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1. Touchscreen gaming (Nintendo-DS gets the credit here)
2. Xbox Live (Microsoft)
3. iTunes (Apple)
4. Wii Motion control (Nintendo)
No other software company has executed touchscreen gaming as good as Nintendo (the DS stylus), and if The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is a link to the future...Nintendo is light years ahead of the competition in respect to wireless, motion gaming. Where Nintendo has yet to strut their mighty muscle is the arenas of online gaming and an online store front for downloadable purchases. As a lifelong Nintendo gamer I can attest that the Big N is always ahead of the industry when it comes to innovation and firmly remember Nintendo having an idea for an Xbox Live type of online gaming community years ago, but the company lacked the resources and online expertise to tie the vision together, allowing Microsoft to drive the industry standard with Nintendo having a strategy to jump onto the back end of online gaming once prices fell. Well those prices have fell and the Big N is ready to jump into the ring....
And Nintendo is going for a knockout punch with Wii U!
Out of the four innovations I referenced above; Nintendo is looking to be the best at all four through an innovative outlook and seamless continuity and integration which will tie all four pillars together. Gamers and consumers forget to realize Xbox Live is 7 years old and the iTunes download format is 5 years past it's prime; it is time to innovate! And Nintendo and its Wii U will be a game changer in that regards...LITERALLY!
A game changer how?
How does saving, sharing, and editing precious video gaming footage sound... A video gaming You-Tube... Various Wii U channels, all from the Wii U controller, which allows you to hop into various gaming experiences--online, without the use of a television! An online store, which is always on and always connected, that allows INSTANT downloads... A street pass feature which keeps and compares you to gamers in your EVERYDAY community and not just invisible gamers you game against online (an entirely new system for social gaming--bye bye Facebook). And don't forget an online, infrastructure which is more flexible and geared for 3rd party control. For the first time in console history gamers will be able to game cross platform! Wii U Call of Duty gamers against Xbox Call of Duty gamers, Wii U Madden Players against PS3 Madden gamers. The same way we can game cross platform on mobile gaming (words w/friends) on iOS and Android will be the same robust, online experience delivered through Wii U!
Nintendo is looking to checkmate the competition by making gaming a legitimate lifestyle. From the tube to the touchscreen tablet, from a casual experience to one of core gaming, 1st party software to 3rd party support... Get ready for Wii U!
# 2
reddsite @ Jun 1
A full use of web hosting, or 'cloud' in new innovative ways can steal 3e. It makes gaming social and sites like facebook obsolete, and with cross multi form. And disagree @chicago pax, wii u is using power7 variant, may add turbo,cpu, and good gpu, is nex gen power, and has havoc engine which can be used by any 3rd party.
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It's said that the power of the Wii U slightly beats out the current generation, which is awful. If Sony and Microsoft raise the bar as high as they did from their previous console to the current, than Nintendo could quickly be looking at not releasing a console and focusing on mobile gaming (I suppose if you consider things like the DS a console than they would still be making consoles).
Nintendo is on the ropes, everything it's shown, the systems do now besides the controller, and even then unless the controller does amazing things, it sure won't make the system stand out.