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The future of the WiiU and its purpose to gaming 
Posted on June 7, 2011 at 07:59 PM.
After much ballyhooed hype,the big N finally unveiled the long awaited successor to the wii . Dubbed the WiiU, it will be a direct follow up to the wii, and not an entirely different brand/pillar that many suspected. To put it in a nutshell...Nintendo sold out! Dont get me wrong I'm a very pro capitalist society gamer, and understand the rationale of catering to a previous user base, but that previous user base didn't sustain the entire life of the system. Rare gems such as Treasure's Sin and Punishment or Capcoms Zak and wiki collected dust in bargain bins, while the Just Dance's of the world sold millions of copies. Even the great opportunist, Electronic Arts pulled the plug on potential sports games (NCAA football) due to their titles getting the good ole fashioned stiff arm from the wii's enormous install base of girlfriends and grandmothers. A better approach would have been keeping the two brands (wii and wiiU) separate and have a system that catered to the core gamer (WiiU) and catering the other gaming system (wii) to the more mainstream gamer . For instance, wii gets the party games, pokemon, and the marios of the world- whereas the WiiU would get the zeldas, metroid, and Pikmins as well as popular 3rd party titles like the Call of Duty's, Assasin creeds, Battlefields and various sports games. Nintendo snubbed us, and it is what it is! They are more concerned with preventing the children of this generation from building gaming memories first on an Apple portable or a smart phone, rather than catering to the generation of gamers who helped them build an entire gaming industry from the great gaming crash of the 80s. But these are my thoughts and my perspective on today's unveiling of the WiiU...What do you think about today's unveiling and the Big N's direction for its company? Sound off
# 1 therockstar2005 @ Jun 7
I'll admit it would have been great if they had a two-pillar approach for console gaming, but I just don't think it would have been profitable. Having backwards compatability for WiiU means they can still try to bridge the casual and hardcore line. If they were supporting two systems, either the Wii would likely wind up with more shovelware than it already does, or the HD system would get 3 games a year b/c the Wii would likely still sell better through being cheaper. Low power Wii = cheap to make. High power HD system = not cheap to make.

I'm more concerned if Microsoft and Sony unveil new consoles in a year or two that Nintendo will be screwed. This might be the most powerful console of the three, but it's coming out right when the 360 and PS3 are hitting their prime. That can be a dangerous sign, unless Kinect and Move are meant to really prolong the other two systems.
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