timbeebe2's Blog

# 2
elgreazy1 @ Oct 29
Just stick to APF2K8 & ESPN2K5 like I and many of us have been. Hit up the forums here under "Other Football Games". APF has a strong online community to get your player-vs-player fix and NFL2K5 has amazing life left in it with updated rosters. Seriously, you won't miss a thing.
# 4
tril @ Oct 29
I want 2k football back also. But I have to admit that MAdden 13 is pretty good. IMO not worth trading in.
# 5
D Apocalypse @ Oct 30
What is it about the game that you don't like? I'm just curious because I've not liked the past few Maddens in recent years but to me 13 is the best ever not just in this generation but basically best ever.
# 7
damedash @ Oct 30
You might get your wish
You might get your wish
# 9
Eski33 @ Oct 30
I think you drink too much of the Hate EA Juice. FIFA and NHL are outstanding. Madden 13 is as good as it gets. Appreciate what we have because it may not be here tomorrow.
I loved 2K5 but tried to go back and play it and, although still solid, it is too easy and outdated.
I loved 2K5 but tried to go back and play it and, although still solid, it is too easy and outdated.
# 10
evanreyes @ Oct 31
Madden has changed too much. I liked how it was in Madden 10, if they made a new madden that was basically a smoother version of Madden 10 in franchise mode, with the Madden 13 in-game features and the career mode that is similar to Madden 13.
# 11
poloelite @ Oct 31
I feel you about Madden somewhat, but I think they are going in the right direction finally. As long as they don't blow it up and announce NFL Elite 14, the series should be solid in the future.
# 13
HoosierMizuno @ Nov 2
whether this madden is the best ever or not, its becoming really stale. played about 4 games and its tiresome, especially knowing how well nba2k13 and mlb the show represents their sport. I've quickly exchanged madden for nba2k13. games don't get old, and it doesn't seem like a chore to get through the season. Madden, even if gameplay is slightly improving each year, still has too many bugs, hard to navigate menus, and a repetitive feel to the series, commentary that is best left on mute, and presentation that is the same every game. every game during a season feels like another play now game.
# 15
timbeebe2 @ Nov 6
MRCHAINSAW NBA Live came out with a game this year, proving my point that EA Sports is terrible
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Go play NFL 2K5 or All Pro 2K8. Nothing to see here, folks.