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Button config patch for FNR4 true or false???
Ea be warned I may have purchased the game but I know a lot of people who will not because there is no option for button configuration.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Posted on October 7, 2009 at 12:55 PM.
I don't mean this as a attack against Ian and company but I don't know who else to direct this to.

There seems to be a growing sentiment that this would be the best Madden if it didn't have so many glitches, bugs, and key things left out of the game. Its not that we think this is the worse Madden, its the fact that we have all been faithful fans and in this day and age and the technology available we expect more. We expect a better game. All these comparisons between Madden and 2k ... Read More
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Posted on September 24, 2009 at 03:33 PM.
Its obvious that each release of Madden is basically roster updates and add-ons to the tried and true core engine. They have done nothing revolutionary or groudbreaking other than the initial madden engine which was great at the time but severly outdated in this day and age. This is why every year we have the same silly glitches and problems because the foundation madden is built on was origionally flawed. Its impossible to correct these issues without building a new Madden from the ground up. I ... Read More
Friday, September 18, 2009
Posted on September 18, 2009 at 02:31 PM.
I know I've been tough on Madden 2010 but me and millions of loyal fans just want a NFL game done right. I consider the negative comments left on numerous madden boards to be tough love for a game that we as consumers wish was a lot better. I'm going to use this post to highlight the one area of Madden that I think was done well and thats QB play. I'm not talking about playing against the CPU because they all suffer from robo QB and they are all great especially at the end of a game.
... Read More
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Posted on September 15, 2009 at 01:27 PM.
I would love to see a improvement to play action, pre snap defense, and pump fakes on Madden 11. The current play action works pretty well on D lineman and Linebackers. It also helps that they get caught up in the notorious suction blocking allowing the Qb to set up and pass the ball but the play action has little or no affect on the Dbs and safeties. You can average 5 to 6 yards for 3 quarters and then take a shot down field expecting at least one of the Cbs or Safeties to anticipate run but ... Read More
Posted on September 15, 2009 at 09:48 AM.
Has anyone been able to consistently throw the deep ball on Madden 10? I don't mean just chucking the ball deep to Randy Moss because he seems to be about the only one that gets behind Cbs.

I play with the Eagles and I can't get behind anyone on fades or streaks. Curtis, Maclin, and Fraction Jackson all have 92 plus speed and I can't beat anyone deep. I know I don't have the best receivers but they should beat somebody right? Press coverage should be considered lock down coverage ... Read More
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Posted on August 27, 2009 at 11:57 AM.
I know one man who cares about the NFL, its image, and how his sport is represented. Roger "The Iron Fist" Goodell. After dropping the hammer on Plax, Vick, Marshizzle, Pac Man, and Stallworth the commish has turned his attention to Madden 2010 and the numerous complaints and lack of true NFL representation.

Rumor has it, the man who has made it his life mission to hold any and all accountable for bringing shame and discrace to the NFL is considering suspending EA for the upcoming ... Read More
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Posted on August 18, 2009 at 09:21 AM.
Houston we may have a problem. Madden 2010 only allows you to create a player with one position. The problem with this is that you can only use Vick at QB or receiver. If you create him a WR he is not available to be used as a QB and the eagles playbook has a WR running the wildcat so I was wondering if this will be addressed in the DLC.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Posted on August 16, 2009 at 12:57 PM.
I was wondering if anyone created Mike Vick on the game yet because their a nerd like me and just couldn't wait till the DLC download on the 19th? I created Vick using the ratings from ESPN video games and he's sick.

I'm a huge supporter of McNabb and after years of winning games with McNabb, Defense, and no receivers I find myself with a plethora of weapons. DJack, Maclin, McCoy and now Vick dare I say my cup runneth over.

I returned my first 3 kickoffs with Maclin ... Read More
Friday, August 14, 2009
Posted on August 14, 2009 at 02:46 PM.
I have waited 5 long years to make this statement but I think its finally time to put my beloved 2K5 to rest. Its not that I play the game everyday or APF8 for that matter, but 2K set the standard for me IMO of what a football game should be.

I don't consider myself a 2K fanboy because I have owned at least 18 out of 21 copies of Madden, but I have waited 5 long years for Madden to improve and show us that they cared enough about the quality of their product that we were buying year ... Read More
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Posted on August 4, 2009 at 03:49 PM.
As a man I have to be able to stand by my word and also admit if I am wrong about something and I now have to admit that I jumped the gun a little about FNR4 and only being able to use TPC. I got the game the week after Fathers Day and after attempting to master the TPC for a day or two I put the game down in and wrote this post seen below.

I was 90% wrong about the TPC. This is just a beautiful game with a much steeper learning curve than any other game out there. There is so much ... Read More
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Posted on July 16, 2009 at 12:40 PM.
Now that its been confirmed that there is indeed a button configuration patch being released soon, doesn't this mean that now we need 3 different rooms for online play? Does anyone have any information on if this is the setup that FNR4 developers are planning. There now has to be a room for TPC, one for Face Button Controls, and one no punches pulled room where any configuration goes. Let me know what everyone thinks.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Posted on June 25, 2009 at 10:06 AM.
I promised myself that I would no be one of these guys. I vowed that I would trust in the dev teams vision to give us a true experience in the sweet science of boxing but after putting in a full nights work its more like the sweet science of frustration.

I intend to master this game like I mastered FNR3 but I know 7 to 10 people who refuse to even purchase the game without button configurations! EA are you reading this.

There are only two games that matter to me ... Read More

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