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tswiatkowski's Blog
E3: What are you most excited for? 
Posted on June 13, 2010 at 12:57 PM.
So E3 is coming up this week, and many sports games are going to be shown off. What has you most excited for the coming week of gaming news?

Personally, I feel like NCAA 11 news is the most exciting, especially with the idea of a Teambuilder upgrade among other news. They are most likely going to introduce any new features with the game as well, because the gameplay will be introduced through the demo. (At the very least, Locomotion and Assignment AI)

Madden looks to be a big E3 disappointment, but does anyone on this site still have faith that the EA devs will suprise or excite us?

Thoughts and comments would be appreciated.
# 1 tommyboii2008 @ Jun 13
I'm most excited to see Elite show how the new physics and game look.. I dont really care for MAdden
# 2 Eski33 @ Jun 13
I am excited to hear more about the following:

1) Project Natal and what games will be available during the launch window

2) NHL 11 and NBA Elite 11 and the new physics engine

3) Halo: Reach

4) Gears of War 3

5) Watching the conferences on G4, Spike TV and MTV (which will show the Project Natal presentation on Tuesday starting at 3 p.m. EST I believe)

In regards to Madden, I am pumped
. Although they didn't focus on franchise and online play too much, I am excited to see that they did focus attention on gameplay and presentation. I know for those folks that are die-hard franchise players it is a downer but the overall product, I believe, will be better.

I think many articles I have read on a number of sites carried a negative tone which can influence some folks' attitude. If people take Madden for what it is (a game) and just enjoy it for what it offers (and it offers a ton), I think people would be more inclined to have a more positive approach to its release...
# 3 tswiatkowski @ Jun 13
This is exactly why I was asking about what people are excited for. I didn't know Natal was going to do a presentation and that there would be new info regarding Halo: Reach. I'm excited for these things as well.
# 4 cam21224 @ Jun 13
1) Project Natal

2) Gears of War 3

3) NBA 2K11 & NBA Elite 11
# 5 Eski33 @ Jun 13

Yeah, MS is prepping a huge Natal presentation with Cirque de Soluil performing...Should be interesting...
# 6 smithdynasty @ Jun 15
NBA 2k11!! I just need to know if they're going to take it to the next level this year. Honestly, all I really need is College Hoops 2k11 (keepin the hope alive)
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