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Would an Online Franchise Work? 
Posted on January 25, 2009 at 03:32 PM.
It's official, online dynasty is the shiznit....and I'm addicted to it. For those that don't know me, I'm not the type of person to use "I'm" and "addicted" in the same sentence too often. It's true though. I'm not the only one that notices this either. Several people from my friends list have asked "do you play that game every day?" and "do you play anything else?" My reply is always "yes, I do" and "no, I don't." Believe it or not, I don't love it though. No sir, my real love goes by the name of M - A - D - D - E - N. Unfortunately, Madden hasn't been too kind to me on next gen. My relationship with Madden was kinda like a bad relationship with a beautiful woman. She keeps treating me like crap, but I keep coming back for more........every year.
That was until Madden 09. This was by far the best Madden that I've played on next gen. Now I'm thinking, Madden is finally here!!!! So why am I playing NCAA 09 like crazy everyday and Madden's sitting in it's case collecting dust? two words - Online............Dynasty.
I've heard several people say that the only thing madden needs is something similar to this, an online franchise, and it'll be complete. Really? Well, I'm not gonna get into the other gameplay issues or any of that. I just want to focus on if an online franchise would be as good as an online dynasty.
I was one of those people that thought an online franchise would be tight as well, but I'm starting to second guess myself. Here's why.....Ask yourself what do you like the most about online dynasty.......most will say recruiting. Some may say the user vs user games, but you can get those by playing online. What you can't get in the online lobby is recruiting against another human and taking his no.1 recruit or even better yet, taking your rival's no.1 recruit. You can't get that in Madden's franchise either, online or off. The in between games interaction is unbelievable in an online dynasty. What you do while recruiting directly affects everyone else that's on that recruit's list and some that are not on the list. You don't get that in Madden. In Madden, in between games, you stick to yourself for the most part just practicing your team and what not. You wouldn't see any real interaction until gametime.
What about the offseason? How would you handle that? How can I do a draft or free agency in an online franchise? Do I have to tell everyone to be online at the same time so we can do the offseason? What if some people can't make it? We could end up waiting days to get everyone all online at the same time to do this. What about the playoffs? (Jim Mora - "playoffs!!? don''t talk to me about playoffs!!!" - sorry, couldn't resist) What if your team doesn't make it? You're gonna have to sit around for days waiting for everybody to finish up the playoffs and the superbowl. God help you if you're in a slow league. You could end up waiting over a week!!! I guess you could do a couple of weeks in an online dynasty to fill that time, but that's still gonna be a long wait. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Don't get me wrong, an online franchise would be a nice addition to Madden, but I don't think it would be as great as some people seem to think it would be. It's kinda like fantasy basketball or baseball. It looks good on paper and sounds like a good idea until you actually start doing it. Then you're saying to yourself, "I should've just stuck with the fantasy football." I see a lot of people that are calling for online franchise now. In the end, they could be saying "I should've just stuck with the online dynasty."
# 1 kreuzkrieg @ Jan 25
well some people wont make bowl games in ncaa then they are out of the picture too, and i would relate people competing for free agents in the offseason to be similar to that of recruiting.
# 2 KidIcarus27 @ Jan 25
yeah but the offseason in Madden is one week... in NCAA u get that competition on a weekly basis. Alson If u don't make a bowl. You are only gonna be waitin for one or two advance periods. Nfl playoffs / Superbowl is 4 weeks.
# 3 djKianoosh @ Apr 28
solution is pretty simple. all you have to do is give one player (or more) commish responsibilities. the commish may advance the franchise any way he sees fit at any time. he may even kick a player out if he has to.
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