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FNR4 a very belated Happy Fathers day 
Posted on August 4, 2009 at 03:49 PM.
As a man I have to be able to stand by my word and also admit if I am wrong about something and I now have to admit that I jumped the gun a little about FNR4 and only being able to use TPC. I got the game the week after Fathers Day and after attempting to master the TPC for a day or two I put the game down in and wrote this post seen below.

I was 90% wrong about the TPC. This is just a beautiful game with a much steeper learning curve than any other game out there. There is so much going on in a single round between balancing your offense, defense, stamina, and movement within the ring this is a deeply immersive boxing experience.

I stand by the fact that this isn't a game that anyone can just pick up and do well with or even have fun for that matter. It just seems like EA is burning a lot of faithful bridges by not opening up more to the casual gamer. That is why we need the DLC patch scheduled for release soon. I was a die hard button guy but I may stick with the TPC because it really captures what the developers were shooting for.

Below is my origional post

" I promised myself that I would no be one of these guys. I vowed that I would trust in the dev teams vision to give us a true experience in the sweet science of boxing but after putting in a full nights work its more like the sweet science of frustration.

I intend to master this game like I mastered FNR3 but I know 7 to 10 people who refuse to even purchase the game without button configurations! EA are you reading this.

There are only two games that matter to me Fight Night and Madden and while I may purchase other games these are the ones that I play over and over after beating them. Oops UFC undisputed may have just taking FNR4s place.

EA my point is this by using analog only and not even allowing the option for button configuration you are now catering to a select few. I don't care if people cry about cheesing online using button configs or you just didn't want to make a button masher we should still have the option. I already bought the game and other than missing a few key fighters it is a flawless game except for the option to use buttons. I may put the time in but it loses a lot of the fun factor when your friends and family who will not put the time in to master the controls so you can never just pick up and go like say a UFC.

Please I'm begging you the only time my totally hot girlfriend leaves me completely alone is when I fire up the grill invite 10 to 20 friends and family over, crack a bottle, throw 20 dollars in the pot and have a FN or Madden party. Charge me the extra $6.99 or $9.99 for the button config patch throw in a few extra fighters for me Holyfield, Mayweather, or the Klitchos and you will have the game of the year."
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