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Jim Joyce and the Perfect Game 
Posted on June 4, 2010 at 03:57 PM.
I'm assuming that anyone who watches Sportscenter already knows this, so I will give the long and short of the situation before I post my feelings:

Armando Galarraga, a Detroit Tiger's pitcher, has thrown a perfect game through 8 and 2/3 innings. On the last out of the game, umpire Jim Joyce calls the runner safe. Here is a video link to a good replay:

Now, my opinion on the whole matter. The guy was trying to make the right call, but made a mistake. Everybody is human. I am a Tigers fan, but I don't think that any of the threats, offensive statements, and other crap that he is getting is necessary. The man CRIED after the game when he realized he screwed up. He cried again when he walked out into Tiger stadium for the final game of the series. Point is, the guy feels so bad about himself, and he knows that he cost Galarraga a well deserved place in MLB history. Hopefully Bud Selig realizes that he should use his power to overturn the call and give Galarraga an ex-post-facto perfect game. Otherwise, this umpire, who has been pretty good up until this point, will never be at peace with his professional self. Even if the call is overturned, he still might not be. That being said, I am just saying that I support the man, while I do not support the call he made.

Opinons? Thoughts?
# 1 ASB37 @ Jun 4
I'm not a tigers fan, but I was pretty outraged as most baseball fans were about this situation. That being said I agree with the conclusion you have reached, Joyce is a good ump who made a mistake in the biggest spot of a young pitchers life. As tragic as it may be, it is still just a game after all, and death threats and the like are just uncalled for.
# 2 stlstudios189 @ Jun 4
It was a close call and the catch was snowconed etc... it was the wrong call period. As far as the threats etc.. move on people the guy is a good person and is truley sorry for the MISTAKE he did not rob Gallaraga or the Tigers. I respect the Tigers for the class that they have shown this week. My three top Tigers memories 1. making the 06 World Series 2. Verlanders no hitter 3. the fans reaction yesterday for Joyce. I was proud to be a Tigers fan that day.
# 3 rspencer86 @ Jun 4
Great umpire, bad call, terrible luck for Galarraga.

All MLB needs to do is have an extra umpire in the booth who reviews all close safe/out, fair/foul, catch/no catch, home run/not home run calls. If he sees one that is wrong, he buzzes the crew chief and reverses the call. No challenges, no need for the on-field umps to head into the tunnel to get a look for themselves. It would take five seconds.

But heaven forbid we use technology to actually improve the game...
# 4 TreyIM2 @ Jun 4
Yea, I-AM-A-YANKEE fan but I was a bit upset when I seen the play on Sportscenter days ago and felt bad for the pitcher but at the same time, it is what it is. I agreed with the non-reversal as well because that would been an even worse travesty.
I now feel bad for the ump because he isn't playing tough guy and being arrogant and is genuinely upset with himself and will have to live with this for the rest of his life and, unfortunately, so will family members of his because of IDIOTS who take things like this too far with death threats and all that jazz.

I just hope that baseball opens it's doors to improving the game with a replay challenge system. I am in favor of 3 challenges per team with a 2 min time limit for the play to be reviewed, similar to the NFL. Easy peasy, if u ask me.
# 5 tswiatkowski @ Jun 4

I can't see how replay shouldn't be considered at this point. I mean, this could have been a PERFECT game. Not a no hitter. A perfect game. It should have been one. I am upset Selig didn't overturn the call. It was the last out of the game. I mean, there is no difference between that guy getting on base and him not except his hitting stats will go up by about a point. I'm sure the Cleveland player does not care that much about his batting stats to argue about getting a base that he did not deserve.

On the subject of challenging calls, however:

You don't want to have too many challenges, because we don't want the games to last too long.
# 6 deaduck @ Jun 4
I agree with you alot...It had no malice. It was simple human error.

...And I'm glad I don't have mobs of people angry with me everytime I make a mistake.
# 7 stlstudios189 @ Jun 4
we need a system that allows managers to challenge at least 1 play a game. Make it that if they are wrong there is some sort of penalty etc.
# 8 NYJAllTheWay @ Jun 5
A lot of people don't realize that it takes about 4-5 seconds for an MLB player to run from home to first. Leaving the ump with milliseconds to make the right call. Let's see all these people sending him death threats make that call.
Now, with that said, Selig should've overturned it. Jim Joyce is no longer the villain, and Galarraga gets his perfect game.
As for replay, they should either have 2 challenges a game or just 9th inning/game ending plays should be reviewed if argues by a manager.
# 9 tswiatkowski @ Jun 5
Yeah, totally agreed. I umpired before (when I was 16 and it was for 7-8 year old kids) but I understand how quickly things happen in baseball. Even at that level, a kid might catch the ball a tenth of a second before the runner touches the bag, and so on. I think Selig is now the villain in this scenario as well. I mean, who is he protecting by not overturning it? The umpires power? This was a complete blown call and noones fault but the umpires, which cost the kid a perfect game. Because of his refusal to turn to replay, (which could have avoided the entire problem) these umps are put under more pressure to make correct calls than any other type of referee.

Bad call by Joyce (although I support him)

Even worse call by Selig.
# 10 10yard-Fight @ Jun 5
Selig should change the call. Perfect opportunity to bring some positive light to baseball (no pun intended). Everyone who watches knows Galarraga threw a perfect game. C'mon Bud... you're better than that!
# 11 ferriscj24 @ Jun 6
Tiger fan here...and Agreed. I feel worse for Joyce than I do Galarraga. That man is going to have to live with it for the rest of his life. He does NOT deserve to be remembered as "that" umpire who blew the call. He has had a great career, and deserves to be in the Hall of Fame as well. Do what you do, Mr. Joyce. Keep doing the best you can for the game you love.
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