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The best Madden ever 
Posted on January 27, 2011 at 09:38 PM.
With the upcoming NFL work stoppage looming on the horizon, EA Sports has a tremendous opportunity at their door step........ Make the best football gaming experience to substitute for the lack of football from the 2011 NFL season.

We know this will be the completion of the 3 year cycle Ian mentioned when taking over for David Ortiz. We know the economy is supposedly on the rebound and should allow for a bigger programming budget. We know NBA 2k11 showed gamers-you can make huge changes in a one year development cycle, but more importantly......we know there's a 90% chance the owners will lock out the players for the 2011 NFL season and leave a huge void for our NFL football fix.

My question to you.......Will EA seize the moment and make the best Madden ever? I'm a betting man and I will bet yes. Madden 2012 will be the best football game of all time.

But what would you bet......
# 1 Tsuki @ Jan 28
ryanmoody agrees with you
# 2 killaken @ Jan 28
Ea is run by a bunch of lazy *******s, I don't think it will be better than espn 2k5.
# 3 vegas83 @ Jan 28
There will be football next year. You said 90% chance of a lock out, I think they may for a few months but not 905 going into Sept. There will be football for sure.
# 4 steviegolfballs @ Jan 28
I wonder if they will be allowed to use the newly drafted players in the game if there is a work stoppage and contracts are not signed.
# 5 jmo2278 @ Jan 28
Too much money to lose in a lockout, both sides are posturing. There will b football next year. And no they wouldn't "seize" the opportunity if there wasn't. Madden will be passable again but not on par with the greats. The madden name and the NFL brand alone is enough to make the game profitable. No reason to go all out because of lack of competition. We will all buy it and forget about it by the time October hits as usual.
# 6 tswiatkowski @ Jan 28
I'm thinking no lockout AND ea does not deliver the best madden ever. I hope they do, I just doubt it.
# 7 BlackRome @ Jan 28
Umm. 2k11 showed 2k can make a game they can't even patch correctly without messing up something else. Online for the 3rd year in a row sucks. They took a huge step alright.

A huge step backward towards 2k9 which was their worse release.

Madden on the other hand still has the same problems the game has had since it came to the next generation.

Crossing Routes and passes to the RB are all you see online.

I recently traded both games in. No longer do I have to deal with the frustration of looking at them.

I won't be purchasing either game next year when they are released until it's confirmed these issues have been resolved.

I doubt it.
# 8 datruth251 @ Jan 28
your right about the cross routes and throwing to the running back cause thats all i do online u cant stop it thats why i stopped playing madden.
# 9 shadthedad @ Jan 29
@black Rome

You can't stop both a pass to the flats and a crossing pattern in the NFL at the same time as well. Maybe you should use gameflow to call out a players tendencies and make an educates guess from there. It sounds like all the opposition is doing is taking what you give them. Don't fault the game, fault your misguided play calling. I'm just the messenger.
# 10 ImaProblem @ Jan 30
Unless they hired a new Program lead, Madden 12 will be the same trash we have been getting since next gen. Period!!! It's all about the $$$
# 11 D-Hiatus @ Jan 31
I agree that this will be the best rendition of Madden thus far...they've had a full year to tweak and refine the new animation system and we saw a glimpse of their improvements in the catching department as well. The jury is still out on whether or not they'll totally overhaul the Franchise components. But yea I'm hype about this's put up or shut up and trust and believe both EA Sports and Madden completely understand!
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