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yamabushi's Blog
Know Your Past or Repeat It. 
Posted on February 25, 2009 at 09:47 PM.
FDR's Treasury secretary, Henry Morganthau, speaking before Congressional Democrats in 1939:

We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong ... somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises ... I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started ... And an enormous debt to boot!
Are obama and his followers so blind and mis-informed as to not see what they're doing? Or do they know full well what their horrible policies will bring about and are smiling with glee as the America of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness crumbles around them?
# 1 RogueHominid @ Feb 26
Come on, Yamabushi--like the Republican theory of cutting taxes for the wealthy to stimulate the economy has any credence . You make it sound like the current administration wants the country to fail. When rich people get tax cuts and financial perks, they don't look for a way to make the rest of our lives better, they look for a way to reduce overhead and increase profits. Why do you think the oil industry can record record profits AND have huge numbers of layoffs like they have the last 4-5 years?
# 2 yamabushi @ Feb 26
Ill ask you Trojan the same simple question I ask all liberals: Who do You think will do better with Your money; yourself or the government?

We all know the answer.
# 3 RogueHominid @ Feb 27
Haha. Yes, I'm a liberal leftist academic. I also understand capitalism. In a society with economic principles such as ours, I frankly don't trust individuals en masse to make decisions with the whole of society in mind. Conspicuous consumption has been pandemic in our culture for some time. I think most people, given the option, would say "screw better health care for poor people" and buy a bigger house if their bottom line permitted it.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm actually okay with giving more money to my government if I believe it to be just and if I see some transparency. I think Obama is smart in making his legislation open to public viewing and scrutiny. I want life to be good not just for me, but for the people who work at my neighborhood Lowes, deptartment store, and supermarket. I want to know that if I give more money, they'll get better care at the doctor's office--and I know first hand that poor people get shafted by doctors who are all-too-aware of what insurance will pay for and what it won't; I've been very poor and have been discriminated against for it.

I've been reading some D.H. Lawrence on the side, and he's got some interesting meditations on the money fetish that has taken hold of modern society and sucked the humanity out of folks. I think he's on to something. I'll gladly live with less that others might have enough.
# 4 yamabushi @ Feb 27
" I frankly don't trust individuals en masse to make decisions with the whole of society in mind." but that is in fact what your doing with the government, and wether its left or right they have proven time and again they cant be trusted or relied on to make rational decisions.
Like a great man once said "government isnt the solution to are problems, government is the problem."
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