Monday, October 26, 2009

I've been away for a bit . . . but I'm getting bored.
So there's more to come. I promise.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

So please, pretty please, pretend I'm your best friend's kid and walk me through ... Read More
Friday, January 23, 2009

It's no secret -- I'm a fan of the Friday Night Lights television show.
And NCAA 09 is my game of choice.
Chances are good you are with me on at least one of those 2 statements.
So with this-- I took my first foray into the Create-A-Prospect realm entering my third year of my C-USA dynasty (Memphis) by creating as close of approximations of the following characters on ... Read More
Friday, January 16, 2009

For those of us without DirecTV -- not only do we lose out on the NFL Gameday package and its accoutrements -- but we've had to wait an extra season for the return of hands down the best show on television: Friday Night Lights. If you're not up to date -- go ahead and head to NBC for free streams of the last 2 seasons, or even through NETFLIX on your 360 (which to tell the truth is where I re-watched the entire ... Read More
Monday, January 5, 2009

Posted on January 5, 2009 at 01:12 PM.

So yeah, yesterday was my birthday.
Judging by the outpouring of chalkboard messages, you all were a bit preoccupied by the amazingness that is the holidays (aka NFL Playoofs and College Bowl Season), and I can't say I blame you.
And just like King James can't get a win on his, I guess we all have to deal with the double edged sword of being Capricorns.
On the plus side, a Capricorn ... Read More
Friday, December 19, 2008

I'm not sure what that means exactly.

He hated Chicago fans even
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Did he catch this one? Chances are about 55%, according to "stats"
Ok, so if you're at all paying attention the NFL this year, you know this:
The Cleveland Browns are having a rough season
Like really rough.
How rough?
Let's recap:
- Hometown hero LaCharles Bentley sued the team, we went 0-4 in the preseason, and wore sh!t-brown spandex running

It's not really a game, per se, but the macy's site has a fun, albeit creepy Santa builder.
Ho Ho Ho Humbug to you too.
Monday, December 15, 2008

I know I wouldn't. Evidently this kid would over HALO 3.
Read about it here: GIZMODO
Makes sense -- I mean, it does look like he's wearing a Celtic kit, so we know he'll be using them tissues in front of him this year.
Ugh, kids today.
Friday, December 12, 2008

In the wake of Chris' and Caley's 2K suggestions of different sports -- here's a couple current titles that I think EA or 2K (or just about anyone) would do well in taking a flyer on. No, I don't think I'm the only one who's thought of these. No, I don't think I'm a beautiful and unique snowflake. You shouldn't either.
(Oh yeah -- I'm reverting to bland blog titles, since my "kooky" or ... Read More
Thursday, December 11, 2008

The usual ones: wife, baby, work, bands.
More gaming planned for the Holidays, and more writing to go along with it.
Plenty to talk about: Madden season ended (recap catch-up), Memphis is bowl eligible in my C-USA Dynasty, Kerry Wood is the motherf*cking man and the Yankees can spend all the money they want to fall on their faces in September, the Feast of Saint Nicholas, oh, and a little thing called ... Read More
Friday, November 21, 2008

By now everyone's down-loaded the update and gotten a chance to peruse the "environment." I have too, and here are a few thoughts and grades . . . what are yours?
Marketplace Updates: A... Read More
I personally never had any issues with the blade system before, but then again I didn't buy a whole helluva lot of games and/or upgrades.
Thursday, November 13, 2008

So no gaming last night.
No Madden Franchise. No FIFA-ing. No demo downloads. No NCAA Dynasty. On-line? No. Heck, I didn't even start up Tetris on my iPhone.
It feels weird.
But it happens.
And I survived.
What happened? Real life happened: I worked. Then I had to cook dinner. Had to make a stop at ... Read More
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ok, so I grew up in Akron-Canton Ohio. Close enough to Cleveland to care, but too far away to really know exactly what was going on up in the "big city." Road trips to ball games weren't really on my parents' agendas (with the 4 other kids and school and union strikes and job losses and all that -- ah, the 80's, thanks Reagan-omics), and 56 miles is a long way to ride a BMX with ... Read More
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A day later, and I'm still at zero. I feel like all those sim-geeks that complain about player progression in Madden franchises.
But seriously, WTF am I doing wrong?
My Day 1 activities:
Blog: √√
Arena Skin: √
Card Edit: √
Comments: √
Friend Requests: √√√ (It's not my fault I have no friends)
Oh snap. bronco92 just schooled me. ... Read More
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