shadthedad's Blog
I've been gaming since 1985 and have witnessed the release of several video game systems....from the turbo-grafx 16 to the Sega Dreamcast. But the other day I came across the notion that we may not see another gaming console release until the year 2014. I remember reading an article that stated back when the original NES was going strong and the Sega Genesis was newly released, that Nintendo was hesitant about releasing a new system due to the huge install base it already had through the NES. Was this and is this the Ultimate goal companies such as Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft strive for when releasing new hardware. If you look at current trends: Microsoft is releasing a hands free add on to it's system, Sony released a wii like device that utilizes a camera, and the Nintendo's wii has moved close to 50 million systems! Couple that with a recession and rising costs from developers to pump out AAA titles and I firmly believe this current generation of consoles, portable gaming withstanding, is hear for the long haul. Any thought......
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