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wwefan's Dynasty Blog
Posted on May 9, 2013 at 12:50 PM.

Money in the Bank this Sunday

Welcome all, to Smackdown the final show before MITB!
and tonight we have a Elimination Tag team match tonight Stone Cold and Daniel Bryan vs John Cena and Sheamus now who knows how this could turn out will they work together or against one other? Also have Randy vs Brock Lesnar tonight and our main event is non title match with CM Punk vs Undertaker who is the #1 contender for the WWE Championship. Dean and Seth Come to blows again tonight in a re-match from last week.

CM Punks Music plays he enters the ring and says "shut up everyone your champion is talking it's disrespectful to talk when someone more important is here" he adds "ok so Vince without informing me made a match with me and Undertaker tonight as well as one on sunday who does he think he is! I am the best in the world the best thing in the WWE forget people like Christian who think their titles actually mean anything" he is then interrupted by Undertakers Music Undertaker just appears behind CM punk making him exit the ring to the outside CM Punk then says "hold it there deadman you think you can just try and cheap shot me that's is disrespectful even coming from you" he says this smiling. Undertaker just says "soo... tonight I get to give you a taste of the pain you will be receiving at MITB run while you still can!" CM Punk then says "me run? I not running I am being smarter then you do you really believe I will even let you get this belt of me pfft if i was you I would be one running from the match" Undertaker then exits the ring but CM Punk just runs backstage but as Undertaker turns to go back in the ring to speak CM Punk comes back out and low blows him and then picks up a chair and hits him before walking away backstage again with a big grin on his face chanting "Best in The World".

After The break

Christian is in the ring and he says "so as everyone knows I need to defend this belt Sunday but the question is who will fight me hmm let me think of people who I would like to fight The Mitz wait done that Cody Rhodes wait done that Kofi Kingston wait done that as well" he adds " so who else who I have not beaten wants to fight me?" Dolph Ziggler's music plays Christian just looks on as he comes out saying "you have not fought me have you how about tonight me and you one on one if I beat you I get to fight you Sunday?" Vince McMahons music plays "Ziggler since when do you get to jump in above everyone else? without informing me, as The Chairman it only fair to say Christian you will face The Mitz Sunday!" "What" Dolph says "what about me?" Vince replies "yes about you how about as your in my ring you can face Christian right now and maybe if you win you will get a chance after MITB!"

Non Title Match
Dolph Ziggler vs (C) Christian

Well just as the match is started Jack Swaggers music plays and he walks into the ring with Christian looking confused to whats going on. Dolph Ziggler says "do you have a problem loser?" Swagger just looks at him then attacks him causing Christian to be DQed and Christian just exits the ring and leaves them to it before security has to split Ziggler and Swagger up.

Winner by DQ Dolph Ziggler

Backstage Christian bumps into The Mitz "well look who it is my opponent Sunday" The Mitz says Christian says "I don't have time to chit chat with you I will see you Sunday" The Mitz says "Reallly nor do I" Christian says "get out of my way" The Mitz says "make me" they square up to each other Vince then comes up to them and says "hold it right there there will be no more brawls tonight save it for Sunday" Christian just pushes past The Mitz and walks off

Randy Ortan vs Brock Lesner
Brock dominants the match but during the match Triple H Music plays and Brock gets distracted and receives a RKO from Randy and randy wins by pinfall.

Winner Randy Ortan

After The Match for some reason Edge does a shock Heel Turn and attacks both Randy and Brock knocking them both out of the ring but then Triple H comes running into the ring saying "thought you wanted us to team up?". Edge says to him "look nothing against you much I was tired of waiting for you two Jackasses to decide on things I know I made the original offer but I decided to take things in my own hands screw a gauntlet match how about a good old fashioned Fatal 4 way so we can beat each other up!" Triple replied "let me think beat you,randy and Brock up my answer is Yes!" Randy then recovers and RKOs Edge and says "you tell "Edge I am in!" and starts to walk of backstage and Brock tries to attack Triple H from behind and Triple H Pedigree Brock and celebrates then leaves.

Like I said this was Edges Heel Turn

Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins
Seth wins after low blowing Dean when the ref was unaware and doing a Moonsault to win by Pinfall

Winner Seth Rollins

Seth after continues Assaulting Dean with a chair till Roman comes running in to see him out.

Elimination Tag Match
John Cena and Sheamus vs Stone Cold and Daniel Bryan
Good match Cena and Bryan took their fight outside for a while Cena planted Bryan through a table.and Stone Cold brawled with Sheamus. Then Cena and Bryan returned to the ring. John Cena AA Bryan but Stone Cold does the save. Then Stone Cold starts fighting Cena and Bryan Sheamus. Stone Cold Stunners Cena but he kicks out. While this happens Bryan eliminates Sheamus so now it a handicap match. Daniel does The Yes Lock on Cena to win by Submission.

Winners Stone Cold and Daniel Bryan

After the Match Stone Cold shakes Daniels hand then does not let go and Stunners him saying "like I said to Bret non of you are getting my Contract because Stone Cold said so anyway good match see you all Sunday you all might need a headache pill tho" he then walks off with momentum for Sunday.

Non Title Match
(C)CM Punk vs Undertaker
After The earlier attack Undertaker is not in a good mood and he makes CM Punk regret his action by laying a beating on him. but just as he about to win CM Punk chair Shots Undertaker in face and gets DQed.

Winner by DQ Undertaker

Punk says after "remember this Sunday Dead Man!"
CM Punk continues his attack till all of a sudden Undertaker sits up to CM Punks shock. Punk then slides out of ring looking at Undertaker as if to say what the hell. Undertaker just does his cut throat jester at him.
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