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Madden 13 
Posted on September 18, 2012 at 04:37 PM.
With the infusion of the Connected Careers Mode I'll be honest and say that I was more excited about the prospects of this game then I have been in years.

In the resulting game there is a number of things that I like as well as a number of things that I believe should be improved about the game.

The Good:

Connected Career Mode Branching storylines adding immersion and a sense of connection to the rookies that have been missing on every game outside of NFL head coach.

Scheme related overalls, production, durability, and other new overall type ratings.

The passing game improvements for directing where a pass goes is invaluably improved.

The format and execution of the Draft is significantly improved.

Punt and kick returns have been improved pretty substantially.

The Bad

Josh Looman has admitted that the Run/Pass Block Footwork/Strength have been entirely scrapped from having an impact on games whether simulated or played out.

There is still some evidence of blockers being able to hold superior defenders in check without ratings to defend it. Strength, for instance, seems to have no effect on the outcome of line interaction.

Coach schemes in CCM are not editable/changeable.

Development of bench players is not possible without playing out every practice all year, and even to get decent progression you must play a single practice (Easy win) every week of the year.

Randomly when progressing players you will add to their attributes, but their overall will go down instead of up inexplicably.

Defenders are too easily able to get off of blocks on sweeps and tosses leading to an unrealistic outside run game.


Massive server issues
# 1 The JareBear @ Sep 29
THE REALLY UGLY: "Broken CCM Sliders" - An EA Employee. Truth is Good
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