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stlstudios189's Blog
Microsoft is on it's last strike with me 
Posted on February 13, 2010 at 06:04 PM.
I am getting sick and tired of this crap. I go to fire up my 360 Thursday night and boom RROD for the 3rd freaking time

I don't have $100 to fix the thing and sure as heck don't have $300 to get a PS3.

I have a large library of games and find it hard to get rid of them all and starting over my dynasties etc...

I have found a place in MI that takes walk-ins and will repair it for $40 I think that I will repair it but, I will not be purchasing another 360 game ever again. instead I will save up and get a PS3 before Madden hits this year and start with that this coming year.
# 1 FroznYogurt @ Feb 13
My 360 RROD'd on me around early 2008, I got it fixed, but then I became really bored with it when my live membership ran out, and got annoyed at how I would have to shell out another 60$ for online. Next I searched for 3 months, and finally got a Wii. (Back when they were sold out everywhere). I got bored with all the shovelware, so I decided to save up for a PS3, and eventually bought it last June. Moving from the 360 to PS3 is one of the best decisions I've ever made.
# 2 davis420 @ Feb 14
That's the XBOX I just bought, the one with 12.1A on the back! Thank Goodness, I have both systems(PS3 and 360) I enjoy both for what they are best at providing. The PS3 has good games but the 360 has it's good games also.
# 3 CubFan23 @ Feb 14
I bought my original 360 at launch, the core one. SInce then I have had the RROD 4 times! The only good thing is when I sent it in to Microsoft they always sent me a new one back. I did go out and buy a PS3 last year only for MLB The Show. Now my 360 hardly gets played.

Both systems do have their own advantages, sure you pay $60 for 360 online but IMO it is leaps and bounds better than PS3 online, PS3 has Blu-Ray and is more reliable and each system does have great exclusive games, glad I have both. If you look around you can get a year of 360 gold membership for $29.99( found this at Best Buy & Ebay), I bought 3 as they don't expire
# 4 keshunleon @ Feb 14
I had one of the first xbox 360's in 2006 and in 2008 I got my last RROD on it!
It would have cost $170 to fix it so I bought the Elite.

I did a 8 month deployment (without it), and I got a RROD playing CoD MW2 two weeks ago. I just got my 360 back from MS on Friday and all they gave me was 1 month Live gold membership.
# 5 videlsports @ Feb 14
My x-box has been preforming really great. I also boughht a fan for it and it works like a charm. I also have a ps3 because they have more games right now.
# 6 sportyguyfl31 @ Feb 15
Made the "switch." and very happy. PSN isnt quite as user friendly communication wise, but otherwise, it is more then adequate.

I guess it depends on whether or not you have the patience in dealing with the 360 RROD thing...and whether you think the exclusives are worth staying with the system.
# 7 FORMULA316 @ Feb 16
My original 360 lasted me until Christmas 08 and that was at a bad
time, especially with family over, kids and all. I got the system
replaced along with a copy of PGR and a free month over Live.
IMO, not worth the money to be a full-bore 360 nowadays.
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