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The new standard(Nba 2k15 rant) 
Posted on October 9, 2014 at 11:44 PM.
September 17th was the day. The day that the long awaited Grand Theft Auto 5 came out. I like many other fans of the series were very excited to get our hands on this game.

1.because it was the biggest baddest GTA of them all.

2.because it was launching a new ambitious online mode. which was launching 2 weeks after the initial release date. Oct 1st. little did we know this day would be infamous for us gamers.

so i sat at home for a week and played through a very enjoyable campaign mode. and just cleaned things up in wait for the online mode to launch. Oct 1st hits and off we go. load up the game go online. do the tutorial and in the middle of one of the first missions it just goes into loading hell. so we try again and again and again. next thing we know. we start loosing our player data. even our in game money at times. anxious to play the game we continue to try and get in the game and experience it. so after about 2 days i gave up while they try and figure out what the hell is going on. i think this may have lasted close to 2 weeks mabey? might have been longer.

So why am i talking a bout a open world game on a sports web site. well a game came out this week. This games name is called NBA 2k15. this game had a tremendous amount of hype behind it. 1.its the only basketball game in town(live dont count yet) 2.they promised lots of returning and new modes that got the 2k community excited.
so i get the game fire it up. firstly i fire up myteam. my favorite mode in the game. set my team up with a little lag but nothing to serious. about on level with the lag in 2k14. play a few games and go to eat.

when i come back on i try the facial scan. after close to a half hour trying to scan my face and almost breaking my tv and controller i decide to go back to MyTeam. Now MyTeam is down. By the middle of the day the only had little more then half the options available and i could not even watch the annoying 2k tv promo anymore. so after messing around with quick games for a while i was done. i felt like such a sucker yet again by another video game developer.

they smiled in our faces telling us how great the game was knowing that it was not finished. they had to know. do they not do stress tests? the video game industry pays very closely to one another and had to see what happend with rockstars game. they had to see what happend with bf4. why would they try to use the same problematic means to develop their games? its obviously very difficult to develop this way. we have found out twice already in a year.

we as consumers have to put the heat on these developers to get this stuff right and not take us for granted. if your game is set to come out on said date it better work other wise we are not going to take your work for it the next time round. its a shame too. the game is beautiful. it plays very well. its still buggy and has its share of non basketball like carry overs from the last game. but all in all the basketball is good.

the problem is the damn server issue. you cannot make a game based on your servers. the game should work regaurdless if your servers are running or not. obviously online games will not work but certain game modes should not disapear with your bad servers. you make us buy in game currency, now when you make a mistake you take away half the game from us. this is not good buisness.
this will be the last year i get 2k the first week. im going to wait for them to work out their kinks and check the boards until its right. its a shame because i may not be able to get back to this game for a while now. Im already playing alien:isolation, And this time next week i will be playing The Evil Within. i honestly think that 2K is hoping on that so the server traffic will be cut down.
They dont want to spend any more money then they have too. I hope the next AAA company looks at this the next time they are developing their game. take your server based games and throw them in the garbage.

I am really tired of being taken advantage of by these game companies. It really bothers me when i see message boards full of these bad experiences. it just takes the soul out of gaming. we should be complaining about how hard the game is or online cheaters not the game is broken.

P.S get rid of those damn got next basketball courts and put in a god damn lobby system.
# 1 Cabish @ Oct 10
Wow, I'm really upset that they focuse all their time on this granny theft basketball 15 mode,I do not want cutscenes and mission and story mode in my basketball game,they could have done so much besides just adding features and wth is up with no connect then u cant play certain game modes,and the vc thing is straight nickel and diming,moboy want it heloooooooooo!!!!!!...corporation has ruined videogames,thanks to all those who didn't buy a DREAMCAST the last system tha run for the love of videogames.this is a tragedy,thinking best 2k ever and when it hits u feel like it's the best conn job ever done to you.
# 2 Cabish @ Oct 10
I'm gonna fire up nba2k11 thank you very much
# 3 thechamp923 @ Oct 10
So pretty much 2k is starting to become like madden? Sellouts!
# 4 Cabish @ Oct 10
It's the cash.they have made too much money
Don't get me wrong I can see 2k love for the sports
All I'm saying is they need to work on the things that's wrong first about the game before working on a ton load of crap to hope to hold and attract more consumers..
Where already here,and we don't cry for more features before the fire problems are fixed,,let's be to hell real.
Videogames developers always want to give us wtf we do not want .
Everybody want a need for speed underground but da keeps on giving us wtf we didn't ask for .all developers are saying u do not know what u want,try this and you will like it,while still avoiding the f'ing problem in the first damn place .!!!!
# 5 RipCityAndy @ Oct 10
Preach! This game is not as good as advertised... not even close.
# 6 rudeworld @ Oct 10
The game is better then advertised. The game itself (on the court) isn't the problem, its everything else that people have been complaining about, like the bad servers or parks or face scanning problem. Every year after the release of a 2k basketball game, gamers on this forum complain about foot planting and spacing and collision and all of that were worked on if not fixed. They've added other modes to our game which some may not like... But they dont take away from the multiplayer or the single player experiences.
# 7 wferguson05 @ Oct 12
My thing is, don't sit around and talk about it take some action. I contacted 2K support several times with my concerns before eventually returning my digital download via Microsoft. Hit them where it really hurts, the bottom line. If they see returns and people holding out for the competition like I am, they will get it together quicker than everybody buying the game and holding on until it works. Lets not forget that this title already has a negative history when it comes to the servers.
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