots. Joaquin Fransisco, Emmett Perez, Randal Shultz and Joel Silva represent my future as they have all been drafted by me in recent seasons.

Erik Hamren was my only acquisition to bolster a bullpen that struggled mightily last season, and veterans Trystan Magnuson, Art Dellaro, Eduardo Sanchez and Jhan Marinez return to hopefully put in a strong effort as we chase the World Series once again.

Luis Ramirez is my closer now, after Alberto Valenzuella became too expensive and had to be released before the 2018 seasons. Bobby Solis was my first draft pick as GM of the Athletics, and could contend this season for the closing position if Ramirez struggles.

Anyways, that is my lengthy introduction to my team, I'm definitely not a baseball expert but enjoy playing the game and managing the team. If anyone has any questions or comments, please leave them, cause I would like to improve my team the best I can.

World Series or Bust!

Oakland Athletics - 2019 Roster
15Scotty FelderSPR/R336'2"193 lbs$12.0M
62Liam HendriksSPR/R306'1"200 lbs$11.9M
40Erik HamrenRPR/R326'1"195 lbs$1.9M
64Trystan MagnusonRPL/R336'7"210 lbs$2.1M
26Luis RamirezCPL/L286'2"220 lbs$3.3M
10Art DellaeroRPR/R316'1"197 lbs$904K
37Brandon BeachySPR/R326'3"215 lbs$3.0M
28Frederic JamesSPR/R306'5"191 lbs$1.0M
56Eduardo SanchezRPR/R295'11"170 lbs$946K
25Thomas GregorySPR/R295'10"208 lbs$230K
54Jhan MarinezRPR/R306'1"165 lbs$600K
35Brandon NemethSPR/R295'11"177 lbs$835K
35Emmett PerezSPR/R276'2"202 lbs$596K
7Phillip RohSPL/L315'11"208 lbs$900K
58Aaron ValderramaRPR/L295'11"202 lbs$400K
11Bobby SolisCPL/R265'11"216 lbs$450K
39Joey DevineRPR/R356'0"235 lbs$1.0M
47Jordan LylesSPR/R286'4"210 lbs$340K
48Randal ShultzSPL/L266'2"197 lbs$465K
23Joaquin FransiscoSPL/L256'1"218 lbs$300K
23Jovanny MajorCR/R276'2"205 lbs$4.5M
6Joshua McKinleyCR/R276'5"218 lbs$190K
17Johnny Hurley1BR/L326'0"199 lbs$13.3M
39Julio Ayala2BR/R276'2"182 lbs$160K
22Jim Case2BR/R296'4"196 lbs$240K
50Connor Gillaspie3BL/R316'1"195 lbs$6.5M
20Napoleon Shea3BR/R296'5"199 lbs$530K
24Johnny Nunez3BR/R235'11"215 lbs$1.0M
4Rolando VizcaionoSSR/R306'2"222 lbs$9.6M
38Houston JensenLFS/R305'9"179 lbs$3.0M
33Chris PettitLFR/R346'0"200 lbs$5.6M
5Fred BranchCFL/R325'10"178 lbs$2.1M
6Andres Perez1BS/R266'5"233 lbs$3.7M

Opening Day Roster:

Oakland Athletics Opening Day Roster Depth Chart - 2019
  • Catcher
  • Jovanny Major
  • Joshua McKinley
  • First Base
  • Johnny Hurley
  • Andres Perez
  • Second Base
  • Julio Ayala
  • Jim Case
  • Third Base
  • Conor Gillaspie
  • Napoleon Shea
  • Johnny Nunez
  • Shortstop
  • Rolando Vizcaino
  • Napoleon Shea
  • Left Field
  • Houston Jensen
  • Chris Pettit
  • Jim Snavely
  • Center Field
  • Fred Branch
  • Jim Snavely
  • Right Field
  • Chris Pettit
  • Donnie Cluevas
  • Starting Pitcher
  • Liam Hendriks
  • Scotty Felder
  • Brandon Beachy
  • Frederic James
  • Thomas Gregory
  • Brandon Nemeth
  • Relief Pitcher
  • Erik Hamren
  • Trystan Magnuson
  • Art Dellaero
  • Eduardo Sanchez
  • Jhan Marinez
  • Aaron Valderrama
  • Closer
  • Luis Ramirez
  • Bobby Solis
  • Designated Hitter
  • Andres Perez
  • Johnny Nunez

I will be simming most of this season, but will play some games, so may post some statistics along the way! hope you enjoy

Oakland acquires 29 year old RP Diego Garcia off waivers from St. Louis
Oakland also acquires 28 year old SS Kyle Gonzalez off waivers from the New York Yankees.

Oakland acquires 29 year old SP Jackie Pate off waivers from Philadelphia
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Posted on July 3, 2012 at 11:11 PM.
The History of my NEW Dallas Stars Dynasty can be found Here:
Category: Dallas Stars
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Posted on June 21, 2012 at 02:14 AM.
The History of my Boston Bruins Dynasty can be found here
Category: Boston Bruins
Posted on June 21, 2012 at 02:11 AM.
My Tampa Bay Lightning's History Can be Found Here:
Monday, May 7, 2012
Posted on May 7, 2012 at 03:49 PM.
Well, this was my first completed dynasty on NHL12. We won 20 stanley cups, in large part due to our captain for 17 seasons, Teemu Laatikainen's ability to shut down opposing scoring lines, as well as providing offence himself.

Will do some bio's on the players who weren't retired at the end of the 25 year cycle, for others, I created a stats page showing the "top" players career statistics.

Note: Bottom 3 players are defencemen, which is why they aren't in order with the forwards.

Washington Capitals Stats - 2012-36
Taylor Burke13155609201480
Niko Louhivaara14787116521363
Leonard Tangradi11054866641150
Danile Laperriere10994735871060
Zach Elliott919393367760
Emmanuel Papineau573212411623
Teemu Laatikainen17162029841186
Hannu Viitanen1062133485618
Jason Quirk949112454566
Joseph Reese903648149106

My Washington Team was built off of defence, with my 3 d-pairings being so deep, that I averaged less than 2 goals against per game each season for the last 17 years of the Dynasty.

D - Teemu Laatikainen
Finnish. Drafted in 2013 by myself 3rd overall, continued to play until the game ended in 2036, at age 41 (Lidstrom style). 6'1", 197 lbs. Never a physically imposing defenceman, his positioning was never matched and he finished probably +2000 in his career, with numerous seasons of +120 hockey (I played a lot of games, which helped). He became the captain in 2017, and never gave it up for the rest of the GM Mode. Best Defenceman I've ever drafted. Was a 99 overall for 10 seasons of his career. 12 time Norris winner.

D - Jason Quirk
Canadian. Selected 1st overall in 2024, as the teams only franchise player (got one in 2035, but he only played 1 season), quickly became Laatikainens Defence Partner. Standing at 6'2", 198 lbs, he was much faster than Teemu, he did most of the puck carrying, and his bomb from the point made him and Laatikainen the most dangerous threat on a very dangerous team. was a 99 overall for 5 years

D - Hannu Viitanen
Finnish. Selected 2nd overall in 2021 by the Capitals. Playing on the 2nd line his entire career, with country-man and team veteran, Kai Kurvinen, he became a dominant force. At 6'4", 214 lbs, he was always one of the biggest defencemen on the team, and his offensive stats were high 90's quickly in his career. Could have been one of the best ever, if not for Quirk and Laatikainen.

D - Kai Kurvinen
Finnish. The last of my teams legendary defencemen, was the 14th overall pick in 2012. at 6'7", 210 lbs, he was very fast for a man of his size, and his slap shot was usually the best on the team (Viitanen and Quirk eventually overtook him in this regard) I didn't get to save his stats, but he had over 800 points in a 18 year NHL career.

Honourable defence mentions: Bobby Aduono (26), Brian Craig (21), Lawrence Staal (22), Eddie Gelech (23). These players couldn't finish their careers, as they were drafted too late, but all would have been eventually "retired" as well.

Forwards: Early on, I built my team with Alex Ovechkin (never saved stats, 800+ goals though), Ryan Kesler, and
Claude Giroux, followed by 3 lines of prospects. Eventually after a disapointing season, I completely blew up the forward core for a 2nd time, and wound up with the following players:

C - Niko Louhivaara
Finnish. Drafted 6th overall in 2015, Niko, as he was known, was immediately billed as the next great forward in the NHL. Forced into the NHL at a young 18 years old, I probably didn't develop him as well early on as I'd hoped. for his first 7 NHL seasons, he never had over 64 points. But at the age of 26, he exploded onto the scene with 112 points. At one point, in his early 30's, after Ovechkin retired, he carried the team offensively, with 4 straight years of 60 goals, followed by one with 48 before 2 more with 60. Was expected to be the 3rd Captain in Franchise history under my GM-ship, but Laatikainen never retired, and in 2035, Niko did.

RW - Taylor Burke
Canadian. Was taken 1st overall in 2014 by the Bruins, but at the age of 23, was playing in the AHL still, with less than 25 games in the NHL. I traded for him, as he fit the mold of players I was looking for when i blew the line-up apart the 2nd time. For 7 seasons, he was the main offensive force of the 2nd line, producing over a point per game in 5 of the 7 seasons. After Ovechkins retirement, he moved to the top line, continuing to produce 100-115 points per season. In 2034, he had 156 points, by far a career high. He retired after the 2035 season with Niko and Tangradi, "The Line" was the dominantoffensive force behind the teams 20 stanley cups, so when they all retired within 2 seasons, it left the team with huge gaps to fill.

LW - Leonard Tangradi
Canadian. Brought in as a UFA, he quickly became Alex Ovechkin's set-up man, winning numerous Art Ross's, when Burke wasn't winning them. Left the team for 3 seasons at age 34-36 because he wanted too much money, but returned at age 37 to play with Niko and Burke once again. That was his last season in a relatively short career, but one that was extremely productive.

LW - Daniel Laperriere
Canadian. At 6'3" 209 lbs, he was the biggest top 6 forward I ever drafted, and played as though he was 6'5". He only played top line for the 3 seasons Tangradi was gone, as well as the final season, when the team's veterans had to replace all the retired stars. A pure goal scorer, he used great speed as his biggest weapon, and was probably the fastest player on a very fast team.

C - Zach Elliott
American. 6'3, 212 lbs. another very fast player who had the best slap shot of any of my forwards, he struggled as a center and spent many seasons on the wing. Played a few years as a 3rd line player as well, yet still put up 30 goals per season. Was unfortunate that he joined the team when the forward position was it's strongest, but still found a way to produce.

RW - Emmanuel Papineau
Canadian. 6'2, 208 lbs. The most creative player I've had in NHL 12. Perhaps the best passer in the history of the NHL (not the most assists, but a terrific passer), he used his abilities to deke defenders and shoot the puck, combined with his passing, to win 3 Art Ross trophies. First player I patiently developed, made his NHL debut at 21, but didn't play a full season until he was 22. Having to stop using him with about 12 years left in his career is probably my most upsetting NHL 12 experience.
Honourable Mentions for forwards: Marko Louhi (31), Brock Rycroft (34), Eric Doig (33), Vince Urquhart (35), Bryce Neil (28), Nelson Weal (37) and Cole Peluso (retired). These players were the role players who brought me the cups. Every good team has good depth, and this is where mine came from (year are the guys who played numerous seasons with me)


Every champion team, has a champion Goalie.

G - Joseph Reese
Signed as a 22 year old UFA, he won the Conn Smythe trophy the season before he won the Calder. Replaced Steve Mason as a goaltender, eventually won over 600 games and had over 100 shutouts. But in the playoffs is where he did his best work. 257 career playoff wins, Probably a .940% career save percentage in the playoffs, he rarely let in over 1 goal in the post season. Allowed a strong team to win numerous Cups. Was instrumental in the teams best ever season. Won 6 Vezina Trophies.

Honourable Mention: Scott Langkow (30). Brought in to be a back-up to Reese, signed an 8 year deal at 21 years old for $1.250 million, and was an affordable back-up until Reese retired after the 2034. 211 Career wins in 317 career games.

While my team won numerous individual and team trophies, the greatest achievement ever came in the 2031-32 season.

This season, we went 82-0-0 in the Regular Season with Reese playing in 52 games, while Langkow played 30. I played about 50 games of this season, and there were some OT scares, but managed to pull through each time.

We scored 411 goals that year, while only allowing 147 against. This led to Tangradi's high contract demands, and having to trade a bunch of long time players, but it was well worth it, as in the playoffs, we also went 16-0. Total season: 98-0-0.

The next season, we came back to earth, going 46-30-6 with all the moves I had to make to make the cap.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed my team.
Posted on May 7, 2012 at 02:23 PM.
This is my Boston Bruins team, which is still ongoing. I started this GM Mode in January after I reached the end of the 25 seasons with my Washington Capitals Dynasty.

Most recent roster updates and statistics can be found here:

For this team, I built a team with 4 lines that can score, and has big bodies on forward, in contrast to my Washington team who was built defensively and who's biggest forward (that wasn't a 4th liner being replaced year to year) was 6'3", 205lbs. So far, we've won 4 Stanley cups, but team defence has cost us a chance at probably 5 others.

The season is the 2029-30 season, currently 2 games into the 2nd playoff round vs. the New York Islanders. I will introduce the team as if everyone was healthy (which they are not).

Note: A lot of these players weren't drafted by me, I had to shed cap space and traded some veterans for these players when they were in juniors or the AHL, so they are developed by myself.


Line 1:

LW - Joe Tyrell.
Playmaker, 94 overall.
33 years old, 6'2", 184 lbs. Born in Austria.
Drafted 13th overall in 2015 by the Anaheim Ducks.
984 Career Games Played, 267 Career Goals, 882 Career Points.
- Strong Dangler but is probably the best passer in the league now, not too physically imposing but uses his shifty-ness to create opportunities for himself and his linemates. One of the most respected players in the league.

C - Danny Wilm.
Sniper, 92 overall.
30 years old, 6'1", 188 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 2nd overall in 2018 by the Tampa Bay Lightning.
776 Career Games Played, 260 Career Goals, 590 Career Points.
- Late Bloomer, was rotting in Tampa's farm system, didn't make his NHL debut until the age of 22 with the Bruins, quickly became the #1 center. Sakic-like wrist shot, coupled with great hands. Always a threat to put it in the net.

RW - Jamie Baron.
Sniper, 82 overall.
24 years old, 6'2", 199 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 28th overall in 2025 by the New York Islanders.
203 Career Games Played, 47 Career goals, 92 Career Points.
- Young player who took a few seasons to develop, career threatened by injuries numerous times. Uses his body and speed to create opportunities on the rush. Future 40 goal scorer in the league.

Line 2:

LW - Cameron Callahan.
Sniper, 91 overall.
31 years old, 5'11", 185 lbs. Born in Canada.
Franchise Player, Drafted 1st overall in 2018 by the Boston Bruins.
928 Career Games Played, 364 Career Goals, 673 Career Points.
- Under Achieving forward offensively, was billed as a Franchise player, but almost 1000 games into his career, has a career high 65 points in 1 season. Great defensively though, much stronger than his size indicates.

C - Brad Stokes
Playmaker, 87 overall.
26 years old, 5'10", 180lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 17th overall in 2022 by the Florida Panthers.
325 Career Games Played, 72 Career Goals, 224 Career Points.
- Small 2nd line centerman, held out from signing a contract last season, but has come back and put up career high totals. While his size hinders what he can do around the net, he is a great set up man, gets a lot of assists from behind the net.

RW - Colin Meldere
Sniper, 81 overall.
24 years old, 6'4", 222 lbs. Born in the USA.
Drafted 44th overall in 2024 by the Buffalo Sabres.
246 Career Games Played, 26 Career Goals, 72 Career Points.
- Acquired in a cap freeing deal, has added more size and speed to the bottom 6. Not overly productive at this stage of his career, but looks poised to develop into a top 9 forward when the time comes I need to promote someone to replace a veteran.

Line 3:

LW - Trevor Klee
Power Forward, 83 overall.
23 years old, 6'4", 235 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 71st overall in 2025 by the Boston Bruins.
251 Career Games Played, 43 Career Goals, 96 Career Points.
- My best 3rd round pick as GM of Boston, took 2 seasons to develop in the AHL, is a huge physical presence and destined to one day be a top 2 line player, to create space for some smaller line-mates. The Fan favourite in Boston, brings a level of tenacity that few teams in the league can match.

C - Carson Perreaux
Playmaker, 84 overall.
35 years old, 6'3", 186 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 104th overall in 2013 by the Washington Capitals.
784 Career Games Played, 77 Career Goals, 212 Career Points.
- Defensive Specialist, a free agent signing brought in to be an affordable, playable replacement for Kenneth Brind'Amour. Good puck control and passing ability allow him to be a solid 2 way player, but his defensive and athletic make him a standout in his own zone.

LW - Steve Bordson
Sniper, 88 overall.
27 years old, 6'4", 221 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 2nd overall in 2021 by the Boston Bruins.
564 Career Games Played, 126 Career Goals, 272 Career Points.
- Huge and Physical. Struggled when entering the league, spent 2 seasons in the AHL after his rookie season, but came back more physical than before and earned a spot in the bottom 6. Can fill in on top 2 lines like no problem. Great power forward type player, fan favourite in Boston.

Line 4:

LW - Topi Kerman
Tough Guy, 80 overall.
33 years old, 6'3", 236 lbs. Born in Finland.
8 Career Games Played, 1 Career Goal, 3 Career Points.
-In the 2030 off-season, because of cap problems, I had to hire some cheap players who can be effective. Topi Kerman is a big body who will be a good enforcer in games when he needs to be. Not a problem in his own end, solid 4th liner.

C - Shannon Cracknell
Sniper, 81 overall.
30 years old, 6'3", 215 lbs. Born in the USA.
Drafted 1st overall in 2019 by the Boston Bruins.
530 Career Games Played, 85 Career Goals, 195 Career Points.
- After high hopes when drafting him 1st overall, he did not develop into the superstar center I was hoping for, and was traded away. Next season though, he was put on waivers and re-claimed, and filled in as a 4th line centerman playing a checking role. Has settled in nicely and helps the team toughness and speed.

RW - William Carrier
Two-Way Forward, 79 overall.
35 years old, 6'2", 208 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 122nd overall in 2014 by the Los Angeles Kings.
150 Career Games Played, 25 Career Goals, 52 Career Points.
- Another cheap veteran player I signed to play a bottom 6 role and defend well. Has decnt size and speed, but most importantly is great defensively. Defensive Star on the 4th line with two big linemates.

Defensive Pair 1:

LD - Casey Fast
Defensive Defenceman, 91 overall.
32 years old, 6'2", 199 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 1st overall in 2016 by the Boston Bruins.
1,145 Career Games Played, 51 Career Goals, 208 Career Points.
- The definition of shut-down defenceman has a picture of Casey Fast beside it. Played in the NHL since being drafted in 2016, has become the best shut-down man in the NHL. Has a hard slap shot, earning him a spot on the Power Play after the offensive guys were traded for cap room. Career High 29 points in the past season. Should finish career with 1500+ Games.

RD - Phil Hartnell
Defensive Defenceman, 91 overall.
25 years old, 6'2", 200 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 4th overall in 2023 by the New York Islanders.
518 Career Games Played, 32 Career Goals, 194 Career Points.
- Started his career as a puck rushing defenceman, playing on a line with Kyle Kantor (to be introduced). When placed with Casey Fast, became much more defensive and has really become a nice fit as a shut down guy. Still has offensive upside, but has eased up a bit on risky plays.

Defensive Pair 2:

LD - Alexei Dadonov
Defensive Defenceman, 89 overall.
25 years old, 6'6", 224 lbs. Born in Russia.
Drafted 2nd overall in 2024 by the Los Angeles Kings.
251 Career Games Played, 3 Career Goals, 68 Career Points.
- Originally brought in as a 20 year old prospect to eventually play with Andrei Kulemin (traded OFD), has become one of the biggest physical forces in the NHL. Little to no offensive upside, but so good defensively that the puck is rarely in the zone when he is on the ice. Biggest NHL regular on the team.

RD - Kyle Kantor
Two-Way Defenceman, 92 overall.
33 years old, 6'3", 210 lbs. Born in the USA.
Drafted 1st overall in 2015 by the Boston Bruins.
1,039 Career Games Played, 72 Career Goals, 385 Career Points.
- Late bloomer, didn't make his NHL debut until 23 years old. Served as captain for 3 seasons, and has helped develop some of the best defencemen in the league (Hartnell, Dadonov, Kulemin, etc.). Decent offensive force, but is better suited to a role where he is paired with an inexperienced d-man who is prone to make mistakes. Great at covering up for teammates mistakes.

Defensive Pair 3:

LD - Johan Persson
Two-Way Defenseman, 84 overall.
33 years old, 6'2", 209 lbs. Born in Sweden.
Drafted 42nd overall in 2016 by the Columbus Blue Jackets.
216 Career Games Played, 9 Career Goals, 29 Career Points.
- With the big overhaul making the team stronger defensively with the retirement of Yuri Smirnov, Persson was acquired in the deal that sent Ruslan Khavanov and Jacques Poirier away. Very good in his own end, possesses a decent slap shot. Great in his own zone, good at covering when forwards get caught on the counter attack

RD - Tuomo Makkonen

Defensive Defenceman, 90 overall.
31 years old, 6'2", 192 lbs. Born in Finland.
Drafted 67th overall in 2018 by the San Jose Sharks.
661 Career Games Played, 27 Career Goals, 147 Career Points.
- Originally picked up as a 20 year old, he played with the Bruins for 6 seasons before being traded to relieve cap pressure on the team. Re-Acquired for 91 overall goaltender, Par Moller, this season, he brings a complete defensive game, great speed and strength, and also a very slap shot. Can play on the top line if needed.


Starter - Calle Moller
Butterfly Goalie, 88 overall.
26 years old, 6'3", 209 lbs. Born in Sweden.
Drafted 18th overall in 2023 by the New York Rangers.
75 Career Games Played, 40 Career Wins, 8 Career Shutouts.
- After holding out on his contract last season, I decided to go for the bigger Calle Moller as my starter, while parting away with his brother Par Moller. His size allows him to be a strong butterfly goalie. More sound positionally than Par, he doesn't make many spectacular saves for the team.

Back-Up - Samu Lehtivouri
Hybrid Goalie, 80 overall.
28 years old, 6'4", 206 lbs. Born in Finland.
Drafted 176th overall in 2021 by the Montreal Canadiens.
5 Career Games Played, 4 Career Wins, 0 Career Shutouts.
- Solid back-up, will be able to start in 15-20 games this season. Decided to go with a veteran with good poise (85) over a rookie in net. Affordable, will not be too upset if he has a .400% winning percentage.

Saturday, May 5, 2012
Line-Up for 2024-25 Season:

Line 1:

LW - Dwayne Boos.
Playmaker. 91 overall.
27 years old, 5'9", 184 lbs. Born in Canada.
Franchise Player, Drafted 1st overall in 2016 by the Tampa Bay Lightning.
600 Career Games Played, 119 Career Goals, 545 Career Points.
- Small, gifted passer. Quarterback of the teams very successful Powerplay.

C - Gene Pauls.
Sniper. 87 overall.
25 years old, 6'2", 203 lbs. Born in Canada.
Franchise Player, Drafted 1st overall in 2019 by the Tampa Bay Lightning.
405 Career Games Played. 142 Career Goals, 251 Career Points.
- Big, physical and fast, Pauls makes room on the ice and can also put the puck in the net.

RW - Danny Erskine.
Sniper. 86 overall.
24 years old, 6'2", 201 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 2nd overall in 2019 by the Calgary Flames.
162 Career Games Played, 49 Career Goals, 109 Career Points.
- Big winger, plays on his offside wing. Natural goal scorer and dangler.

Line 2:

LW - Vladimir Fedotov.
Playmaker. 90 overall.
29 years old, 6'2", 196 lbs. Born in Russia.
Drafted 1st overall in 2013 by the Tampa Bay Lightning.
879 Career Games Played, 252 Career Goals, 648 Career Points.
- Speedy winger who can pass and score. Prone to inconsistent play.

C - Alex Galchenyuk.
Playmaker. 91 overall.
30 years old, 6'2", 201 lbs. Editted to represent Russia.
Drafted 13th overall in 2012 by the Pittsburgh Penguins.
913 Career Games Played, 223 Career Goals, 634 Career Points.
- Very physical and skilled centerman, has won 2 Conn Smythe's because of his tenacity.

RW - Dimitri Svitov.
Sniper. 87 overall.
26 years old, 6'1", 193 lbs. Born in Russia.
Drafted 1st overall in 2017 by the Detroit Red Wings.
543 Career Games Played, 160 Career Goals, 328 Career Points.
- Super skilled with the puck, still very young and may win a Richard in the upcoming years.

Line 3:

LW - Manny Byrne.
Power Forward. 85 overall.
26 years old, 6'0", 220 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 9th overall in 2017 by the Philadelphia Flyers.
322 Career Games Played, 47 Career Goals, 106 Career Points.
- Physical winger, uses his size to dominate down low, solid defensively.

C - Jimmy Coleman.
Two-Way Forward. 84 overall.
21 years old, 6'2", 209 lbs. Born in Canada.
Franchise Player, Drafted 1st overall in 2023 by the Tampa Bay Lightning.
90 Career Games Played, 14 Career Goals, 28 Career Points.
- Pure shut down player, had a successful rookie season. Key to the teams success.

RW - Sergej Bykov.
Power Forward. 83 overall.
25 years old, 6'3", 234 lbs. Born in Russia.
Drafted 201st overall in 2018 by the Colorado Avalanche.
283 Career Games Played, 56 Career Goals, 134 Career Points.
- Huge, physical and fast, Bykov can do it all. Good top 6 fill in player.

Line 4:

LW - Shannon Ranger.
Power Forward. 80 overall.
26 years old, 6'2", 223 lbs. Born in the USA.
Drafted 5th overall in 2017 by the Los Angeles Kings.
91 Career Games Played, 6 Career Goals, 26 Career Points.
- Another physical winger, brings alot of speed to the forecheck, can produce points.

C - Jarrod Scatchard.
Two-Way Forward. 82 overall.
28 years old, 6'2", 203 lbs. Born in the USA.
Drafted 21st overall in 2014 by the Chicago Blackhawks.
351 Career Games Played, 37 Career Goals, 95 Career Points.
- Long time 4th line winger, fast and great at faceoffs, great Penalty Killer.

RW - Nicholas Baptiste.
Power Forward. 83 overall.
29 years old, 6'6", 204 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 24th overall in 2013 by the Buffalo Sabres.
439 Career Games Played, 56 Career Goals, 127 Career Points.
- Tall and lanky winger, ability to score points while also a physical presence. Good PKer.

Defensive Pair 1:

LD - Kenton Helgesen.
Defensive Defenceman. 90 overall.
30 years old, 6'3", 198 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 3rd overall in 2013 by the Anaheim Ducks.
650 Career Games Played, 30 Career Goals, 155 Career Points.
- Very physical defenceman, not many forwards can get past him off the rush.

RD - Riley Guenther.
Defensive Defenceman. 95 overall.
30 years old, 6'1", 189 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 2nd overall in 2012 by the New York Islanders.
825 Career Games Played, 103 Career Goals, 398 Career Points.
- Duncan Keith-styled shut down man, can put up points as well, good on PP if needed.

Defensive Pair 2:

LD - Jerry Berry.
Two-Way Defenceman. 82 overall.
22 years old, 6'2", 203 lbs. Born in the USA.
Drafted 1st overall in 2021 by the Tampa Bay Lightning.
233 Career Games Played, 16 Career Goals, 54 Career Points.
-Young, but ferocious defenceman. Can produce points and play defensively.

RD - Jeremy Tanabe.
Two-Way Defenceman. 89 overall.
32 years old, 6'2", 206 lbs. Born in the USA.
Drafted 11th overall in 2012 by the Minnesota Wild.
881 Career Games Played, 110 Career Goals, 423 Career Points.
- One of the best shots in the league, gets a lot of assists off tips. Solid defensively.

Defensive Pair 3:

LD - Don Vernarsky.
Defensive Defenceman. 80 overall.
25 years old, 6'9", 235 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 8th overall in 2019 by the Tampa Bay Lightning.
3 Career Games, 0 Career Goals, 1 Career Point.
-Late bloomer, a huge physical player, can bolster the back end defensively.

RD - Chris Carlisle.
Defensive Defenceman. 87 overall.
29 years old, 6'1", 192 lbs. Born in the USA.
Drafted 2nd overall in 2013 by the Edmonton Oilers.
505 Career Games Played, 12 Career Goals, 76 Career Points.
- Fastest skater on the team, great shut down guy, compliments the big Vernarsky well, can fill in on the top 4.

Scratches and Prospects:

D - Vladimir Mironov
Two-Way Defenceman. 79 overall.
22 years old, 6'2", 208 lbs. Born in Russia.
Drafted 47th overall in 2020 by the Phoenix Coyotes.
No current NHL experience.
- A young prospect defenceman, may be brought in as a power play specialist

C - Ernest Recchi
Playmaker. 80 overall.
23 years old, 6'2", 196 lbs. Born in the USA.
Drafted 16th overall in 2020 by the St. Louis Blues.
35 Career Games Played, 1 Career Goal, 3 Career Points.
- A high pick, given up on by St. Louis, was signed to fill in as a 4th liner, with the hopes he can develop into a top 9 forward.

RW - Eric Orpik
Sniper. 80 overall.
26 years old, 6'1", 199 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 38th overall in 2017 by the Montreal Canadiens.
No NHL experience.
- Another UFA signing, will fill in for a scoring role. Lots of speed to his game, shouldn't be a danger in own zone.

LW - Oleg Makarov
Sniper. 83 overall.
22 years old, 6'2", 205 lbs. Born in the Ukraine.
Drafted 3rd overall in 2021 by the Philadelphia Flyers.
7 Career Games Played, 2 Career Goals, 5 Career Points.
- Top prospect on team, started the year on the team but was injured in the first game. Amazing goal scorer, dominated the AHL for 3 seasons.

RW - Stephane Rheaume
Sniper. 78 overall.
22 years old, 6'2", 183 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 102nd overall in 2021 by the Tampa Bay Lightning.
No NHL Experience.
- Another top prospect, was a 4th round pick, has developed well and has scored in the AHL with ease. NHL hopeful for next season.

C - Vyacheslav Fedorov
Power Forward. 78 overall.
22 years old, 6'4", 239 lbs. Born in Russia.
Drafted 3rd overall in 2020 by the Buffalo Sabres.
No NHL Experience.
- Another big Russian who will play in the NHL one day, very much the Bykov mold of player. Dominant in the AHL.

RW - Stu Nolan
Sniper. 76 overall.
20 years old, 6'1", 200 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 4th overall in 2024 by the Tampa Bay Lightning.
No NHL Experience.
- Most recent draft pick, low potential but may become an NHL regular one day. Hopeful he does well in the AHL this season.

RW - Logan Nicholls
Sniper. 74 overall.
20 years old, 6'0", 185 lbs. Born in Canada.
Drafted 3rd overall in 2023 by the Buffalo Sabres.
No NHL Experience.
- Acquired in a blockbuster deal with the Sabres, Great potential, future top line player.

RW - Francis Rowe
Two-Way Forward. 73 overall.
20 years old, 6'2", 211 lbs. Born in the USA.
Drafted 3rd overall in 2024 by the Tampa Bay Lightning.
No NHL Experience
-Another high end pick, good potential. Will hopefully develop into a shut down player to play on Jimmy Coleman's shut down line.

G - Michail Konichev
Hybrid Goalie. 71 overall.
19 years old, 6'6", 223 lbs. Born in Estonia.
Drafted 1st overall in 2024 by the Buffalo Sabres.
No NHL Experience.
- Acquired in the Blockbuster with Buffalo, future starting goalie. Big body will allow him to dominate. Hopefully he develops quickly.

Edits to come!

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