rudeworld's Blog

# 1
sammy g @ Sep 27
I don't know about reachin Halo or Modern warfare numbers..but with the news about Elite, who knows?
# 2
sammy g @ Sep 27
I don't know about reaching Halo or Modern Warfare numbers, but with the recent news about Elite, who knows?
# 3
DGMikeBarker @ Sep 27
The numbers will rise dramatically from last year by the millions, but nowhere near Halo or CoD.
# 4
kennyacid @ Sep 27
yeah the fps fan base is wwaaayyyyyyyyy more then the sports fan base but I think 2k will see some record numbers for them.
# 5
rudeworld @ Sep 27
in Feb. of this year 2k10 reached 2 million copies ( wide and that was with a very good live.... now that EA has stepped aside for 2011 I believe 2k11 will add another million to that number......also what will increase the sales are going to be positive (I think) reviews.
# 6
brar @ Sep 28
With MJ on the cover and fans fiending for Jordan in a basketball game since NBA Street Vol.2(Classic), I dunno how any basketball fan with a console wont buy this game.
# 7
Game4fun @ Sep 28
I hope it does reach Halo numbers. I get bored of that game after a while. I like sports games in general because they are more realistic. I will be buying my first NBA game in a long time, and if it was the other way around, I would be buying NBA elite.
# 8
rudeworld @ Sep 28
So would I game4fun...only difference is it wouldn't be a 1st day buy like 2k11(this is coming from a 2ksupporter) also if it does reach Halo numbers would it start to receive the same type budget as a Halo or GTA?(maybe not for a yearly release)
# 9
texasgmr @ Sep 28
I am not sure it will reach the Halo numbers (though that would be awesome) they will though get a good number.
# 10
terrancewebb20 @ Sep 29
I truley beleive that alot of the NBA Live/Elite fans will convert to NBA 2k permanently. I've always felt like NBA 2k was better and NBA Live has had fans just b/c they are loyal.. they continued to buy the game. Now they have no choice to play 2k and now once they get a taste... they won't let go.
# 11
videlsports @ Sep 29
Alot of there fan base will buy 2k this year, and will see how good 2k is.
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