sydrogerdavid's Blog

In Chapter Twenty, the author discusses autobiographies written by baseball players. He shows the reader that most of these autobiographies are arranged in the sameway, first they describe the player’s career, then the player’s moment of religious clarity, and finally how the player related their new found beliefs with their careers.
At first, I was hoping that the author would include, Veeck-As in Wreck in his small list of autobiographies, but he didn’t. The author was more concerned about comparing and contrasting older and newer players’ autobiographies.
After reading the chapter, it led me to think about how my faith could be different today if things went as planned from when I was ten years old. I also wonder how different of a person I would have turned into if my life went down that intended and wishful path. I even wondered how different life would be if a fraction of my goals had succeeded.
If my life would have gone according to plan as I was wishing in 2002, I would currently be training for this upcoming spring training and looking to improve or even match my outstanding first three seasons in Major League Baseball. Since it seems life rarely goes the way you wish it would at ten years old, or even when you are desperate to hang on to that dream eight years later, I must constantly remind myself that I am where I am for a reason. I will probably never know why life did not go even a fraction as I wished, but I pray every night that I may understand why it happened, that I will get over it, and help in remembering the many blessings I received even if they weren’t asked for. It was a drastic blow that I never saw coming, so I was never really prepared for life without playing baseball. I got through it, but sometimes it kills me that I never even got a chance to prove myself.
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