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Why I hate 2k!!! 
Posted on September 21, 2011 at 03:28 PM.
i mean really....

1.1 gb demo...and all there is for us is a 4 min quarter, and can only play as 1 team? and no ability to call time outs.

i mean...EA's football games had demos featuring full games. yes ncaa was only 2 min quarters. but u had 2 separate matchups you could play. and madden gave us full 5 min quarters with sliders and everything.

they gave us longer time in their demos in a game like ncaa 12. completely broken in so many ways, havent touched it in 2 months and i want my $60 back. and madden. well i actually really like this years game...but it has some issues also..

and then 2k gives us its demo of 1 four minute quarter with no options or anything.

its so disappointing beause the game is absolutely amamizing! lol.

know this isnt really a "I hate 2k" thread. i love them! 1 month ago, i said i wasnt gonna buy this game cuz no rookies. and i figured not much could improve from 2k11. then when momentous trailer came out....i was like 50/50.

but now...from this demo. i am in complete and utter amazement! this DEMO is soo addicting. i am frustrated that this game is sooo damn good and yet we are given only 1 short quarter to play it. the crappier games (ea football titles) gave us way more time with their lesser of a game. you would think it would be the opposite!

shoot id take a full game of 2 min quarters. just so there is a chance at overtime. and actually try and win!

but i love this demo! love this game! love 2k! just wish they would give us a better demo experience as far as length and options!

def a midnight buy for me!!
# 1 clipperfan811 @ Sep 21
LOL dude you should suffer some sort of cruel torture for misrepresenting that blog title. You love 2k, it's pretty out there for people to see. Don't worry we all love 2k too.

I think what you really have beef with is the time between now and OCT 4.

We're all right there with you bro.
# 2 Gramps91 @ Sep 21
lol when I first saw the title of this blog I thought "I'm gonna go on there and give this guy a piece of my mind" lol yea but I do agree demo is disappointing in the standards of how limited it is. However, it is a demo to probably the best basketball game of all time, and in terms of gameplay the demo is amazing
# 3 tistethebeast @ Sep 21
just imagine how good an nfl 2k game would be
# 4 Drix10 @ Sep 21
Is that correct? No rookies? I know the lockout is going on, but please tell me that isn't true??? Ughh..
# 5 Love The Lancer @ Sep 21
Yep no rookies drix10. I'm just gonna wait till they drop price to 40 and patch the game with rookies then I'll buy it. I'm a cavs fan so with no rookies there's no point in me getting it until there in ha
# 6 DGMikeBarker @ Sep 21
Our only hope is if the lockout ends before Oct 4th. No chance.
# 7 BRxSKINSx @ Sep 21
Man, I read this blog just so I could come in here and ask u WTF was your problem....but I see now what it're in love wit a game that u cant have until Oct 4th....I'm the same freaking way....if the game doesn't hurry up and drop soon....I may go crazy....Come on October.... If I had a court date or fine to pay or some other reason to spend some money that I didn't want to, the 4th would be tomorrow....but instead, it's one of the best games ever coming out and it seems like time is at a stand still.....
# 8 Shinyhubcaps @ Sep 21
The demo is a huge disappointment. If playcalling is such a new feature, why can't we call plays in the demo? But as disappointed as I was in the lack of features for the demo, I can see some promise in the title. I know the game will be great, but it was misrepresented pretty poorly in the demo.
# 9 schnaidt1 @ Sep 21
lol yea!!! i wanted to have a little fun with my peers here on O.s. haha...

i knew 99% of u feel the same way i do! i want this game now.

and to ther person who asked. nah i dont work for 2k an am not referencing ur post. but its funny we did the same thing!!

i find myseld searching for more gameplay vids of 2k an there are like none ( other than demo) sucks royally!!

2k start the 2k pass. ill pay 25 just for nba 2k early lol
# 10 Capitol P23 @ Sep 21
Great Thread. I seriously am having this same issue with 2k. Nice to see it addressed. I don't care about the size of the demo. I really care that its a preview of the game and therefore should make you want the game even more. This demo does but is completely too short. I started playing four demo games and tallying the score to see who won lol
# 11 Kaanyr Vhok @ Sep 22
The 4 minn qtr thing is just a pun on foreplay.
# 12 poilbrun @ Sep 22
There's only one reason that I hate 2k, and that's because they don't make a football game!
However, I'd have to agree with you in the demo. When you look at how good the FIFA demo is, it should be a yardstick for every game company out there.
But then again, it's just a demo, and with just one 4 minute quarter and a single team to control, it still changes people's mind about getting the game, so I guess it's not that bad...
# 13 GodzSoulja @ Sep 22
i thought you hated 2k, you are jus like me.............u dont wanna be teased lol
# 14 schnaidt1 @ Sep 22
yea...i really dont know how im spose to wait 12 more days lol
# 15 stlstudios189 @ Sep 23
Well Oct is almost here guys hang tough

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