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I'm fed up with how media covers sports.... 
Posted on May 6, 2010 at 06:11 PM.
I need to rant, bear with me. But I'm am tired of the Jim Rome/Colin Cowherd types who nationally try to dog out as many athletes as they possibly can. They know very little about the X's and O's of the sports they cover, but will bad mouth and berate players as much as they can. Even the local sport radio stations either talk about everything else other than sports, or just as critical of the guys who they cover. What happened to sports reporting that actually focused more of the attention to what happens on the the field instead of reading police reports and listening to scanners.
My theory is they don't know the sports that they are covering. They don't learn the difference between a cover 3 or a cover 4. They don't even do the necessary show prep to intelligently talk about the actual game. Its all just uninformed opinions based on if the guy signed an autograph for their kid or not. Some guys get vilified in the press because they won't hang out with certain media members or give them their cell phone numbers. They can make up stuff from an "unnamed source" , just to push their own agenda.
I also believe that there is alot of jealousy present and its obvious in the "TMZ" styled reporting. You see countless examples of how they love to build a player up just to pull him down later. I don't view it as racial thing completely, but race may have a role in it. I just needed to vent after riding around in my car and out of the 3 stations in Dallas, none were talking sports, all were talking about non sports issues. I really could care less about how a player leaves his/her life outside the arena, what do you think?
# 16 jmik58 @ May 8
It takes intellectual skill to analyze and break apart a takes two seconds to spout off a knee-jerk reaction to gossip or tabloid news. Not only is it easier to ramble on about non-game related news, it also has higher ratings.

In other words, it's also easier for the fans and viewers to understand controversy and "life problems" than it is for the average person to care enough to listen to an explanation of what it means when their team drafts a cornerback who is an ideal fit as a man coverage nickel back.
# 17 utexas @ May 9
@jmik, I think you hit the nail on the head, but why not try to educate the masses instead of regurgitating the nonsense.
# 18 blazer003 @ May 10
I love the new Dan Patrick Show. I liked him before, but his new show is amazing. Entertaining, funny, but talks to a lot of athletes, and doesn't mind asking the tough questions, but does it in a way that most people aren't offended (Unless you're Tonya Harding.)

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