sirvalkyerie's Blog
UFC Fight Night: Ellenberger vs. Thompson / UFC FN: Mir vs Duffee Conference Call
Posted on July 6, 2015 at 10:02 PM.
UFC Fight Night: Ellenberger vs. Thompson
3rd Saturday of August 2015 from the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada
Main Card
Round 1
An exchange of jabs kicks off the round. Doane lands a right hook. Sanders with a jab. Sanders lands a double jab. Doane fires a jab of his own. Doane lands a weak left hook but it opened up a scything low leg kick. Doane hits a 1-2. Sanders hits two short rights as he circles away from Doane's right hand. Doane lands a straight right. Sanders lands a left hook. Sanders hits a jab-straight combination. There's a hook from Sanders. Close round between the two, surely the judge's will be divided through Round 1.
10-9 Sanders
Round 2
Doane comes in to strike and gets caught out by a defensive jab from Sanders. Doane whiffs on a body kick and eats two left jabs. Doane lands a 1-2 but suffers two jabs in return. Doane lands the 1-2 this time without eating any responding shots. Sanders comes forward after avoiding a wayward strike and grabs clinch control on Doane. Sanders hits the trip takedown and winds up in side control. Sanders tries to step over into mount, but it was high and sloppy. Doane bucks causing a scramble that results in Sanders pulling half guard. Doane doesn't do much from the top position except land small taps to the body. The round ends there.
20-18 could easily be 19-19 though depending how the judge's saw round one. Will be interesting if Doane wins Round 3.
Round 3
Sanders hits a left-right combo. They bound around the cage. Sanders doesn't want to engage, he seems to want to coast on his past two round work. A dangerous strategy, but Doane isn't forcing the action either. Doane comes forward with his hands low and gets hit with a right straight. Doane with two left hands and a kick to the ribs. Doane lands a 1-2 combo but eats a stiff straight right. Sanders comes in quick and ducks a Doane punch. Sanders hits a single leg takedown and he's in Doane's guard. Sanders works his way into side control eventually and starts searching for an arm triangle but the horn sounds and the fight ends.
The Judge's score the contest 29-28 Doane / 30-27 Sanders and 29-28 for your winner by Split Decision......Jerrod "J-Reazie" Sanders!"
Round 1
Blanco hits a jab but de la Torre launches a right head kick over a Blanco left hook and it lands clean. de la Torre hunts down left jab, right hook combo. Blanco manages a weak counter jab. Blanco misses a right and gets hit with two jabs. Blanco is able to land a roundhouse to the ribs though. Blanco lands a right hook but eats a shot to the body. Blanco hits a right cross and right hook. de la Torre side steps a Blanco punch and scores a beautiful right hand. de la Torre is feeling it now, really forcing Blanoc on the backfoot. de la Torre steps in to throw a shot and Blanco fires off a damaging uppercut! He's down! He's out! Maximo Blanco with the vicious knockout!
Your winner by Knockout (Uppercut) at the 4:05 mark of Round 1...Maximo "Maxi" Blanco!
Round 1
Waterson tosses a counter jab as Magana presses forward but it misses. Magana lands a heavy left and right combination. Magana again lands a heavy left and right. Magana rushes in for a takedown and completes it as she drives Waterson to the ground, seated with her back against the cage. Magana is sitting very heavy on Waterson. Magana is able to get into mount! Working for an's locked in! Waterson taps out.
Your winner by Submission (Armbar) at the 2:09 mark of Round 1...Angela Magana!
Round 1
Masvidal doubles up on a jab. Masvidal lands a roundhouse kick to the ribs. Ferreira hits a straight right. Ferrieira lands a pair of right hands and glances a high kick off Masvidal's shoulder. Masivdal responds with a right hook. Masvidal lands a double jab and about ten seconds later Ferreira doubles up on one. They exchange jabs but Masvidal lands a crisp right hand. Jab/right hook combo from Masvidal. An exchange of jabs. A few more jab exchanges to end the round.
10-9 Masvidal
Round 2
Masvidal opens up with two jabs. Masvidal darts around hitting jabs and backpedaling out of the way of Ferreira's responses. Masvidal trades jabs with Ferriera but lands a crushing right hook. Ferreira is hurt! Ferriera is able to duck away from a straight and land a counter jab. A jab-straight combination from Masvidal and Ferreira looks really unsteady. Ferreira takes a step forward AND WALKS RIGHT INTO A STRAGIHT! He's out! It's over!
Your winner by Knockout (Punch) at the 2:45 mark of Round 2....Jorge "GameBred" Masvidal
Round 1
It's our main event of the evening! Jake Ellenberger vs. Stephen Thompson! 5 rounds in the Welterweight division and we are underway. Thompson launches a head kick to start and it makes glancing contact off the top of Ellenberger's head. Thompson lands a jab and a straight while Ellenberger hit's a jab in an exchange. Ellenberger is able to clinch with Thompson. And up Thompson goes! It's a slam and Ellenberger finds himself in half guard. Ellenberger lands a nasty elbow before slipping into side control. Ellenberger slips into north-south where he spends the rest of the round teeing off on Thompson's ribs.
10-9 Ellenberger
Round 2
A straight cross lands for Thompson while Ellenberger hits a jab and hook. Looks like Ellenberger was poked in the eye. Mario Yamasaki gives Jake a few to rest up. It didn't look too bad and after about twenty seconds we're back underway. Thompson hits a right hook and a kick to the lead leg. Ellenberger fires off a jab and right hook that both land. He takes the opportunity as well to move in and grapple with Thompson. Ellenberger again hoists Thompson onto his shoulder and plants him. Ellenberger is in guard. Ellenberger is trying to posture but Thompson is just clinging to Jake's head. There's no movement happening between the two. After about forty seconds of lay-n-pray the two are stood up. They engage again at center, Ellenberger lands a jab. Thompson lands two jabs and a leg kick. Ellenberger eats a massive straight right on his may to grab the clinch but he isn't halted and ends up driving Thompson into the cage. Pressed against the fence, Ellenberger launches dirty boxing attacks until the bell.
20-18 Ellenberger
Round 3
Two left jabs and a kick to the body for Thompson to start the round. Ellenberger looks tired but he's able to get ahold of Thompson and bully him into the cage again. Thompson is fighting back hard but Ellenberger just seems to be stronger. Jake lands a few short punches to the head and some knees to Thompson's thigh. Thompson is trying to generate enough space to throw some elbows but he's only able to get enough to space to land one in the whole ordeal. Finally they're separated and they're back at center. Thompson hits two jabs and a low kick. Two jabs and a straight right land for Thompson at the bell.
29-28 Ellenberger
Round 4
On our unofficial scorecard it's 2 rounds to 1 for Ellenberger with 2 to go. Ellenberger shoots in for a double leg takedown but Thompson stuff it. However Ellenberger doesn't give up and turns the takedown into a clinch and from there hits another slam. Ellenberger is in guard. Some boos ring out from the crowd as they're certainly hoping Jake does more on the ground this time than at other points in this fight. Ellenberger is doing nothing for awhile. Thompson is able to kick Ellenberger's leg away and a scramble starts. Thompson is up first but he's shoved into the cage by Ellenberger who has a waist lock from behind. Ellenberger is more active this time though as he's able to keep Thompson against the cage and Ellenberger batters him with punches until the horn sounds.
39-37 Ellenberger....Thompson is going to need a finish.
Round 5
Thompson launches a superman punch but it misses and Ellenberger sends him careening into the cage. Ellenberger is again exerting control and both men look absolutely gassed. Ellenberger lands some pitter-patter punches but Thompson has no answer. Finally they're separated and at center cage. Thompson has two and a half minutes to find a KO or submission. Thompson shoots in for a takedown! But it's stuffed and Ellenberger turns him into the cage. They'll end the round here amongst a chorus of loud boos. The fans were not happy at all with this fight. A wall-n-stall/lay-n-pray decision victory for Jake Ellenberger.
The Judge's score the contest 49-46/49-46/50-45 for your winner by unanimous decision....Jake "The Juggernaut" Ellenberger
----UFC Fight Night: Ellenberger vs. Thompson Post Fight Presser----
-Dana White said he was ashamed of the Main Event on Twitter. Called it boring and apologized to the fans.
-Ellenberger said he had no regrets and enjoyed how he fought. Said he knew that he couldn't take too many more losses or he'd be risking his job.
-Thompson voiced his anger about fighting a guy who didn't wanna fight.
-Angela Magana said something weird and unintelligible about deserving a title shot next.
-Michelle Waterson is disappointed in her performance. Said she didn't put on enough muscle to be effective at 115 yet and hopes to perform better in her next bout.
-Maximo Blanco said he severely underestimated Mike de la Torre but was happy to walk out a winner.
-Jerrod Sanders is thrilled with his performance, acknowledges it probably saved his job.
3rd Saturday of August 2015 from the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada
Main Card
Round 1
An exchange of jabs kicks off the round. Doane lands a right hook. Sanders with a jab. Sanders lands a double jab. Doane fires a jab of his own. Doane lands a weak left hook but it opened up a scything low leg kick. Doane hits a 1-2. Sanders hits two short rights as he circles away from Doane's right hand. Doane lands a straight right. Sanders lands a left hook. Sanders hits a jab-straight combination. There's a hook from Sanders. Close round between the two, surely the judge's will be divided through Round 1.
10-9 Sanders
Round 2
Doane comes in to strike and gets caught out by a defensive jab from Sanders. Doane whiffs on a body kick and eats two left jabs. Doane lands a 1-2 but suffers two jabs in return. Doane lands the 1-2 this time without eating any responding shots. Sanders comes forward after avoiding a wayward strike and grabs clinch control on Doane. Sanders hits the trip takedown and winds up in side control. Sanders tries to step over into mount, but it was high and sloppy. Doane bucks causing a scramble that results in Sanders pulling half guard. Doane doesn't do much from the top position except land small taps to the body. The round ends there.
20-18 could easily be 19-19 though depending how the judge's saw round one. Will be interesting if Doane wins Round 3.
Round 3
Sanders hits a left-right combo. They bound around the cage. Sanders doesn't want to engage, he seems to want to coast on his past two round work. A dangerous strategy, but Doane isn't forcing the action either. Doane comes forward with his hands low and gets hit with a right straight. Doane with two left hands and a kick to the ribs. Doane lands a 1-2 combo but eats a stiff straight right. Sanders comes in quick and ducks a Doane punch. Sanders hits a single leg takedown and he's in Doane's guard. Sanders works his way into side control eventually and starts searching for an arm triangle but the horn sounds and the fight ends.
The Judge's score the contest 29-28 Doane / 30-27 Sanders and 29-28 for your winner by Split Decision......Jerrod "J-Reazie" Sanders!"
Round 1
Blanco hits a jab but de la Torre launches a right head kick over a Blanco left hook and it lands clean. de la Torre hunts down left jab, right hook combo. Blanco manages a weak counter jab. Blanco misses a right and gets hit with two jabs. Blanco is able to land a roundhouse to the ribs though. Blanco lands a right hook but eats a shot to the body. Blanco hits a right cross and right hook. de la Torre side steps a Blanco punch and scores a beautiful right hand. de la Torre is feeling it now, really forcing Blanoc on the backfoot. de la Torre steps in to throw a shot and Blanco fires off a damaging uppercut! He's down! He's out! Maximo Blanco with the vicious knockout!
Your winner by Knockout (Uppercut) at the 4:05 mark of Round 1...Maximo "Maxi" Blanco!
Round 1
Waterson tosses a counter jab as Magana presses forward but it misses. Magana lands a heavy left and right combination. Magana again lands a heavy left and right. Magana rushes in for a takedown and completes it as she drives Waterson to the ground, seated with her back against the cage. Magana is sitting very heavy on Waterson. Magana is able to get into mount! Working for an's locked in! Waterson taps out.
Your winner by Submission (Armbar) at the 2:09 mark of Round 1...Angela Magana!
Round 1
Masvidal doubles up on a jab. Masvidal lands a roundhouse kick to the ribs. Ferreira hits a straight right. Ferrieira lands a pair of right hands and glances a high kick off Masvidal's shoulder. Masivdal responds with a right hook. Masvidal lands a double jab and about ten seconds later Ferreira doubles up on one. They exchange jabs but Masvidal lands a crisp right hand. Jab/right hook combo from Masvidal. An exchange of jabs. A few more jab exchanges to end the round.
10-9 Masvidal
Round 2
Masvidal opens up with two jabs. Masvidal darts around hitting jabs and backpedaling out of the way of Ferreira's responses. Masvidal trades jabs with Ferriera but lands a crushing right hook. Ferreira is hurt! Ferriera is able to duck away from a straight and land a counter jab. A jab-straight combination from Masvidal and Ferreira looks really unsteady. Ferreira takes a step forward AND WALKS RIGHT INTO A STRAGIHT! He's out! It's over!
Your winner by Knockout (Punch) at the 2:45 mark of Round 2....Jorge "GameBred" Masvidal
Round 1
It's our main event of the evening! Jake Ellenberger vs. Stephen Thompson! 5 rounds in the Welterweight division and we are underway. Thompson launches a head kick to start and it makes glancing contact off the top of Ellenberger's head. Thompson lands a jab and a straight while Ellenberger hit's a jab in an exchange. Ellenberger is able to clinch with Thompson. And up Thompson goes! It's a slam and Ellenberger finds himself in half guard. Ellenberger lands a nasty elbow before slipping into side control. Ellenberger slips into north-south where he spends the rest of the round teeing off on Thompson's ribs.
10-9 Ellenberger
Round 2
A straight cross lands for Thompson while Ellenberger hits a jab and hook. Looks like Ellenberger was poked in the eye. Mario Yamasaki gives Jake a few to rest up. It didn't look too bad and after about twenty seconds we're back underway. Thompson hits a right hook and a kick to the lead leg. Ellenberger fires off a jab and right hook that both land. He takes the opportunity as well to move in and grapple with Thompson. Ellenberger again hoists Thompson onto his shoulder and plants him. Ellenberger is in guard. Ellenberger is trying to posture but Thompson is just clinging to Jake's head. There's no movement happening between the two. After about forty seconds of lay-n-pray the two are stood up. They engage again at center, Ellenberger lands a jab. Thompson lands two jabs and a leg kick. Ellenberger eats a massive straight right on his may to grab the clinch but he isn't halted and ends up driving Thompson into the cage. Pressed against the fence, Ellenberger launches dirty boxing attacks until the bell.
20-18 Ellenberger
Round 3
Two left jabs and a kick to the body for Thompson to start the round. Ellenberger looks tired but he's able to get ahold of Thompson and bully him into the cage again. Thompson is fighting back hard but Ellenberger just seems to be stronger. Jake lands a few short punches to the head and some knees to Thompson's thigh. Thompson is trying to generate enough space to throw some elbows but he's only able to get enough to space to land one in the whole ordeal. Finally they're separated and they're back at center. Thompson hits two jabs and a low kick. Two jabs and a straight right land for Thompson at the bell.
29-28 Ellenberger
Round 4
On our unofficial scorecard it's 2 rounds to 1 for Ellenberger with 2 to go. Ellenberger shoots in for a double leg takedown but Thompson stuff it. However Ellenberger doesn't give up and turns the takedown into a clinch and from there hits another slam. Ellenberger is in guard. Some boos ring out from the crowd as they're certainly hoping Jake does more on the ground this time than at other points in this fight. Ellenberger is doing nothing for awhile. Thompson is able to kick Ellenberger's leg away and a scramble starts. Thompson is up first but he's shoved into the cage by Ellenberger who has a waist lock from behind. Ellenberger is more active this time though as he's able to keep Thompson against the cage and Ellenberger batters him with punches until the horn sounds.
39-37 Ellenberger....Thompson is going to need a finish.
Round 5
Thompson launches a superman punch but it misses and Ellenberger sends him careening into the cage. Ellenberger is again exerting control and both men look absolutely gassed. Ellenberger lands some pitter-patter punches but Thompson has no answer. Finally they're separated and at center cage. Thompson has two and a half minutes to find a KO or submission. Thompson shoots in for a takedown! But it's stuffed and Ellenberger turns him into the cage. They'll end the round here amongst a chorus of loud boos. The fans were not happy at all with this fight. A wall-n-stall/lay-n-pray decision victory for Jake Ellenberger.
The Judge's score the contest 49-46/49-46/50-45 for your winner by unanimous decision....Jake "The Juggernaut" Ellenberger
----UFC Fight Night: Ellenberger vs. Thompson Post Fight Presser----
-Dana White said he was ashamed of the Main Event on Twitter. Called it boring and apologized to the fans.
-Ellenberger said he had no regrets and enjoyed how he fought. Said he knew that he couldn't take too many more losses or he'd be risking his job.
-Thompson voiced his anger about fighting a guy who didn't wanna fight.
-Angela Magana said something weird and unintelligible about deserving a title shot next.
-Michelle Waterson is disappointed in her performance. Said she didn't put on enough muscle to be effective at 115 yet and hopes to perform better in her next bout.
-Maximo Blanco said he severely underestimated Mike de la Torre but was happy to walk out a winner.
-Jerrod Sanders is thrilled with his performance, acknowledges it probably saved his job.
Performance of the Night Bonuses - Maximo Blanco, Angela Magana, Darrell Montague and Willie Gates.
UFC Fight Night: Mir vs. Duffee Pre-Fight Conference Call
-Mir thinks he's genuinely a few wins away from a title shot. Mir says that's his goal as long as he's in the division.
-Duffee thinks adding a name like Mir to his resume' will really boost his name value. Eyeing fights with guys like Overeem and JDS after he wins.
-Gilbert Melendez looking to reassert himself after his loss to Eddie Alvarez.
-Al Iaquinta thinks a win over Gilbert makes him a bonafide Top 10 at 155. Wants to be pushed up the card on PPVs with a win here.
-Holly Holm believes that Reneau has nothing for her in the stand up or on the ground. Holm won't commit to calling out Ronda Rousey. Says that Ronda has a tough fight against Bethe Correia coming up and that she'll fight whoever they put in front of her.
-Reneau believes she'll knock Holm out and wants a title shot afterward. Says that her stand-up game would be too wicked for Rousey.
-Scott Jorgensen believes it's win or go home time for him in the UFC against Manny Gamburyan.
-Rani Yahya predicts first round submission win over Masanori Kanehara.
-Mir thinks he's genuinely a few wins away from a title shot. Mir says that's his goal as long as he's in the division.
-Duffee thinks adding a name like Mir to his resume' will really boost his name value. Eyeing fights with guys like Overeem and JDS after he wins.
-Gilbert Melendez looking to reassert himself after his loss to Eddie Alvarez.
-Al Iaquinta thinks a win over Gilbert makes him a bonafide Top 10 at 155. Wants to be pushed up the card on PPVs with a win here.
-Holly Holm believes that Reneau has nothing for her in the stand up or on the ground. Holm won't commit to calling out Ronda Rousey. Says that Ronda has a tough fight against Bethe Correia coming up and that she'll fight whoever they put in front of her.
-Reneau believes she'll knock Holm out and wants a title shot afterward. Says that her stand-up game would be too wicked for Rousey.
-Scott Jorgensen believes it's win or go home time for him in the UFC against Manny Gamburyan.
-Rani Yahya predicts first round submission win over Masanori Kanehara.
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