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Letter to Mr. Lebron James 
Posted on October 1, 2010 at 04:16 PM.
Over this last week while eagerly awaiting the release of NBA 2K11, I caught an interview of the Miami Heat on ESPN and another interview with the very sexy Soledad O'Brien.....and that just made me mad. Like, Lebron....STFU.

Lebron, to me will always be someone of a front runner. Lets go back in time to refresh our memories:
  • Lebum, leaves court after being ousted by a better Orlando team, doesn't speak to media or congradulate the other team.
  • Says he was going to enter the dunk contest. However, shows his shifty ways again and spurns the fans from what would've been an awesome show had he entered. For those of us who saw that dunk contest, you already know how bad that was
  • All season long, if Cleveland was up, LBJ and his cronnies would be Harlem shaking and 2 steppin' and doing the dougie all over the court and sidelines. Bad sportsmanship in my book. When they lose, Lebron storms off court as if somebody kidnapped his kid. Case in point, the game after the All Star game had Cleveland v Denver. Carmelo & Bron put on a great show. Cleveland was showing they tail in that game on the sideline and what happens; they lose. Lebron misses a potential game winner and walks off in his patented spoiled baby fashion.
  • The decision.
  • Leaving Cleveland the way he did "this upcoming season I will be taking my talents to south beach". Are you kidding me. Seriously dude. He said that with a half smile. I don't know why; maybe thinking it was funny, maybe.
  • Some 2.5 months later now you want to be mad at everyone and "not forget who has been saying stuff about" him.

I'm sorry, but LBJ, your a great ball player and you sir have a game I can respect and admire. But your a *******. I don't ever want to hear about Lebron James being competitive. You cannot call yourself a competitor with what you did. Joining Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade for an easy road to the cup. Where is your heart King James?

I mean if your truly and honestly comfortable in your own skin, your a bigger dummy than I thought. Any championship you win with this group to me won't mean anything because your suppose to win. Honestly, if Lebron can win 60 plus games with the talent he had in cleveland, this team better be pushing 75 wins every year.

The funny thing to me is how serious he wants to appear like he has a chip on his shoulder as if there is something to prove. Like c'mon dude we know you have the talent, the money, the adoration (or had). But what you did is quit, and that can't be accepted. I know Miami fans are happy as heck, as an LA fan, I'm happy too because I can't wait to rock these dudes in a 7 game series should they ever meet.

I just laugh at the fact that this dude really takes himself too serious. Like, you quit on your team LBJ in game 5 and game 6. Anything you win, anything you do, in the eyes of real basketball fans, cannot be accepted. This team is suppose to win, ever year for the next 5 years. On paper this is one of the best teams not to play a game yet. For christ sakes you have 60% of the Eastern All Star starters on your team.

Lebron said about the boos "you have to ask yourself are people booing you because the hate you, or cause they fear you. Well sir, when the Miami Heat are booed this year it will be because they are the away team. When you sir, Mr. james, are booed, it will be because you chose a cowards way out of Cleveland. It will be because nobody will ever respect anything you say. Your word means nothing, you showboat and gloat when your up and cry like a baby when your down. Your a bully. And you want people to respect that. Kiss the hairiest part of my @$$ #%&.

Your arrogance will be your downfall and your goals and dreams of being a champion will never mean anything even to you. You aren't the leader you think you are (as shown by Kobe in the 08 Olympics, we see who had the ball in that gold medal game).

I'm done writing about this jacka$$, say whatever y'all want, call me whatever y'all want but real recognize real, and this dude ain't real.
# 1 theprocess @ Oct 1
I'm from Miami and I didn't jump off of my seat when he made his decision...I always thought he was more hype than anything. What am I to do now? I got a player who I've never been a fan now playing for my team.

I pray that they spend more time practicing their B-ball skills and leave their dance moves for the club after the game.

I partially blame his mom especially after seeing his documentary, she enabled him to call himself the "King". I understand every mother wants what's best for his kid but she straight up created a monster and we all know monsters aren't real.

Excellent write up.
# 2 scatman @ Oct 1
Just to further my point, I do not blame the Miami Heat for wanting to field the best team possible. I don't blame Lebron for wanting the best chance at realizing his championship goals. What I do blame is everything else. Guy has great talent but just doesn't seem to get it. Miami will be exciting to watch and Lebron will have a great year and continue to do that for years to come. But he can't be respected for anything he accomplishes from here on out.
# 3 dat boi Q @ Oct 1
man can we please move on from lebron who cares what he did where he went its funny cause before he made the move everyone wanted him on there team and for u miami acting like u are not happy that hes on our team wait till they start beating the snot out of people then you are going to warm up to him
# 4 supermanemblem @ Oct 1
nice write up. i've never sipped the lbj koolaid and probably never will. funny how he throws out the race card when it was white people who got him where he is financially and marketably. i don't see any black companies lobbing million dollar endorsements deals his way, or a major black owned sports and entertainment company giving him an hour to make a 5 second announcement that 99.99% of said's network viewers could give two spits about. instead he lives as the poster child for what ails my black community. i'm glad that a got to grow up watching real champions and all time greats like magic, mike and isiah.
# 5 SouthBeach @ Oct 1
Living here in South Florida, I am happy Lebron is now a member of the Heat. Did I want him to come here? Not really. I would have liked to see him either stay in Cleveland or go to NY.
But we really can't blame Lebron for making that decision (to join the Heat; not "the Decision").

As fans, we all wondered where Lebron would end up. The same people that wanted him to stay in Cleveland are the same ones that pointed the finger at him for giving up on the team before he even left. So what does a "king" do? Stay in Cleveland with a team that is good but not quite good enough? Or does that king save years in their career by joining a team that was NOT established (having a roster consisting of only Wade, Chalmers, and Bosh) during the Summer in hopes of becoming a contender for the ever so coveted ring?

I don't fault him for making the choice to go to Miami since everyone walking this earth is entitled to their own decisions and opinions. What I do fault him for is his conduct during said decision.

Also, if the media would just let the Miami Heat practice without interruption, we wouldn't have to see or hear about him making 3 jump shots and 2 practice.

I'm ready for the season. Good read, Scatman.
# 6 IV THA UNITY @ Oct 1
Seriously, who are you to judge if a person is a competitor or not? He was a FREE AGENT. Name one player that won by himself that says they are a competitor? David Robinson didn't get a ring till Duncan got there. Jordan Had Scottie a Hall of Famer who is better than most superstars in the league today. I mean really Look at the Lakers who Have 2 superstars in Kobe and Gasol, with one of if not the best defender in the league in Ron Artest. Look at the Celtics They have the most stacked team in the league. Look at the Mavericks, Dirk, Caron, Terry, Marion, But you call Lebron a Non Competitor because he joined Wade and Bosh? Come on son really analyze the league he wasn't going to get a ring in cleveland because nobody worth anything wants to go there. So in turn he went to MIAMI. What your saying is a joke at best. The only thing I agree with is the way that he was wrong but he still made it positive by donating money. I guess I'll remember what you are saying when they play the Celtics in the playoffs or the magic and see that the games will be competitive. Why didn't MJ leave the bulls because it sure wasn't fair that he and Scottie was on the same team, Jordan wasn't a real competitor huh? Or How about magic with Big Game James, Kareem etc Was he not a competitor because he was surrounded by superstars? Lmao at people who judge a person because he made a decision to do what he wanted to do. I don't remember all of this when Kobe was threatening to leave L.A. lmao but whatever
# 7 Freak123 @ Oct 1
That was the single worst article I have ever read. I don't mean to attack you personally or anything, far from it, but man you got it all wrong. He did not quit on his team in those games, several of LeBron's former teammates said the same thing, including his best friend on that team Mo Williams. If anyone quit, it was his teammates. What I saw is with just over a minute left in the game and the Cavs down by 7 (I think? It was pretty close they had a shot at it) against the Celtics in that last game, Mo took the ball, pulled it off to the side and waved the rest of the Cavs off, even with Mike Brown screaming at him to do otherwise. His teammates quit on HIM, not the other way around. Also, he is a hell of a competitor and it's wrong to accuse him of otherwise, like he said, just because Charles, Michael, and Magic didn't join each other doesn't mean he has to or he isn't a competitor. They didn't have to leave. Magic had Kareem, Byron, and James Worthy (2 hall of famers and 1 all star) his whole career, Michael had 2 hall of famers (Pippen, Rodman) and an all star (Kukoc), Charles went to the Rockets to join 2 other hall of famers (Hakeem, I forget who else it was a big 3 though). Kobe has a superstar in Gasol and all stars (if they stay healthy in the regular season) in Bynum, Artest, and Odom, the Celtics have 4 superstars in Rondo, Allen, Pierce, and Garnett. Yes his teammates are probably better, but just because someone has slightly better players that means that he isn't a competitor? That's just silly in my opinion. And again, no personal attack, just saying.
# 8 scatman @ Oct 1
While I appreciate IV THA UNITY and Freak123 for your comments and see where both of you are coming from, naturally I disagree.

@ IV THA UNITY, all those other teams you named either drafted the guy, or traded for him. LBJ chose to go to Miami. Nothing wrong with him doing that. It was his right to go where ever he wanted. But in doing that, he is cheating his talent level. You cannot view LBJ in the same light as we once did. He now has fire power that is of equal talent. Yeah Kobe has that too. Yeah, Mike had it, Magic had it, Bird had it and Duncan had it too. But like I said, on all of those teams, the talent was either traded for or drafted.

@ Freak123, I say he isn't a competitor because how hard is going to be for him to get this team to play up to capability? Trust me Lebron can have a avg year and this team may still be a top 3 seed. 3 of the 5 2010 Eastern conf. All Stars are in Miami for crying out loud. With exceptions in Boston, Orlando & Chicago; who is really going to challenge this team in the East. LA, OKC, Denver and Dallas to me are the only teams that have the fire power to match up in the West. Miami should eat most of these teams alive. honestly if the Heat win, would you be surprised? I wouldn't. As currently constructed, if this team isn't competing for a chip every year they are together, given the talent level it's a bad year.
# 9 stlstudios189 @ Oct 1
we don't care where he plays it's how he acts. This man is a freaking role model and he is selfish poor example of leadership. He has BB skill (which I think are overrated) but that is it. Whenever times get tough Lebron gets whiny.
# 10 IV THA UNITY @ Oct 1
what difference does it matter how those other players got together? They just didn't have to relocate because the talent came to them. So lebron should've just stayed in Cleveland on the team that no one wants to come to and end up like Reggie Miller ( Ringless)? It doesn't matter how the talent gets there because its all about whether or not the player is willing to wait for the talent to get there. He made his choice, it took the CAVS to long to get the help he needed to get over the hump.

Also think about the year Lebron got to the Finals on the Cavs. every team has bulked up since then while the cavs only got mediocre talent to help lebron. 7 Years was long enough and it was time for a change. He clearly wants to win and its not like he will be piggy backing as he will be The #1 and #2 guy interchangeable with Dwade. I don't see how he won't be competitive, but perhaps staying in a losing situation where management doesn't get the pieces you need, then turns around and expect him to stay, I think I would've left too. The CAVS can stay losers by themselves while I move on to winning.
# 11 Stickz24 @ Oct 2
Scat .. you bigged me up on my comments a while ago so you know I;m not just full of hot air. I think you're wrong on this one though brother. That comment by supermanemblem up there is off for so many reasons. I'll touch on that if I have the energy after this b'ball class. You know who was on the original Big 3? Bill Russell was on it. Short cut to your b'ball history.
Do you know how Bill Russell ended his career in Boston?

Your Lakers, Pistons, and Bulls .. were all stacked teams.
Lebron was set up for failure in Cleveland. It's sad because people sometimes want to see others (even subconsiously) contained. And that's where Lebron was in Cleveland. As a fan, its easy to say he copped out or took the easy way out .. but think about the last time you had a really tough b'ball game .. you see, these cats play 82 games about 8 months while we sit back. When you've had whole damn NBA triple team you for 82 games .. then say something. Understand that this is a 25 yr old kid also ... (I'm 28 and I'll assume you'r older than 25 just for the flow) .. Imagine if people scrutinized your every flaw as harshly as you are when you were that age .. and much younger? Even w/o the millions and all the people you support, the yes men to consider .. that type of scrutiny is careless and not well thought out. You see, Carmelo is trying to get out of Denver right now .. you know why? Kmart just outright quit on that team.. he'll take his money this year and run. Most of the Nuggets are not really friends. Imagine having to go to war everyday w people you don't like, are not your friends .. or are even just associates. Would you rather play pick up w some dudes or your boys. From an individual perspective ... a 25 yr old kid simply chose to go to work w his friends. They even left some money back to do it. I really think it's that simple man. Look at the Lakers .. Artest? Kobe? Gasol? and Odom? .. the Celtics, the Magic .. I mean, I'm not a LBJ fan .. (I used the Cavs like 5-6 times the whole of 2k10) .. but don't so that man. When you lash out like that it sounds emotional. Like you didn;t really sit and think things through from this kid's perspective as a man whose going out there to play 82 games plus a season. The Celtics are not joke man .. the Lakers got lucky with that game 7 injury to Perk .. imo. But you discount their brilliance simply to put Lebron down. Could it be that he was beaten? That he was tired? Mentally exhausted? .. nah, he just quit and handed the Celtics the game because he could if he really wanted to win? Or is that just an easy foundation for these people's beefs? Look at this from the perspective of a 25 year old kid .. whose surrounded by his boys .. loves the comraderie ,, and thrives in those environments (like he did in high school) and your perspective begins to shift a bit. Where even if you don't agree with how he did it .. you'll see that he's a man who chose his own path.

And the guy who knocked Lebron on that racist comment? You think Eminem outsells every rapper solely because of talent? No; even though he's arguably one of the best rappers out there .. his white fan base adds exponents to his sales figures. So whereby he would have been on of the top selling artists anyway .. his visibility and their connection to him shoots his sales through the roof. The very opposite is happening to Lebron .. because he's turning out to be the "not cookie cutter kid" we all wanted him to be .. the 'establishment" which feels (maybe subconsciously) that he should be "grateful" is turning a sour face on him. This topic is too deep to tackle .. esp w all that I've written. And maybe it's a black thing .. but when even people that have never watched Lebron play .. don;t know anything about him .. all of a sudden hate him - you have to wonder if they were just looking at an excuse to get that out. They tricky part though, is the same thing w the Eminem situation .. he already would have generated a lot of "heat" from his actions .. but the sublety of the race factor just added exponents to the flame .. don't agreee .. read up on the statistical numbers behind his Q sure drop. Ignore the subjective arguements. Now I wonder why that would happen? Funny thing is .. the best arguement for that .. is yet another stereotype .. that it's a black thing. And race is not a factor? I'd never try to tell another man what he is or isn't .. so I wont call anyone a racist. But just think about it before you call another man a coward.. because he legitimately chose co-workers he likes. Almost like soldiers are better for going to war with co-workers they like. A 25 famous, millionaire black kid makes a decision for his life .. choses to go against the grain. Funny thing is .. in all this it's almost easy to forget that more people (esp whites) hate Kobe .. now Tiger Woods. I sure the race thing has nothing to do with it tho. These guys are just dispicable .. who's casting the first stone? I'll pass.
# 12 Stickz24 @ Oct 2
Funny thing is .. you know who Kobe, Tiger and Lebron are most poplular amongst? Current Athletes. The very players (black and white) they play against on a daily basis .. the one's who do this stuff every single day while we sit back and and play 2k or watch the games. Kinda of funny when you really start to think about it .. aint it.
# 13 Stickz24 @ Oct 2
Forgive the obvious spelling and grammar glitches up there. I was doing some "almost" emotional typing of my own. If you can't read past the obvious errors just tally it up to me being an ignorant black guy who can't spell and who is too lazy to edit You'll be just partially right enough to make a generic race arguement. Definitely the emotional one.

Although if we took a more intimate look at the entire body that is what I've written; what I meant. Things might look a little different. See my point?
(kinda sorta .. just messing w you Supermanemblem). Some thoughtful responses up there though. Later, Scat.

Look me up if you're on the 360. Stickz24. I'll be off for a week or so. Just moved to Atl to work on a new gig w the Hawks. ... but let's try to get that same energy from this article in the game if we play -- you better not quit on me man. lol .. 1 kid.
# 14 Raymundo87 @ Oct 2
Don't blame Lebron for leaving Cleveland. When you look at that roster, that team is terrible. It was magical that he led that team to as many wins as he did. He did take the easy way out by going to miami although I believe if he would have went to Chicago, that team would would have been amazing. But can anyone really blame him for choosing Miami over anything else. I believe he extended his career since he went to Miami because he has help who can really take the load off his shoulders. I was pissed because I'm a Knicks fan lol but he did what was right for him and we all have to accept that. I think he's a great person and he carries himself well.
# 15 Harrison_UNC_Barnes* @ Oct 2
Raymundo87 has a great point... and i dont like how the whole media is coming at him it almost seems like everything he does he just ends up getting criticized for it.. and no Cleveland was not the best team two yrs straight if your best player has to put up (40pts 11ast 12reb) every game with no help the team didnt win ****, LeBron played his *** off basically to just lose in the ECF when u so close 2yrs in a row i dont know if u guys have been through something like but its very depressing & frustrating i would of left too like **** Cleveland thats how think of it....
P.S im a Cavs fan

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