Friday, February 3, 2012

It has been 8 years since NFL 2k5 was in development, and there is no doubt the game itself has changed. Passing has gone through the roof, the fullback is an endangered species, and because of this sack numbers are up as well. We've seen the wildcat look like the new NFL, and then die a pretty painless death, only to resurrect itself in the form of the Savior of the Broncos.
Yet, despite ... Read More
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Unfortunately, MLB 11: The Show does not feature a Postseason or World Series mode. However, you can recreate tonight's Game 6 with a little bit of trickery if you desire specific Fall Classic presentation. Download the latest roster and completely obliterate the ratings of some of the star players of every team BUT the Rangers and Cardinals. Jump into a new Franchise with Injuries and ... Read More

Monday, June 6, 2011

This is a shot from the Patriots vs. Packers video. I posted this to clearly observe the changes to Gameflow, the scorebug, and the camera angle.

Skip to around 15 min. to see the Packers vs. Eagles. Game is played like cheeze, and there are some glitches/freezes, but looks impressive.
Friday, May 27, 2011

ZoKnowsGaming has an interesting interview/preview with the Madden developer who has really stolen the show this year, art director Mike Young. It is not long, but it touches on his intent for the game and his photography tips. But the most interesting quote comes concerning the development of the game long term:
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

This morning, a press release was issued confirming that the NBA has reached a new multi-year agreement with both EA and 2k for an undisclosed amount of time. While this has been the formula in place for over ten years, and a successful one at that, in some ways it is a surprise to me ... Read More
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

I slowed down the Madden Gameplay Reveal Teaser X4. What do you see?
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Update: He will post a screen regardless. But make sure to follow him on Twitter!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Here is another shot from Madden 12 that reveals the presence of cheerleaders! Long overdue! Also, look at the on field camera angle, and I wonder if this is a transition to a halftime show...
Thanks to Tengo Juengo for the tip!

This is a crop from this image that was shared by Madden producer Phil Frazier on Twitter in which I just tuned the brightness to try to clarify the image and changed the perspective to looked more square.
I pointed out a few things - what can you see?
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