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R.I.P. Madden 
Posted on September 5, 2011 at 12:18 AM.
I write this blog for one reason and one reason only......and that's the hope that EA will see this blog, value my opinion and make sweeping changes to the Madden Franchise. I've been playing this franchise since its first release on Super Nintendo (I know it was on genesis first), so needless to say, I'm not here to bash, just sad an American past time has lost its allure. First and foremost, I'm a business man and understand that one of the primary goals of any company is to create a turn key product, that can produce profits with minimal investment. Obviously, the Madden franchise has reached a certain level of success to where most sports gamers will purchase the product no matter what-and I commend EA sports for acheiving this milestone. But something has gone terribly, terribly wrong! Yes, we can nitpick in regards to inaccurate feet to ground interaction or linebackers who possess 60 inch verticals, but honestly most gamers dont care about that. True, the developers compose message board posts to appease the sim nation (which makes zero sense at all), but in my opinion realism isn't the source of Madden's issues. The game is realistic enough and I be damned if any OS blogger challenges me on the physics of the game as being the culprit of Madden's recent woes.

I had the opportunity of playing Madden 2012 for the first time with a long term fellow gamer of mine, and the biggest thing to stick out to me was its lack of creativity and being completely void of fun! Video games are an art form like anything else, and unfortunately Madden is seriously lacking soul, and in my opinion its been lacking in soul since Madden Vince Young! You sell units on FUN FACTOR not realism. Once again, you sell units on FUN FACTOR not realism. It was troubling to read a review that commented on a much improved presentation, but my perspective was one of staleness and status quo. Was it realistic to what you'll see on TV.... I guess, but there isn't any creativity in realism. And besides, if realism's the goal-go ahead and ante up for FOX, CBS, NBC, and ESPN overlays. The bottom line, there should be an intense approach to the game being fun first, with a serious kiss of artistry, and the realsim is the glue that keeps the product credible. For example, Wii Sports Bowling is not the most realsitic bowling software to hit the market, but I bet you didn't care back in 2006....and I bet your girlfriend and grandma didn't care either. Fun factor and creativity sells!

So, I'm playing fantasy football for the first time and as fun as it's shaping out to be, I'd rather be playing Madden (real fantasy football), but Madden is too much of a chore now. A chore because it isn't fun anymore, not because it lacks realism and an authentic NFL experience.

As a result, I pour out a touch of Malt liqour for a beloved friend. A beloved friend who taught me the ins and outs of professional football. A buddy who said BOOM! on big hits. A friend who was there 4-5 hours a night from August- January. You'll be sorely missed.... and until we meet again.... RIP Madden.
# 1 TheThrowdest @ Sep 5
Everyone is entitled to their opinion bro but when u r playing a game based on real life why shouldn't realism be a big part of it? I think the fun factor is there. The suction tacles are gone they really did fix the collision system. My only complaint is that the economy in MUT is all screwed up. Almost all of the cards are woth the same amount. 98 Ed Reed cost as much as someone with a rating of like 80 or higher? C'mon Man! I'm sure it will be fixed with updates. Also I read that it was supposed to ship with 50 collections....there are like 5. Gameplay kicks *** tho. Play it and judge for. Yourself this guy prolly was fired from EA at some point in his life or something.
# 2 ThisIsReality @ Sep 5
First time I've seen this type of opinion on OS. Hell, the internet in general. Since I see you mentioned the Wii I'll just recommend Madden on the Wii... I'm sorry that now there's either overly realistic games or overly casual games nowadays. Rarely you'll find the medium unless you look hard enough. I'm sure Madden on the Wii will give you the fun factor you're craving for.
# 3 RUFFNREADY @ Sep 5
@ShadtheDad, is bang on; with his topic. Fun first, then incorporate the realism. When the realism overpowers the Fun; all people want to do is nitpick at how this isnt right, and that doesnt play well, and they are forgetting a ton of things. Madden12 is very bland this year; there isnt any huge, or great inovations into the game. all EA did was added some more pixels to the players (all over); add a "new team" entrance; and finally correct a few issues in offline franchise mode.
I dont know about the rest of you but, sure do see suction blocking still in the game; and some really bad animations that i cant believe they missed when they started printing the game for shipping and release. The A.I in the game needs lots of work. ( why am i constantly reworking my sliders to find the best way to play this game as a sim-gamer?)
I am trying to have fun with the game, but it starting to feel like a chore as ShadtheDad said.
EA dumbed down this version knowing that they are installing this 3 year plan.
Inshort i to feel that Madden12 is not a long term solution for my attention; but a short term burst of laughs until NHL 12 or NBA 2K12 are released; because thats when madden gets traded in!

btw, great blog ShadtheDad.

# 4 inkcil @ Sep 5
In terms of a video game, I do agree that fun is more important than realism. Realism is very important...but fun is very very improtant.
# 5 SwagDoc101 @ Sep 5
Sad to say but i gave up playing madden years ago. And recently i gave up watching people play. It was hard to do but i just didnt enjoy playing anymore. I personally believe madden needs to change the gameplay camera angle to a horizontal left to right tv broadcast view. The horizontal view is how we watch football at home and at games 90 percent of the time unles u have tickets behind the goal post. i believe the vertical view which is probably best for gameplay right this moment (because it is better view from the quarteback position) takes away from the overal natural feeling of watching an actual NFL game. and to me that is sucking the overall entertainment value and fun factor from the game. I remember before madden the game to play was tecmo and super tecmo bowl. Those games are in no way equal to the strategy and realism of a Madden but they were extremely fun to play. Then in came Madden with a different look and feel to revolutionize the video football games. the Realism and fresh look brought excitement to a already hot market. when Madden can finally bring back that excitement i will start playing football games again. i truly believe it starts with the visual presentation needing to feel more natural and not that horizontal artificial gameplay look that they are presently using. just my opinion
# 6 Elgin2311 @ Sep 5
I get tour argument, alot of madden player didnt fall in love with the game because it was real to the game, we fell in love with it cause it was fun. EA is playing like a team up by 14 points in the 3rd quarter trying to milk the clock.
# 7 shadthedad @ Sep 5
It's interesting you bring up horizontal vs vertical camera angle while gaming. I blogged approximately a year and a half ago in regards to the opposite. I pondered if the television broadcast Tecmo Bowl style presentation was outdated and suggested the networks utilize and cultivate a behind the Quarterback camera angle, similar to Madden. Getting back on topic, and I will fight this belief to tooth and nail-gaming is meant to be entertainment. Point blank....simple as that. And going back to my blog post, Im curious to see if the sim nation's the culprit which is hindering Madden's creativity and fun factor. Case in point, gamers consistently bring up 2K basketball and looking back, to be more specific, 2K8. But that game wasn't nearly as sim as 2K8, but most consider it to be he crowning achievement that slammed the door on the Live series. Madden Vick and Madden Ray Lewis- prime example. Paled in comparison in duplicating an authentic NFL experience compared to the greatness of Madden 10, but which Madden sold more and which Madden was more fun. Please, you can't tell me as a sim gamer the first time you utilized the new hit stick, as unrealistic as it's perceived to be amongst certain factions, you were not having fun....... Honestly, I think a lot of times we cry for realism when we are getting our booties handed to us by what we think to be an inferior opponent. Don't like it, do something about it. And that's how true gamers game, and Maaden unfortunately isn't a game anymore. Might as well play chess master on the PC.
# 8 shadthedad @ Sep 5
Typo, 2k8 wasn't as sim as 2k11
# 9 statum71 @ Sep 5
Your opinion. I enjoy the game myself. I think its the most fun Madden yet. But the just me.

But one point you made about the Networks....that EA needed to "ante up" :

This has been explained several times. Its not about EA not willing to "ante up." But since this is an exclusive title and the NFL has a partnership with 4 different networks...the NFL isn't going to show favor to one of them by being the ONLY network represented in its video game.
# 10 tical2399 @ Sep 6
Wrong my friend. Realism= fun factor
# 11 Galarius @ Sep 6
haven't got it yet this year...nearly bought yesterday but thought' i already have NCAA, so why bother'...i am not a big fan of EA their hockey and soccer(and i hate real soccer on TV!) BAP modes....if it is realistic and intense, then it is fun as far as i am concerned, but his quote about game 'lacking soul' struck a nerve with me....that would be my complaint, there is just 'something ' missing in recent years that NBA2k, MLB The Show, NHL, and FIFA all have...i like NCAA a lot from what i have played so far, but it does indeed lack a bit of soul, although i feel it is improved from last this simply the fact that EA needs a new engine or is it something else?...i also feel in recent years that NCAA benefits from not being the go-to title...perhaps with Madden there is just too many suits looking over the shoulder of the game developers...That will kill 'artistry' quite often
# 12 pirateball68 @ Sep 6
I don't get you guys, this years Madden is the best by far, if ur not happy with it go back and play it in PS2 or Sega Genesis.. Adjust the sliders a bit and this game is great, I love it ...
# 13 SwagDoc101 @ Sep 6
@shad the reason i dont prefer the behind the quarteback camera angle and i would never watch nfl football again if they chose to bradcast the games from that camera angle is because it puts too much focus on the quarterback position and very little on everything else happening in the game. So if you have a por quarteback it can make for a poor looking game. just my opinion
# 14 mwjr @ Sep 6
Bottom line, sports games have gotten to the point where they don't need to be annual releases. A new game every 2-3 years, with updated rosters available as DLC is the solution here. I haven't bought NCAA since NCAA 10 and am enjoying it this year. Because I haven't owned NCAA in a couple of years, things seem fresh and enjoyable, in spite of the bugs and glitches. My experience with NCAA is leading me to strongly consider buying Madden this year, my first time since Madden 09. I suspect my reaction to Madden 12 will be similar to my reaction to NCAA 12.

My guess is that, as well as it's been received and reviewed lately, the NBA 2K series will start to feel stale in a year or two. We saw it happen to the NHL series.

So bottom line, sports games should be semi-annual productions, maybe even schedule them every 3 years. Problem is, as long as people are lining up to buy the annual iterations, EA Sports will keep making them.
# 15 Eski33 @ Sep 6
I love this year's Madden. I have played Madden since 1990 and I can say that EA finally provided a game that provides a fun factor as well as the bells and whistles.

I admit I am not one to dive into the game and replay a play 1,000 times to find inaccuracies in blocking schemes and other things. I take the games for what they are and what they provide.

The last few years, I grew bored of Madden. The game could not hold my interest. This year is much different. The new tacking engine is excellent as well as ball carriers digging in to gain extra yards. The game provides so many small details that I still get amazed at what I see at times.

Overall, everyone has their opinion and no one opinion is right however my take on the game is positive and I am enjoying the game for first time in years.

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