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soxin12's Blog
RPG Elements in Sporting Games 
Posted on March 11, 2013 at 12:03 PM.
Generally when a new sports game comes out, most individuals are in awe of it's improvements over the game's previous installment (see Madden/Fifa etc.) and are stuck in this 'wow' phase for quite sometime. I've been guilty of being awe struck by mediocre games that had tickled my fancy in such a way that I overlooked much of the obvious problems that kept it from becoming a great game (MLB 2k series, I'm looking at you). While I won't bash Take Two in this blog, because personally I loved the gameplay elements of MLB 2k, I do want to bring up a vital point up that most of us as gamers are aware of and what I believe most of us hope to see be held to a higher purpose in the future. You know if by many names: My Player, Superstar Mode, Road to the Show, The Life.. Whatever you've come to call it, you and I both know that RPG elements in sports gaming are an important factor to the success of the sporting video game genre.

As a ****** gamer, I have very few games that I feel are essential for my collection. Of course like most others I will buy high rated shooters like Halo 4 or even the occasional free roam GTA/Red Dead game, but nothing really gets me going like the newest iteration of some of my favorite sporting events. In past years I have bought NBA 2k and MLB 2k games, FIFA and MLB the show games on PSP or PS3 (late in its cycle), and I have loved every minute of the frustration, uncertainty and luck that I had during each of these games. I have even rented Madden, NCAA and other sports games periodically to get over my temporary sport 'high'. More importantly, I have spent days (in game hours)..or shall I say weeks, on playing these games. Having grown up at the time of some of the greatest RPG's (dare I say, the 90's), I have always had the urge to be recognized for any experience I gain during games that I play. This was perfect during games like Final Fantasy or Pokemon where you level up through practice/battles and can become better and better through that practice. I believe games like these have translated over to the sporting game genre and developers need to pay attention to that.

Of course, most sports installments give you the opportunity to create a player and become the greatest athlete that ever lived, but does it really feel that way? Yes I have created a player on FIFA 13, is he a beast... Not particularly, but he scores frequently and I am good with him. However, I don't feel any personal attachment to that player, nor does the game make me feel like I am that important. This is something that the NBA 2k series has succeeded in the past few years with their additons in My Player mode. After purchasing MLB 13 The Show this year, I believe they are on the right track as well with focusing the entire gameplay around your player and providing presentations that reflect your importance to the team and the league. Sure, we all want to create the best pitcher/hitter/shooter/rusher and have off the wall stats.. but what fun is it when there is no recognition.

While recognition really improves the overall presentation and 'realness' factor, there must be more than just that. Gameplay elements have come so far in the past 15 years, and even in the past 5 years we have seen the increase of personal created player focus. There is nothing better than creating yourself or someone else (Leon Sandcastle in my case ), and watching the person progress. To me it sends off some type of euphoria in which there is nothing better. I am an extreme competitor and while I cannot stand losing a game in anything (once lost a game or rock paper scissors, only to lose my own self worth.. jk), I receive a greater filling becoming stronger, faster, more athletic, or whatever the case may be; because all in all, for most us it, it is a slight representation of what we wish we could achieve. Whether through lack of talent, or dedication or opportunities, more than likely, there was something in each of us that wanted to play that sport and couldn't do it. Having the first player element puts you back into that spot and allows you to reclaim what is rightfully yours. It lets you live out a dream, or be a part of something bigger than yourself.

I guess the purpose of this blog is to bring awareness to developers. Though none may never read this, I think it is important that their time spent on the first person element in sporting games are not wasted and if anything they should be valued more than most other game modes in the sports gaming series. Of course, no gamer wants the developer to ignore gameplay mechanisms (ball physics, real time punching speed, untimely releases) during the process, just that as RPG fans we hope for more things to draw us into the experience in the future. I may not be able to list specific improvements that each individual franchise could or should do to alter its focus, but I hope that it is a main focus as the next generation of gaming is implemented.

Video games are fantasy, and though its not real, it is a place that we can pursue things that we may never have the chance to do otherwise.
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