shavane's Blog

Rumor has it, the man who has made it his life mission to hold any and all accountable for bringing shame and discrace to the NFL is considering suspending EA for the upcoming season due to the embarrassment they are causing the NFL and the NFL brand. The commish states that even though EA has taken steps in the right direction, there is no excuse for EAs lack of quality concerning commentary, crowd noise, realistic physics and gameplay.
He specifically pointed out suction blocking, glitchy extra point holding penalties and phantom blocking stating "I don't know who my pulling guard was blocking but it sure wasn't the safety that just hit stick my tail back on that last toss sweep."
In light of EAs upcoming suspension 2k has teamed up with the makers of Backbreaker in hopes of producing the truest NFL video game ever. 2K states that with their phenomenal graphics, presentation, and basic know how on how to just do an NFL game right, combined with the Backbreaker physics engine, they are sure they can give us a true next gen football game.
This is not I repeat this is not a true article just me attempting to be witty and sarcastic about the lack of a truly great football game.
# 1
NoDakHusker @ Aug 27
is it true? i hope you didn't make this up. will 2k be making an NFL game? if so, this is the best news i have heard all year.

# 2
elgreazy1 @ Aug 27
I call b.s. on this. As much as I'd love to see 2K making NFL games, there is sstill the issue of the NFL license and the fact that EA has it for another 3-4 years. I call b.s. on this. As much as I'd love to see 2K back in the saddle, I haven't hea
# 3
matt8204 @ Aug 27
Come on, guys. This is a joke article. Sounds like something that would come from The Onion. I highly doubt that Roger Goddell plays video games, and I'm sure that he doesn't care about the game's quality, as long as it's making money for the league. Do you really think Goddell has any idea what suction blocking is?
# 4
NoDakHusker @ Aug 27
was that disclaimer there before? because i'm sure it wasn't there when i first read
# 5
SouthernBrick @ Aug 27
Wow almost had me goin there for a minute until I seen all the problems goodell was mentioning in I was like there is no way he knows that much about the problems with a video game. This was before I seen the disclaimer, but you almost had me.
Nice read though.
Nice read though.
# 6
deaduck @ Aug 27
Pretty funny.
I can't believe you needed to post a disclaimer. I mean, Goodell might for all we know be quite the closet gamer but I don't think for a second he's guliable enough to to think Backbreaker is the answer to anything but a rhetorical question on vaporware.
I can't believe you needed to post a disclaimer. I mean, Goodell might for all we know be quite the closet gamer but I don't think for a second he's guliable enough to to think Backbreaker is the answer to anything but a rhetorical question on vaporware.
# 7
SaintsNATION32 @ Sep 7
man...i wish that was true! ya had me goin for a minute...nice blog
# 8
SaintsNATION32 @ Sep 7
man i played the demo of all pro2k8 for the first time....i was surprise how they had a active sideline...i ran out of bounds an the players on the sideline tried to slow me down....why can't EA capture these things in Madden?
an their Instant Replay challenges was on point....they gave me a choice of things to challenge.
an their Instant Replay challenges was on point....they gave me a choice of things to challenge.
# 9
SaintsNATION32 @ Sep 7
I consider myself a nfl fanboy....i like playin real nfl football thats why i'm such a fan of 2k5 they came the closest.....i feel Ian CUMMINGS an his crew need to get whoever running that 2k engine an bring him ova they know what they doin ova at 2k.....look at NBA live now...that Chang guy from 2k brought life back into live an now i'm split between 2k & live...,but i already pre-ordered 2k10...but i must admit live is lookin nice this year! i'm still gettin 2k10!
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