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vince217's Blog
Its Just a Game 
Posted on October 28, 2015 at 12:32 PM.
1. This is just a game. your health and personal life are infinitely more important than this game. seriously. these are just virtual cards that in the grand scheme of things mean nothing. if you let this game affect your health and/or personal life in any way, stop playing the game, or at least back off and re-evaluate your life.

2. Know your limitations. I personally know that I will never be able to get a very high rank in Rivals Clash (RC), so I dont aim to. After the first RC I played, I found out how much I could devote time to it, and what would be a reasonable goal. I play at my pace and deck progression, and I am happy with it.

3. Be prepared if you want to get a high ranking in Rivals Clash. Dont come in thinking youll be in the top 25, 100, or even 800 without knowing what it takes. Note that it will take alot of time and effort, and possibly $ (for hotstreaks). It will take away alot of time from your friends, family, and other activities that you may have. Also, make sure that you are a high enough rank that you dont get bumped down when the final ranks are being calculated. General rule of thumb... the higher ranking you are, the more fierce the competition is, and you will most likely be playing until the very end of RC if you are on the bottom end of the tier.

4. Dont be frustrated if it seems that the odds are stacked against the free player. Fact is, yes they are. It just means that you have to grind a little more. Many players and forum members are free players and have reached the highest levels of the game, and are proud of it. One of the good things of being a free player and grinding cards out is that generally your card/deck development is balanced, and that you do end up with cards that you (theoretically) should be able to sell on the auction house.

5. Dont be frustrated if it seems like things cost alot of real $$$. Bottom line is, CatDaddy (CD) is a business and needs to earn money to pay for their developers, the NBA license, etc. No one totally agrees with the way they price things, but all is not lost. Let your opinion in the forums be heard so that at the very least, CD knows that something is wrong.

6. Have fun. For many, this game is a nice way of letting off some steam, doing something that they love. If you find that you are just getting angry at the game for any reason... step back and read step 1 again.
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