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Capital Punishment 
Posted on April 29, 2013 at 08:42 PM.

Welcome all to Capital Punishment and tonight just 2 days ago it was decided CM Punk would face Triple H in a Cage. We also have Road Dogg versing Billy in a 2 out of 3 falls match and a Tag Team handicap match The Shield vs Goldberg and Stone Cold steve Austin!

Will anyone be able to de-throne CM Punk? Will Kofi prove he the better man and will we find out who Shawn's attacker was last week? wait a second who is this.

Shawn Micheals music plays he come to the ring and says "so last week someone attacked me my best bet it's was CM Punk or Lesnar as they did not want me ringside my friend Triple H but as it a Cage match now CM Punks little lap dog must be pretty mad" he continues to says "anyway I just want them to know when I recover I will be coming for them for revenge" CM Punks music plays he says approaching the ring "Shawn would you please stop with your slander against me and Brock, you really think if it was me that attacked you that I would do it and not admit it don't make me laugh unlike you I have better things to do like beating your buddy tonight" Shawn says "ok..ok if it was not you or Brock who would have motive then?" CM Punk replies "your starting to annoy me how should I know but if you really think I did your just barking up the wrong tree anyway by the way get the hell out of my ring before I actually knock you out right here! Triple H music plays he runs to the ring and CM Punk swiftly exits in the crowd Triple h says "yeah you stay there remember later there will be no escape and I will get revenge for what you did to Shawn!" CM Punk just looks back shaking his head smiling as if to say what are you talking about and saying "are you stupid?" the show then cuts to the break.

After the break

So was it really CM Punk or Lesnar who attacked Shawn or was it someone else guess the fingers are all pointing at Punk. Well back to tonight before a explosive Main Event.

Brief Background
After Scott retained his belt twice dirty there was one guy who finally out done it was DDP after Vince granted him a re-match after Scott got himself DQed at Over The Limit. Question is Scotts Re-match Clause has come it will also be a Falls Count anywhere match and will DDP be able to hold on to the belt when Scott has more then enough backup well for now he does.

United States Championship
Fallscount Anywhere
(C)DDP vs Scott Hall w/ Kevin Nash
Scott Hall controlled this match well once again with Kevin's aid. DDP then get back in the game after a reversal and gives Scott a suplex. Later after Kevin interfere with the match again Scott Razor Edge's DDP through a announcer table to win by pinfall.

Winner and New United States champion representing the NWO Scott Hall!

Scott Hall just smiles and celebrates and then says "I should set my sights higher then this really this was a no brainier"

Brief Background
Trish and Litas rivalry started the minute Lita took the belt of Trish at Extreme rules and has carried on ever since. Trish turned her back on the fans a few months back she says all she cares about is holing onto the belt and she is the best diva in the locker room. Can Lita change that and become Womens Champion again?

Womens Championship
(C)Trish Stratus vs Lita w/ Edge
Trish ate her words bad after trash talking Lita throughout the match. Edge aids Lita into getting her title back after she Twists of fates Trish to win by pinfall.

Winner and New Womens Champion Lita

Brief Background
Since Christian won against The Mitz at Extreme Rules he has proven to be a dominant champion for two months. There's one guy who believes he is better and also seems to of gain some respect for Christian. But tonight is about winning one has to wonder will they still be friends after the result come out?

Intercontinental Championship
(C) Christian w/ Edge vs Kofi Kingston w/ R-Truth
Christians Partner Edge comes to cheer him on as well as R-Truth coming to assist Kofi. Was a very good match both men put on a epic performance. Was very back and forth lot of reversals and high flying from Kofi. Both men almost got counted put at one point. The match lasted 20 mins Christian did lots of neckbreakers and suplexes. Both men pushed each other to their limits, Christian argued with R-Truth which resulted in him losing his guard and getting dropkicked but Christian recovered and Killswitched Kofi and Kofi kicked out at 2. The long match ended when Edge and R-Truth got in a fight and Kofi tried to help R-Truth but Christian then rammed him through the barricade to retain by count out.

Winner and Still The Intercontinental Champion Christian

Christian says after "well Kofi thanks for the great match but the best man won as expected, I did this for the peeps!

Brief Background
This started from the first Raw Show when Billy turned his back on Road Dogg in match. Billy claims he been Road Doggs lap dog and has had enough of him. Road Dogg tried to sort things out but to no avail so Road Dogg said there only one way to settle their issues in a 2 out of 3 falls match. who will be the victor? and will this really settle thing once and for all.

Best out of 3 falls Match No DQ
Road Dogg vs Billy Gunn
Well Billy looked strong at first and got the forst Pin. Then Road Dogg used a Chair to pin Billy to make it 1-1. Billy's let his anger get the better of him and Road Dogg seized the moment and low blowed him to get another pine making him the winner and revenge was sweet.

Winner by 2-1 Road Dogg

Road Dogg says after "you know Billy you got what you deserved now it time for me to move on you was a lap dog holding me back next time think think twice before hitting Road Dogg if your head not hurting too much in the morning you can wake up and go suck it when ever you need my help!" he then walks off

Brief Background
Since The New Age Outlaws differences cost them their match against The Road Warriors crowning them the Tag Champions. The Road Warriors claim they are bored of the Talent in the tag division. Then The Rock reunited with Mankind claims they are better then The Road Warriors and after after beating them in a non title No DQ match they have the opportunity to really prove it now.

World Tag team Championship
(C)The Road Warriors vs The Rock and Sock Connection
Another Epic match was very good both team worked well Mankind took a beating from Hawk and Animal before finally tagging in The Rock. Mankind later puts Animal through a announcer table and the Rock give Hawk a spine buster and then a Rock Bottom to win by pinfall. Match lasted 20 mins.

Winners and New World Tag Team Champions The Rock and Sock Connection

The Rock finally says " Finalllllly! Mankind I think we can be friends not just partners now!" He then celebrate in ring with Mankind and then Hawk tries to attack then bit The Rock just spinebusts him and then Animal gets a Double Arm DDT to the ground and after both The Rock and Mankind People Elbow Hawk and carry on celebrating.

Brief Background
This match was unscheduled but after Stone Cold was not happy about the Shield attacking Goldberg giving him a easy win. He then Challenged them to a match to teach them a lesson and Goldberg also wanting to get his own back. So who will get revenge or who will end up looking worst off in this match?

Tag Team Handicap Match 3 on two
The Shield vs Stone Cold and Goldberg
Ok match Stone Cold and Gold berg worked well together in defeating The Shield after Goldberg Jackhammers Seth a second time to win by pinfall.

Winners Stone Cold and Goldberg

Brief Background
CM Punk has been non stop boasting about how he cannot lose the belt and he will not be beaten. He even formed a alliance with 'The Beast' Brock Lesnar. But after last week Triple H challenged Punk to a Cage match Punk Declined but was then forced to be in this match after Vince made the final decision, Also Brock attacked Triple H 2 days before this match who knows if this was the plan he had with Punk or not. Also these two are suspects of Shawn Micheals Mystery attacker. Will Triple H be able to keep his cool or will CM Punk get into his head. CM Punk still denies attacking Shawn but who can trust him maybe after this match there will be answers or maybe it just a guessing game. Can Triple H after months of trying get hold of the belt of a dominant CM Punk or will CM Punks ego be filled even more with another successful title defense?

WWE Championship
Steel Cage
(C) CM Punk vs Triple H
Very good match quickly spoiled when Brock Lesnar comes and shakes Triple H down just as he about to win. CM Punk recovers after 3 Pedigree and staggers out of The Cage door.

Winner and still The WWE Champion CM Punk

CM Punk just staggers smiling with Lesnar as Triple just holds his head disappointed at his loss again against Punk this time because of Lesnars interference doubt this will be forgotten. CM Punk pants and says "by the way me and Brock had nothing to do with Shawns attack don't have to believe me but it true why would I waste time on him when I have you to play with I am the Best in the World and still the jerks watching WWE Champion!"

The show goes off air
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