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For Franchise Gamers, It Is Time to Leave Madden 
Posted on July 2, 2020 at 02:56 PM.
As I type this, I realize I have purchased every Madden since Madden 94. As I type this I realize that makes me part of the problem.
EA has outdone themselves with the disrespect and disappointment for Franchise gamers in their Madden series this year. However, we also need to look at ourselves and realize that by merely buying the game we have allowed this to happen.
I have always enjoyed the series, even in the years the game was not great. I remember the old school thrill of waiting in the GameStop lines to get the game at Midnight. Madden has always been comfort food for the football gamer.
I remember in 04 during the great Madden/NFL 2K5 debate having both games. In addition, while I admitted, 2K got a lot more right (especially with Franchise); Madden was still my comfort food even in that year. I knew the controls better. I was just all around better at Madden. This was most likely because 2K had challenged me in way Madden had not done in a while. However, at the end of the day Madden 05 was the game I settled on playing more that year as well.
Of course, if EA had not gotten the exclusive rights deal 2K would have most likely won me over much as they did with NBA 2k over NBA Live. However, that is a hypnotical we will never truly know the answer. The reason is EA might have been pushed had 2K stuck around. Instead, EA was allowed to rest on their past success and knowing they would be the only NFL game in town.
Here we are in 2020, the year that everything just seems to be worse, it seems EA decided to finally confirm Franchise gamers do not matter to them. Because of this, we need to finally answer that call and not purchase Madden.
We want to argue they only care about MUT because they can make extra money off it? Well, if we cost them actual game sales maybe they will finally listen to what we are saying. Franchise gamers can no longer just say, “EA doesn’t care about me” and still purchase the game. We have done that for years and now we have reached the point of no return.
I will no longer be part of the problem. In addition, I honestly do not know if I will miss Madden if this is the best their willing to do for us.
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