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rudyjuly2's Blog
New Formats, Blah, Blah, Blah 
Posted on June 5, 2009 at 02:14 PM.
It seems that every month someone is blogging about the need to have a new format for sports video games. Whether that's going to a bi-annual cycle or DLC content or something else, who freaking cares?

The guys that want companies like EA to adopt a bi-annual release for their sports games are just wasting their time. EA makes a ton of money releasing Madden and their big sports games every year. Sure going to a bi-annual release might make for a better game every two years but it will never happen!! These companies are about making money first! Reducing consumer spending and decreasing profits are hardly the goal of the CEO unless you work for GM.

Let’s try DLC!! Just download or buy a game and just purchase digital add-ons every year! Again, this is wishful thinking to bring down costs for the consumer. If EA and other companies could make more money this way they would. Making more money doesn’t usually translate into breaks for the consumer. A developer on OS already said that if they could release a game like World of Warcraft, where they could charge heavy monthly subscriptions, they would. The fact that they haven’t indicates that the subscription market does not exist.

The common complaint is that next year’s edition is just a small improvement. Guess what? It’s been that way in each console generation for the last 15 years. Developers build a base engine and then tweak that engine until the new game comes out. It’s more of a product of the quick changing hardware cycle than the developers. Even a great game like the Show wasn’t that much different this year. There is a limit to evolution and we will see less of it over time, not more. Only so many new features can be added as we have complicated games already. We will never have the type of revolutionary changes we had when going from an Atari to the NES. Those days are gone so stop waiting for them. Bring on NCAA 09.5! Bring on NBA 2K9.5! Label it any way you want but the new games will be better and many people will have fun.

Last but not least, many of us like buying a new game every year. And a new disc with a new case! I don’t want to play the same game for two straight years. I don’t want to buy giant external hard drives to store HD games or movies. And why do people think $60 is such a huge chunk of money for the amount of time we spend with the game? What kind of ticket would that get you at Yankee Stadium for a three hour baseball game? How much does dinner and a movie cost you on the weekend? Plus I can trade that game in before the next game comes out and my cost is even cheaper.

If you don’t like the current format, don’t support it! Don't buy the new game every year. Wait two years and you can have your own personal bi-annual cycle. But I’ll still head over to EB Games when I want to play the next great game and I won’t need a USB cable to get it.
# 1 deaduck @ Jun 5
A well thought out blog...

I agree no sane company is going to just walk away from making money. I often feel that's why annual games also feature so little forward momentum, if you make the "perfect" game what do you save for next year?
# 2 pjpants @ Jun 6
great article... why would some one spend that kind of money to get into a game minus beer parking and food not to mention other people coming with... for one game when they could pay just as much to play as many seasons as they could with as many people as they can find while staying at home and watching the game on tv with better sight lines and less gay cubs fans. ops bias there?
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