stench96's Blog

Although my beloved Wolves take pride and place on my 360-online and off,it's my hometown team-Redditch United-the mighty Reds-that will be ruling my P.C.!!!!
There's something really satisfying about taking a team with a weekly wage budget of 4,000 pounds[Beckam's weekly haircare product bill]from the Blue Square North league[any lower and you're classed as a Sunday footballer]to the Premier League.
Stadium expansions,free agent scouring,parent club loans,wonderkid selloffs,scraping every cent you can out of your budget are all part of this great exodus from the minor-minor leagues.
It took me 12 seasons to reach the promised land last year,and it probably will take the same amount of time this year,but what a ride!!!
So when you get your copy,bypass the urge to pick Man U,Chelsea etc and give yourself a real challenge,grab a minnow by the tail and spend some quality time nuturing it till it's a really big fish!!!!
cheers Stench
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