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Madden 12 vs. 2k5 - A Dethroning at Last? 
Posted on August 27, 2011 at 03:50 AM.
For years, despite Madden's graphics ****** 2k's old-gen look to the level of paleolithic pixel-fossil since the leap to current consoles, NFL 2k5 has been a masterpiece arguably never toppled by Madden. A devout community updates rosters every year with detail that Donny Moore should be paying attention to, and gamers take their teams through a 2004 franchise mode. It is undeniable that this game was a landmark achievement, and even if Madden was able to put it almost fully to rest this year, there is still a 7 year gap which is staggering - try comparing NBA 2k5 to NBA 2k11: Stick figures next to a Michalangelian creation. NFL 2k5 still feels very real.

Nonetheless, here is my opinion on what areas Madden 12 has put 2k5 to rest:

1. Camera Angles - The ESPN integration in 2k5 was great but was all animated shots which were the same in every stadium. With the D-Cam technology, CBS insider tips, and blimp shots, Madden 12 gives a look more true to broadcasts today. Hey, maybe real broadcasts have also upgraded in 7 years. Madden's broadcast angle also looks as good or better than 2k5 but with the gripe that they follow the ball in the air on kicks, wheras 2k's was more authentic and followed the field under the ball.

LT is having visions of his future: Madden 12 and playing for the JETS

2. Player Models - For years, the player models in Madden looked like cross-dressing ballerinas. The beefed up pads, enlarged and greater detailed helmets, and recognizable player builds all seem spiritual descendants of 2k5's graphics but look sharp in the next gen. With the addition of some great (and some not so great) head scans, your favorite stars are very recognizable.

3. Game speed - 2k seemed to find the perfect balance between animations which looked fast enough to be running near actual NFL game speed while giving you the feeling of weight. This year at slower game speed Madden seems to finally feel as realistic in decision making and weightiness. Personally, I prefer playing at the more speed authentic Very Fast setting, which does result in some ice skating, but I compensate for it by reducing the Minimum Speed Threshold.

4. Ball physics - Not saying they look perfect, but Madden changed their ball physics, throwing animations, and pylon physics to reflect NFL 2k5.

5. Running Game - Madden seems to have really continued the success in running the ball introduced in the last two iterations. Now, particularly on inside runs, there is a satisfaction of breaking tackles and performing moves with more weight that NFL 2k5 had.

6. Tackling - Tackling looks really beefed up in Madden. 2k had some smoother animations, particularly with dive/wrap tackles, but the feeling of crispness that came with removing most of suction gives it a feeling which I can only describe as "tight" which I prefer to NFL 2k's more "rounded" feeling.

7. Defensive Game - Madden 05 was supposed to be the defensive game, but compared to Maddens on this gen, 2k5 had a really beefed up defense that I think Madden 12 is similar in creating.

8. Franchise Mode - I am only the preseason and 2 games through my Franchise Mode, so my experience is not yet complete, but I can say the only franchise modes in which I had this much fun were Madden 05 (obviously similar in some ways) and MLB 09 The Show. I wish there were more elements of story/studio show elements, but the depth here, with the ability to practice with your team and tweak your playbook and the feeling that players are really changing week to week, is killer. NFL 2k5 never had the best franchise mode aside from the Sportscenter show.

9. Online - The biggest reason to play Madden 12 over anything is the human competition. Computer AI can never give you a totally lifelike experience in the unpredictability department. Pick up Madden and join a community, and this will be yours.

Overall, I like how this year Madden restored a lot of touches from 2k5 and Madden 05 which obviously went straight over the heads of most reviewers' takes. There are still some departments in which 2k has great touches which Madden does not have, such as the studio shows and great commentary engine, and their animations still tend to run smoother, but there is definitely a real reason to believe that Madden is at least an equal game of football. And that is saying something.
# 16 mwjr @ Aug 29
I've said since All Pro Football - if 2K Sports took the APF game and added a franchise mode with all fictional characters and teams, I'd buy it. The gameplay was so much better.
# 17 Robster151 @ Aug 29
Sorry but i would have to agree that Madden IMO has finally taken the crown..with the exceptions of Half-time shows, the game looks and plays amazing. Are there many flaws....yes of course...but we have come a long way. Needless to say, to still compare 2k5 to todays Madden says quite a bit!
# 18 cgalligan @ Aug 29
Look at Madden 05... When they had someone pushing them (2k5) they proved that they could make a very solid football game... As soon as that competition was gone, EA began to get lazy because they knew, if someone wanted to play an NFL Football Game, it was either Madden or nothing at all...

Imo, the NFL Exclusive License is one of the biggest travesties in Video Gaming history... We had two games that were on the cusp of GREATNESS, and now, 7 years later, we're JUST NOW starting to see EA and the Madden team realize SOME of those expectations... Can you imagine what the 2k team would have done with 7 years?...

I understand the EA thought process, they don't NEED to spend a ton of money, because they own the market... They've been making money hand over fist for the past 7 years... I get that... But look at what 2k has done with their Hoops game... NBA Live hasn't been around for a few years, yet, did the 2k team sit on their hands and say "people will buy, cuz we're the only game"... HELL NO... They made arguably the BEST SPORTS GAME EVER with NBA 2k11 and now, its clear that they are ADDING EVEN MORE to that series with NBA 2k12... They are pushing the limits of the next gen systems, where as, EA seems happy to just port over their PS2/Xbox game engines and make them pretty with HD Graphics... That's why we're seeing the same issues year after year after year...

Its seems to me, like we're dealing with two companies that have a different outlook on video games... EA Sports is clearly out to make the most money possible, in the shortest amount of time without spending too much on game development. They spend their money on marketing and other things... 2k on the other hand, seems to want to make the most realistic sports game first, and make money 2nd... Now, I'm not naive enough to sit here and say "2k isn't in the business of making money" but, you have to admit that they go about it a totally different way...

Sorry for rambling, a ton of things just kept popping into my head as I was typing this... The point I'm trying to make is, there isn't a big enough jump from Madden 05, to Madden 12... Also, if you feel like Madden 12, "represents" the game of Football "better" than 2k did with 2k5 and APF2k8, then you simply don't understand football the way I and many others do...
# 19 inkcil @ Aug 29
At this point, Madden has not matched 2k5 (especially for its time) point-for-point in on-field fundamentals b/c EA doesn't need to in order to sell the game. EA's focus is NOT to recreate the most authentic NFL gameplay, but to create the most FUN gameplay experience possible (especially for Human vs. Human games). If they can get people to say, "wow, this game isn't as good as 2k5, and it has a lot of flaws and bugs, but gosh darnit, it so dang fun I can't help myself from buying it at full retail, playing it and even plopping down extra coin to play it three days early" then they've done their job.
# 20 Batistaj15 @ Aug 30
Madden has always looked better than 2k. However, 2k played a way better football game than madden and was much deeper. I love the animations etc etc.
P.S I remember getting tripped up as I ran with Tiki Barber in my Giants franchise in 2k and while Tiki was tripping trying to maintain his balance, I pressed X to dive in the endzone before falling. The animation played out too smooth. Something that hardcore gamers truly appreciates.
# 21 Acedeck @ Aug 30
Madden has literally crawled at a snails pace since the year 2004. The sad thing, to me, is that it hasn't even yet reached 2k5's level. Not when you look at the complete package. Hell, 2k5 still has even better gang tackling than Madden 12.
# 22 inkcil @ Aug 30
I also think how fondly many of us remember 2k5 is dictated by whether we played it on PS2 or Xbox. I had it on Xbox and it blew me away. I have the Ps2 version for my BC PS3 and it is somewhat less impressive. 2k5 had to be experienced on xbox to be truly appreciated, IMO.
# 23 Acedeck @ Aug 30
I seem to recall 2k5 having completely customizable stadium beats as well...way back in 2004. We still don't even have that level of customization in currently released EA games.
# 24 Mos1ted @ Aug 30
Even with the advantage of more resources, time, and newer technology, Madden 12 still isn't superior to NFL 2K5, and that's sad. Madden 12 is the super model with the pretty face that will age really quickly and has nothing else left to offer. NFL 2K5 is the woman that does all the little things and ages gracefully over time.
# 25 cardswin2006 @ Aug 30
Yeah I have to go with the majority here. NFL 2K5 still is ahead of it's competition...7 years later. Sure, Madden looks better when you take a picture, but in motion, I still would prefer 2K5. The game was much deeper (celebrations, crib, classic rosters, greatest games, stadium sounds, practice during the week in franchise, sportscenter, commentary, half time and postgame highlight show, player interviews, etc. are just a few of the things Madden still does not have). If someone released NFL 2k5 on the current generation with updated graphics and rosters, it would get better reviews than Madden 12. No doubt about it.
# 26 Culture Rot @ Aug 30
Not even close
# 27 GuyinPA75 @ Aug 30
Here is where people are missing the boat ... COMPELTELY missing it.

If 2k5 is better then Madden 12 (I will find out tomorrow and have NO doubt 2k5 is still the best football after all these years) and you want Madden to be better. Here is what you do. Are you ready? Here it comes ....

Stop buying Madden. It's that simple.

EA will keep laughing all the way to the bank as long as people keep buying it. As consumers we have the power and fail -- **** fail -- to use that power.

If Madden sales fall flat on its face you can bet the farm that next year or year after that the game will be 1,000% better. Make them "feel" the pressure to produce under that big NFL contract they bought to AVOID competition. They paid good money for that and NEED good return on that money for it not to fail. Only reason I'm not playing it tonight is that I am waiting for my copy from Gamefly.

Companies will continue to charge top dollar (2k5 at $20 = amazing) and lack innovation if people do not demand it. Another example, not sports: the Call of Duty map packs at 1200 Microsoft points. If people would not pay 1200, bet the farm there too that 800 Microsoft points would be the norm.

Stop feeding the machine people. I am not being mean or nasty or talking down to anyone in this community, this is coming with utter respect. I am only trying to reinforce that we should NOT settle for less. Make the companies work for you.

It is great to come here and compare and dream. I'm here doing the same too!

But lets try to help the dreams come true. Hold companies like EA accountable for their products shipped to us. EA employees can not buy a house, a car, or even a yacht with ANY of our criticism.

What they can use to buy that house, that car, or that yacht with is the money we KEEP spending on their products.
# 28 GuyinPA75 @ Aug 30
Interesting. Utter is a bad word on the filters. I said utter fail and it shows as **** fail. Crazy stuff there. lol
# 29 tril @ Aug 31
any game on a next gen console is suppose to look better. In fact every aspect of the game should be better.

Truthfully Madden's yearly improvements are pathetic. The development/implementation process seems to be terribly slow.
If this were a software developer producing business software for a fortune 500 comapny, most fortune 500 companies would have sued for breach of contract, and simply try to opt out or buy ought of an exclusivity deal.

EA seems to be treating Madden as just a game for pre-teens who are easily duped by the high polish.
Madden looks like a a luxury car on the outside, but under the hood is still being powered by a Yugo.

On another note, you mention tackling, what tackling? there isnt even a tackling button in the controls description. is it the defensive assist button?

2k5/APF2k8 gameplay mechanics is still far superior, even though they are both starting to show their age.

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