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Obamas Model Its not FDR. 
Posted on February 21, 2009 at 02:27 PM.
From Joshuapundit read it all.

Much has been said about President Obama and his supposed 'role models'. Even the president himself hasn't been amiss to trying on the masks of Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt or John Kennedy on occasion, and the press has gone out of its way to treat the Obama Administration as the Second Coming of Camelot.

But in looking at the actual decisions Obama has made as opposed to the rhetoric and the stance, a different model comes to mind.

During the first three weeks, the new administration has taken steps and signalled its intentions to vastly empower Big Labor, hike taxes, commit to huge amounts of government spending that will vastly inflate government and make millions of America's beholden to the political status quo, and nationalize and ration health care.

They have essentially already nationalized America's financial sector and its biggest manufacturers, while underwriting mortgages at the taxpayer's expense to people who couldn't afford them in the first place. They have also decided to take control of the US census and put it in the hands of the White House, while putting forth legislation to create another Democrat House seat and two new Democrat senate seats in DC, have given access to $4.2 billion in government funds to ACORN and are not only supporting 'comprehensive immigration reform' but encouraging future immigration from the radical areas of the Middle East at taxpayer expense..thus buying themselves an increased electorate to ensure Obama's re-election and keep the Democrats in a majority on the taxpayer's dime.

At the same time, new legislation proposed by a prominent member of Obama's party is wending its way through the House that would significantly affect Americans' right to keep and bear arms.

In addition, Obama and his party have voiced that they want to put a great deal more emphasis on 'International consensus', significantly cut America's defense budget and scrap missile defense and most of our nuclear arsenal.Obama has put a man who is essentially a political apparatchnik with absolutely no intelligence experience in charge of the CIA, and has taken steps that distanced America from some of its most important allies.

Last but not least, there has been a lot of talk about new 'hate speech' legislation, and significant noises from some of the Democratic players in the Senate and the head of the FCC about muzzling the opposition with a 'fairness doctrine' while using government funds to bail out Leftist organs like the New York Times - thus controlling the information flow.

Most Americans won't recognize this pattern, but my readers on the other side of the pond just might.

Obama's model? Britain's Tony Blair and New Labour.

Blair and Labour took over from the Tories with almost exactly the same kind of hope n' change rhetoric featured by Obama. And like Obama, Blair was young, charismatic, and a polished speaker with a gift for sound bites, a charismatic lawyer wife and poses Britain's Leftist media loved.

Blair and Labour had the advantage of taking control of a Britain that was already quasi-socialist, but Blair and his pals in parliament took this to new heights by increasing the power of the unions, increasing the size of government and the nationalization and government control of the economy and aspects of everyday life heretofore undreamed of.

At the same time Blair vastly increased Muslim immigration into Britain, with the idea that these would become Labour's future constituency.He named Muslim Peers to the House of Lords, established the anti-Semitic, jihadist Muslim Council of Britain and increased Britain's pro-Muslim, anti-Israel stance. it was under his rule that London got the nickname 'Londonistan' because of all the Islamic terrorists who had homes there in Britain's increasingly radicalized mosques and madrassahs. These morphed into the 'no go ' sharia ruled areas in many British cities today.

Blair also emasculated Britain's military by cutting its funding and scuttled most of the Royal Navy, something neither the Germans nor the Japanese managed to do in two world wars.

Blair also took the guns away from the British population which led to rampant increases in crime.

Blair was derided in many circles as 'Bush's poodle' because he sent troops to Iraq, but the reality is that he distanced Britain away from the special relationship with the US and towards the EU, which also meant sacrificing a huge amount of Britain's sovereignty. And in Iraq, Blair saw to it that the Brits utterly failed to perform their mission to secure Basra, largely because Blair pulled most of them out as soon as he had the excuse and let the Shiite militias take over the city while the Brits hid behind sandbags out at the airport. It took the Americans and the Iraqi army to actually clean Basra out.

At home, the government control of the media and various `hate crime' legislation have led to a Britain where free speech is once again at a premium, and a man can be arrested if he shows his country's flag at the wrong place and the wrong time.

So, if you want a clear idea of what Obama's model really is, look to the Labour rule of Tony Blair and his successor, Gordon Brown. They've had over a decade to destroy their own country, and have done a fairly decent job of it as I write this. Obama is starting from scratch in a country where socialism has only gotten a toe hold thus far, and barring a Constitutional amendment he will have less time to accomplish his agenda, but unless he's stopped by the American people while there's still time I'm certain he'll do his very best to proceed and make America a lot more like Britain..especially if the changes he puts into place grease the way for a like-minded Democrat successor.
# 1 matt8204 @ Feb 22
If you think the current mess is all Bush's fault, you really need to stop watching MSNBC. There is plenty of blood on Democratic hands also. Guys like Carter, Clinton and Barney Frank were among the folks who essentially forced the banks to hand out risky mortgages. This problem goes a lot deeper than George Bush. Let's stop using him as a scapegoat for everything.
# 2 bucksfan07 @ Feb 22
Clinton pretty much is the sole cause for the housing market going to crap, with the acts he signed pretty much giving mortgages to people who had no intention of paying them off.
# 3 ghm125 @ Feb 22
its just gonna take a long time to fix this country... no matter who is our president,it starts with each one of us,not looking for hand outs,and do your part....
# 4 SBartlett @ Feb 22
Obama brings instant credibility back to the actions of the U.S. overnight. The world adores him and welcomes him, why? Because he is genius. Any of the laws, provisions and acts passed go far deeper than any of us can see with the naked eye. Any of us can formulate opinions from commentary and biased opinions of others and be led to actually believe them. You think bailing out the NY Times is socialism and control of the media? There are people who spend their whole lives studying the power of the media and its components. That is a pretty bold statement to say. So if that is socialism, what is the Patriot Act?
# 5 ghm125 @ Feb 22
Catching Wild Pigs
A chemistry professor in a large college had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab the Professor noticed one young man (exchange student) who kept rubbing his back, and stretching as if his back hurt.
The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist government.
In the midst of his story he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. He asked, 'Do you know how to catch wild pigs?'
The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said this was no joke. 'You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence. They get used tothat and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side. The pigs, who are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat, you slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd.
Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.
The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening to America . The government keeps pushing us toward socialism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare, medicine, drugs, etc.. While we continually lose our freedoms -- just a little at a time.
One should always remember: There is no such thing as a free lunch! Also, a politician will never provide a service for you cheaper than you can do it yourself.
Also, if you see that all of this wonderful government 'help' is a problem confronting the future of democracy in America, you might want to send this on to your friends. If you think the free ride is essential to your way of life then you will probably delete this email, but God help you when the gate slams shut!
Keep your eyes on the newly elected politicians who areabout to slam the gate on America .
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have."
Thomas Jefferson
# 6 Chip Douglass @ Feb 22
LOL @ this entire blog. If you're going to be hyper-partisan and tediously critical of someone who has been in office for a little over a month, at least be factually accurate.

$4.2 billion to ACORN? Yeah, you need to stop regurgitating right-wing talking points. Not to mention, Obama has already ruled out reinstating the Fairness Doctrine. And LOL @ the "Obama is distancing the U.S. from our closest allies" part. I suppose that made the unilaterist George W. Bush the great uniter of international opinion?

If Obama is Karl Marx, what the hell does that make George W. Bush, the father of the $700 billion bailout? Lenin?
# 7 LetsGoPitt @ Feb 22
Okay, where to begin?

Like Olson-for-Heisman said, you really need to start thinking and reading things on your own instead of listening to right-wing talking points. ACORN isn't getting a dime from the stimulus package and the Fairness Doctrine isn't even on the table (among other complete fallacies you bring up). This is what happens when you get your information from pundits (from either side) instead of actually reading the source material for yourself. Don't let people like Rush Limbaugh or JoshuaPundit (A Digest and Commentary on the War against Jihad -- that doesn't even make sense!). For example, his whining about "The next assault on the second amendment" is laughable.

Here's a novel idea: don't be a sheep. Think for yourself.
# 8 matt8204 @ Feb 22
Obama is a genius? With all due respect, give me a break, Shady. You guys complain about partisanship, but some of you guys are the biggest kool-aid drinkers at all. This guy couldn't even properly vett candidates for his cabinet positions. You guys trust him way too much. Let's see how effective he is as President before we put him on Mount Rushmore. And if you don't think there's heavy liberal bias in the media, you're just not paying attention. Several objective media watchdog groups have acknowledged its left-leaning tendencies.
# 9 bucksfan07 @ Feb 23
Why do people always bring up Bush whenever Obama gets criticized for his socialistic acts? We get it already, Bush was a terrible President and an awful diplomat, but he's not president anymore is he? lol for saying someone is a sheep for questioning a bogus, pork bill! So we should'nt question anything the gov. does and just be like the Chinese?
# 10 bucksfan07 @ Feb 23
Obama is a genious.... a welfare genious. Now our taxes will go up as the free loading losers of society get their continual free handout....please
# 11 goallout13 @ Feb 23
For everyone who always says our taxes are going to be up, where is your source and everything? I'm not going to state oh you're wrong and everything you're saying is wrong, but I want to see it myself. Everything I have read has stated tax cuts for 95% for working families. Yes I understand this is not stating everyone, nor am I implying that there is tax cuts for everyone, but from all the sources I have read, There is going to be tax cuts for the majority, and the only taxes being raised, are on the wealthy. Is this what is making everyone upset?
# 12 goallout13 @ Feb 23

And by no means am I trying to say I know everything, if someone can explain to me the details on everything that is wrong from a very justified platform, and not such an extreme point of view like all the arguments I have read, I would appreciate it.
# 13 matt8204 @ Feb 23
Here's the problem. Only about 60-65 percent of wage earners actually PAY income taxes to begin with. So how can 95 percent of workers get a taxcut when not nearly that many people have weekly withholdings in the first place? You can spin it any way you want, but that's welfare IMHO. Also, it's not a good idea to raise taxes on anyone during a recession, especially those in a position to create jobs and invest in the nation's economy. Why are rich people villified so much? Chances are that you work for a rich person. If it weren't for him starting a business and taking a risk by investing in it, you wouldn't have a job.

I'm also tired as hell of everyone ripping into Bush. You got your pound of flesh; now he's out of office. Obama is at the helm now, so the buck ought to stop with him. Not everything that has gone wrong in this country since 2001 is his fault. You can blame him all you want for the Iraq war but the Democrats in Congress and the Senate also gave him the authority to use force in 2002. Clinton wanted to go after Saddam also. Everyone thought that he was a threat, not just Bush. It turns out that we were wrong.
# 14 CFav @ Feb 23
Im getting so tired of hearing this is Bush's fault. I'm a leaning a little to the left too. Bush definitely made some mistakes, no doubt, but what president hasn't? People seem to not realize and/or forget that it was the Clinton administration that pushed the banks to offer variable rate loans to these people, and promised the banks that they would back up any loans they made. Also, Alan Greenspan recently(last year) admitted he made a mistake thinking that the banking industry would regulate itself and be able to sustain itself in a free market. For those that dont know, Greenspan was the Fed Chair looong before Bush ever took office. I'm not feeling Obama, and as much as I hope he succeeds for all of OUR sake, but him and his policies reek of Socialism, and b/c the media has turned him into a rockstar, he's getting a free pass it seems.

Another thing, the money in this country didnt go anywhere. Everyone is not broke. It's just that the money has changed hands. you think the money just goes up in a poof of smoke? We haven't "lost" any money.

Last thing...screw the GM's and Chrysler's of the world. Let them go under. Do you think that those assets will just sit there untouched if they go under? NOPE. Just like when Henry Ford revolutionized the manufacturing process and Automobiles became affordable to not only the wealthy and the horse and buggy.carriage industry went under, everyone was crying about how people were gonna lose their jobs. Know what happened? They retrained and became factory workers for places like Ford. Go look up how many car companies existed 70 yrs ago and who exists today. We should let the free market do what it does naturally, act like a roller coaster. I'm not feeling this government and all of it's overlapping Czar's.....
# 15 nolan273 @ Feb 23
This I like. All the things you made mention of, my brother and I have discussed at great length since the election. I still find it hard to believe that so many don't see what's really going on here.

From what I can see, we're being forcibly led down the path of Socialism and it seems that no one notices. I shudder to think what the fallout will be if our 'leaders' continue on this course. (The People's Republic of America?).

Well written. Well researched. Keep waving your flag, bro.

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