shavane's Blog

There seems to be a growing sentiment that this would be the best Madden if it didn't have so many glitches, bugs, and key things left out of the game. Its not that we think this is the worse Madden, its the fact that we have all been faithful fans and in this day and age and the technology available we expect more. We expect a better game. All these comparisons between Madden and 2k shouldn't even be a issue especially after 5 years. I thought having a open forum and direct contact with the developers of this years Madden was going to ensure that this Madden would produce groundbreaking results.
Ian and company worked tirelessly to answer all of our questions before Madden was released and went to great lengths to convince us that this Madden would be the one. Its not like EA should feel blindsided by the negative response to M10 because supposedly this forum was initially intended to gather the Madden community ideas in order to improve the Madden franchise. They should have had a exstensive list of things that worked, things that needed improved, gameplay features, animations, COMPUTER A.I., right down to the little trivial things like armbands and tattoos.
I've read the questions and the answers on this forum before M10 released and I've heard Ian and company in their own words tell us you will not see this bug or this glitch is fixed or this is the most realistic AI ever on a sportsgame so I don't fault anyone that was a part of that whole Q&A experience to be upset and post their disatisfaction on this forum.
At this point I feel that the best thing that Ian and company can do is to man up and own up to the mistakes that they made with this years Madden. Open up and respond to your fans and critics like you did before Madden released. Assure us that our concerns are heard and you and your staff will work tirelessly to improve M11. I do think the bigger issue is that the engine Madden is running on is severely outdated and there is no way to fix the current one without building one from the ground up. If you release M11 and just update the current game with a few features, graphics, and animations you will still have the same glitches and bugs and I think the outrage from the community would reach a all time high....holla!
# 1
BroMontana82 @ Oct 7
i heard he's done here b/c a whole lot of people don't understand constructive criticism and just flamed him with personal attacks, and a lot of immature garbage statements. i want a lot of the things fixed as quickly and easily as the next guy, but we do also have to understand how hard it is to get some of things things fixed quickly given all of the organizational limitations.
# 2
edaddy @ Oct 7
Good blog man..I have to agree with you regarding Ian. I always have been a firm believer that you have to take the good with the bad. Sure there were the usual immature posters who don't understand the meaning of constructive criticism. But there were also a good majority of posters who did convey constructive criticism as well as the posters who expressed praise for the game. It's dissapointing if this is true about Ian as I took him as a straightfoward guy with thick skin. Not posting would be counterproductive and as others have said would display a spoiled and "taking my ball with me" attitude. I would like to believe tha this interaction helped form this version of Madden , and while it isn't perfect by any means it is at least playable. I can't say that for the previous versions. I don't get how there could be so much interaction before the game is relaeased and then the interaction gets to a bare minimum when it is released , and now there will be no communication. That reeks of sales and marketing and that would be the perception if he does indeed decide not to communicate. I think personal attacks directed at anyone should garnish a ban. But what I am seeing is that if anyone gives any constructive criticism regarding madden they are called "bashers"..or "haters..while the posters who praise Madden at nauseum and hijack constructive criticism threads are given a free pass. Ian needs to see the balance between the two and realize that in a forum like this attacks..and praise are part of the program when he decided to interact in the first place.
# 3
DubTrey1 @ Oct 7
It is pretty pathetic really. OS overall is pretty intelligent and has it's fair share of members who know how to carry themselves. However, as it is with every big sports gaming release (Madden/Live/2k) OS is blasted with an influx of garbage posters, lurkers, get the idea, and it's unfortunate that the devs that do risk open flame come on here and get blasted. That said, this is the internet and this site is free, so it's not like the OS Admins/Mods or whatever can control all of the garbage that flows thru here. I can only hope after the season, Ian and Co. find a way to peek back in here at some point. At best, perhaps going forward - Steve_OS and co. can act as a buffer for these devs who have jumped ship from the forums and just catalog questions/concerns or whatever and send them directly to the devs themselves. In the end, this may be the only way we get issues addressed going forward.
# 4
stlstudios189 @ Oct 7
I don't pick apart games and enjoyed 09 and enjoy this season. I know that there are issues etc... I just don't see the need to scream "Ian you lied!!!!!!!!" Just like when I have an employee have issues I take them to the side and show them their error. Ian the game is not perfect and such but, I see the potential man. Head up and better luck next year.
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