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rudyjuly2's Chalkboard
Blzer is offline
# 98
Blzer @ Jun 24, 2011
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
23 = Jordan baby! I'm hitting 39 in 1.5 weeks. I've got some years on you.
Ugh, I never wanna grow up.

... no offense.
Blzer is offline
# 97
Blzer @ Jun 23, 2011
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
Happy birthday! Saw this in the OT section which I rarely go to. What are you - 23 now?
Thanks! Yep, the big 23 when nobody likes you. :-P
JustSomeGuy is offline
# 96
JustSomeGuy @ Mar 12, 2011
Hey, I asked about the A's covers..Mark Ellis and Rickey Henderson..just want to ask if you do it, can u do it for xbox360. thanks
Blzer is offline
# 95
Blzer @ Jun 21, 2010
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
Only 22? You're just a young pup! Happy Birthday!
Haha yeah thanks man!
dynastynation is offline
# 94
dynastynation @ Apr 4, 2010
I couldn't even tell ya... but it's not that it's "hard" work, it's just time consuming.
Steve_OS is offline
# 93
Steve_OS @ Oct 29, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
Yup. He loved Iron Man that year. This year he's Wolverine!
haha, nice!
Steve_OS is offline
 # 92
Steve_OS commenting on Kids on Halloween picture @ Oct 29, 2009
Obviously, the best costume ever.
LBzrule is offline
# 91
LBzrule @ Sep 25, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
LB, you need to post your full impressions of Madden in a blog. Those impressions threads get so freaking long and get so full of crap they almost become worthless. I'd rather you just blog a full impressions list (especially post patch) and put it in your sig as well as the impressions. That way you can always reference your early feelings and I can read your thoughts without going through hundreds of posts to do it.
OK, I'll get to work on that after I play some long hours this weekend.
ZM Punk is offline
# 90
ZM Punk @ Sep 1, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
Change your name did we?
You're behind on the times man. That happened like 5 months ago.
DXZeke is offline
 # 89
DXZeke commenting on Carter driving his Mustang picture @ Jul 7, 2009
Carter has a GREAT TASTE in cars!
Potatoes002 is offline
# 88
Potatoes002 @ Jul 6, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
Magglio was great the last 4 years for the Tigers but there is no question he has fallen off HUGE this year. The Tigers may have to cut him by the end of the year to make sure he doesn't hit 135 games which would kick in an $18 million option year. He's not even worth $4 million right now.
Im glad I didnt draft him in fantasy baseball...But I did draft Jimmy Rollins and he struggles to hit .200
sportzbro is offline
# 87
sportzbro @ Jul 6, 2009
you're right about the defense and momentum problem in general.. It was actually FUN to play defense on PS2/Xbox & I really enjoyed gearing my recruiting efforts to become a shut down defensive team... now all that is lost, and its just a burden to play D. I felt like I had a chance to make a big play on every defensive possession on LG, but next gen the CPU offense is chaotic & the twitch running kills everything.

I'm praying that the firmware update 3.0 allows my PS3 to become fully backwards compatable so I can buy NCAA 10 for PS2..... sad its come to this.

Are you buying NCAA 10 for PS3/360 new this year?
Potatoes002 is offline
 # 86
Potatoes002 commenting on More Magglio picture @ Jul 6, 2009
superjames1992 is offline
# 85
superjames1992 @ Jul 5, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
So? What are your NCAA 10 demo impressions? I'm assuming you have played it a little.
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I don't check this often.

It seemed better than last year, but it didn't blow me away by any means. I'll probably get the game, but I'm not as excited about it as in years past. Hopefully, the final build will be a little better and playing with teams that I actually like will make it more entertaining.

Also, it's hard to get a feel as to how the game really plays since it's only the elite teams. I haven't seen enough incomplete passes in the demo, but then again we are playing with two of the best QBs in the game, so it's hard to tell for sure.
countryboy is offline
# 84
countryboy @ Jul 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Rudy!!!
rudyjuly2 is offline
# 83
rudyjuly2 @ Jun 17, 2009
Day 2 of 3 for training. Almost fell asleep yesterday and won't be on the boards much again.
rudyjuly2 is offline
# 82
rudyjuly2 @ May 6, 2009
Going out of town for the next couple days. I'll be pretty quiet although I think the hotel has a free computer room to surf at night/early morning.
Village Idiot is offline
# 81
Village Idiot @ Apr 22, 2009
Which reminds me, I need to get you back on my PSN friend's list, too ... I don't have to lug my TV & PS3 upstairs anymore to get online (if you remember that). I had deleted everyone from my friend's list for that reason (I simply never played online, so what's the point?) but now ... well, you get it.
rudyjuly2 is offline
# 80
rudyjuly2 @ Apr 22, 2009
I knew you seemed familiar!
Village Idiot is offline
# 79
Village Idiot @ Apr 22, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
What was your user name before? You haven't always been Village Idiot have you?
thudias is offline
# 78
thudias @ Apr 20, 2009
No his contract ended..they aren't resigning him...

They like James Sanders and Meriweather and Tank
thudias is offline
# 77
thudias @ Apr 20, 2009
Agree the CPU doesn't take enough deep shots in Madden.
thudias is offline
# 76
thudias @ Apr 20, 2009
Thanks for the B-day wishes...I too think the Pats need another backer. I was just playing devils advocate..about how everyone says their old...but really losing Vrable and Harrison they aren't so old anymore.
rudyjuly2 is offline
# 75
rudyjuly2 @ Apr 16, 2009
It was from a local Leamington (Ontario) radio station 96.7. You can hear it in Detroit. It was for Canada Day, July 1st and they were giving out around 40 free tickets to the game. I won a four pack and they gave us all free lunch at the Hockeytown Cafe. During the lunch they raffled off some prizes with the big one being the right to throw out the first pitch. My wife won (she was 6 months pregnant) and let me throw it out.

It's a cool story I'll always be able to tell. This was about 5 years ago and Jason Smith actually caught the pitch. He had just been called up a few weeks earlier and I had no clue who he was. He autographed the ball but I don't think its worth anything lol.
stlstudios189 is offline
# 74
stlstudios189 @ Apr 16, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
It was cool. But you don't know how nervous you are when you do it. I won the opportunity last minute (wife actually won and let me do it) and I didn't have time to get loose or anything. I won it, walked to guest services at Comerica, and then they brought us out on the field for about 1/2 an hour before I had to do it. I was worried I'd misfire but it was a perfect strike thank goodness.
still had to be a blast. What station did you win it from? I live in Toledo and attend about 3 games a year.
stlstudios189 is offline
 # 73
stlstudios189 commenting on Throwing out the first pitch... picture @ Apr 16, 2009
that had to be awesome man!!
rudyjuly2 is offline
# 72
rudyjuly2 @ Apr 12, 2009
Happy Easter everyone! Some good music in church today and the kids were almost able to sit through everything lol.
ExtremeGamer is offline
# 71
ExtremeGamer @ Apr 6, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
You shut down the WNR forums for a bit?
I was trying to reorganize them, and clean them up. Time got away from me and they are currently a disaster, so I closed it down so I could fix it. Sorry
Hellisan is offline
# 70
Hellisan @ Apr 6, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
Hey Hellisan. Always enjoyed your impressions of NCAA on MM in the past.
Hey dude I'm not sure if I saw this previously. Thank you very much. I really enjoyed that period in my life where I was a part of the Community Leaders group. Will never forget it...
Solidice is offline
# 69
Solidice @ Mar 25, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
Sorry for the double post on the blog. It kept saying error. So I tried again. Don't be surprised if there is a third post. Wierd.
no worries. the blog actually is posted twice on the blog pages because i changed the name after i posted it. that might have something to do with it. or it could be just OS. lol
rudyjuly2 is offline
# 68
rudyjuly2 @ Mar 17, 2009
It was in NYIsles b-day thread. I knew I wasn't crazy since I couldn't find it in the Show threads.

Originally Posted by FootballForever
Happy belated B-Day, see. I knew you and Extreme would get the PS3 again.
ExtremeGamer is offline
# 67
ExtremeGamer @ Mar 17, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
That's why I stick with one console. Just can't justify the cash for more than one.
Gotta link me where he said I got one. LOL
ExtremeGamer is offline
# 66
ExtremeGamer @ Mar 17, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
That's why I stick with one console. Just can't justify the cash for more than one.
Gotta link me where he said I got one. LOL
ExtremeGamer is offline
# 65
ExtremeGamer @ Mar 17, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
I didn't think so but FF posted that you got a PS3 again on one thread in the Show forum.
LOL, really? Nah, with the economy, I just can't plunk down the cash. I'm playing The Show on the PSP, and just not feeling it. 2K9 may not be perfect, but having a fun time with it. With my son now, such limited time for even one system, let alone throwing another in the mix.
ExtremeGamer is offline
# 64
ExtremeGamer @ Mar 17, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
You get a PS3 again?
Negative, just couldn't pull the trigger, not for one game.
Blzer is offline
# 63
Blzer @ Mar 6, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2

Haha awesome, okay. I'll add ya.
Blzer is offline
# 62
Blzer @ Mar 6, 2009
Hey man, what's your PSN ID?

Mine's Blzer.
JoeRyan33 is offline
# 61
JoeRyan33 @ Mar 3, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
Curious to hear your thoughts on 2K9.
I'm in Ireland now, so waiting on its delivery at the weekend/start of next week. Both games have been shipped, but The Show shipped a day earlier.

I'll definitely give my impressions. I see the game going places, and would like to make my own mind up rather than relying on sometimes one sided opinions online.

All the best,
rudyjuly2 is offline
# 60
rudyjuly2 @ Feb 25, 2009
I'm out of town until Thursday night. Won't be around if anyone cares.
SoxFan01605 is offline
# 59
SoxFan01605 @ Feb 24, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
I loved your impressions of the 2K demo so far. You and Kermit had the best write-ups. One think I find annoying is all the suicide squeeze plays I'm reading about. This just shouldn't happen that often, particularly early in the game.
Thanks! I agree about the squeeze plays. I've only had the CPU with a baserunner on 3rd 4 times in about 7-8 times played. EVERY TIME they went for the squeeze. Prett unrealistic. Not the end of the world, and certainly better than cranking HR's all the time, but a bit odd.

Again, thanks for the comments
SoxFan01605 is offline
# 58
SoxFan01605 @ Feb 12, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
That picture looks great.
Thanks. I think that's Jim's masterpiece. Really great lighting. I've got to stop being lazy and add the rest (including my own captures from the demo)

Thanks for the comment!

Ian_Cummings is offline
# 57
Ian_Cummings @ Feb 11, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
I must say I'm really impressed with all the of early info and what the info is. I haven't bought a Madden game since Madden '05 (got '06 as a Christmas gift but didn't really play it) but this new info is impressive. I just don't have time for two football games and have stuck with NCAA since '06. Maybe this year that will change? Probably not but I could buy both.
Just put away 10 bucks a month now and you'll be golden. Once more info starts dropping I think you'll be sold.
rudyjuly2 is offline
# 56
rudyjuly2 @ Feb 9, 2009
Going out of town until Tuesday night. Won't be posting anything for a little bit.
DJ is offline
# 55
DJ @ Feb 8, 2009
Thanks for the blog reply. I love the PSP version of The Show 08. I was just looking for a console version this year. I'll still play 08 on PSP when I'm on the go, or when the wife has control of the TV
rudyjuly2 is offline
# 54
rudyjuly2 @ Feb 3, 2009
The War and Peace recaps of the Show Answer threads are now done. I did 8 blogs and they are full of information. Thanks for all those that looked at them and thanks to all the community guys once again.
Gary Armida is offline
# 53
Gary Armida @ Jan 28, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
Will you be doing team previews before the season or is that too much work for the amount of detail you do?
Rudy--I will definitely be doing something in the way of team breakdowns. I am still debating on how to format it and what exactly I want to do to make it different from other places.

Also--I am trying to get some Detroit people--writers, players, whoever--for a tiger's article.
NAFBUC is offline
# 52
NAFBUC @ Jan 27, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
The colour editing on this one was sweet. I've been doing some basic covers for fun. But I don't do any cropping or any real work lol. That takes time and I like the full game shots better although this one was really well done.
I wish I had the talent for the baseball covers!
nemesis04 is offline
# 51
nemesis04 @ Jan 26, 2009
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
Fullcountpitch has posted screenshots for the new Yankee Stadium if you are interested.
Thanks Rudy!
bluengold34_OS is offline
# 50
bluengold34_OS @ Jan 26, 2009
Good to hear from other "30 something" gamers" Rudy. I know there are a ton of us out there, but most keep it very quiet.......
Hammerhunker is offline
# 49
Hammerhunker @ Jan 19, 2009
Thanks for the friend request. You are one of the names on these boards that I snap to attention when I see one of your posts.

I continue to debate not to change minds, but to just talk football. Some very knowledgeable people on these boards, and some good old banter is fun.

Anyway, what changes will be made with some old has-beens cussing and discussing?

Thanks again.
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